New Test For Fibromyalgia

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CBS2's Dr. Max Gomez has the latest on a new test to help detect fibromyalgia.
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Took six years of doctors telling me it's all in my head before I was diagnosed. If they can bypass all that drama with a basic blood test that would be incredible!


I have some family members that, no matter what you say, believe that "fibromialgia is just what they diagnose you with when they can't figure out what's wrong with you". I have fibro and it's hell. I don't want pain meds. I just want the pain to stop.


It is bearable sometimes but when it’s bad it is So Painful‼️


Please help us who suffer from fibromyalgia. This crap isn't right. 😢😢


I have fibromyalgia and have tried everything....but pain's the mental and physical exhaustion its the zero ability to feel excited about anything....i take a opiates not just for the pain but it lifts my spirits for a couple of hour's i know the side effects and that adds to stress as not only addiction but the cost is crazy me tell you plain and simple the depression is because we know but as we cant control it it seems hopeless. I dream of the day i can do something that today i can only think of.


I hope this test gets approved by the FDA. I've had fibro for several years now.


I had to leave my job December 2021. The pain had just got too bad. I have a very hard time standing. I can’t sit too long, stand too long or walk too long. No medicine helps. It’s chronic pain every day all day..


I was diagnised with fibro in 1991 and have gone thru so many meds and i finally just quit taking them all. Ive kearned the pain is worse at rest then in movement, so yes exercise does improve the pain if yiu can do it. Glad to hear about this blood test!


I was afraid I would die before any real help would be available. I was diagnosed by a Rheumatologist 35 years ago and didn't even KNOW what it was. No one has helped since, though as most physicians have no idea how to actually help. I am on pain meds, but take them only when I am so miserable I cannot function. With the help of Youtubes, I have discovered many other problems I have are attributable to Fibromyalgia! I don't really need a blood test at this point.


It took years of "it's in your head" before finally being diagnosed and I didn't have any medication addictions..I won't even touch opiates..but fibromyalgia is I have a slew of issues..and my doctors are always stumped..wish they would do way more for us


Step #1 -- determine you have fibromyalgia
Step # 2 -- label you an official drug addict ( even if you don't even take aspirin )
Step #3 -- suggest a number of
" frankensteinien ' treatments
( needles into your spine to
' burn ' nerves, which may leave you paralyzed )
Step#4 -- refer you to psychiatrist as you may just be crazy.


Exercise my a$$, if exercise was all it took I’d have been cured years ago. I’ve had every test under the sun and it doesn’t show up with any test period. What does show up is pain, everyday of my walking life. And that’s only when I can walk. Thank god for my wife, without her I’d have given up years ago.


I have to find out what this pain really is. This is no way to live.


I like how she that “for her” exercise would help her. I’m not sure if she consulted with her doctor as a result of the test and they came to that conclusion but the report was excruciatingly brief.


I have severe arthritis (all X-rays of my whole body show that) and I believe (not diagnosed) that I’ve had fibromyalgia for many years. All doctors so far in my life just say no, you’ve just got severe arthritis! It would be incredible if there were a simple blood test to find out once and for all so that you could then learn how to exist with it!!! I’m so excited to hear about this and would love to see/hear a much more in depth documentary or discussion on it.


I had a neurologist say that fibromyalgia isn’t real and the doctor who diagnosed me probably cheated for his degree… he then proceeded to mess up my procedure. Should’ve known after he said something like that


Oh lord, Fibromyalgia cannot be cured or treated with exercise, exercise is just something you should be doing anyway.
Neuropathy goes hand in hand with fibro because it's an inflammatory autoimmune neuropathic disease which means there's no simple cure.
Fibro begins when the Dopamine Engines (producers) in the brain shrink causing the brain to malfunction mostly in the center that deals with regulating all of the bodily functions.
This malfunction causes the brain to misinterpret all of the signals from the body, and send out false ones to regulate what it's receiving. The pain we experience is literally all in our heads (bad joke I know) but it's technically true because it's the brain thinking regular non-pain signals from the body are pain signals.


Ok, They have a test what about find the way to help us I'm so tired of too much talk and no action , doctors those days they look at computer in stead of the patient I quit seing doctors


I just got diagnosed with fibromyalgia. I didn’t even know there was a test a chart to answer questions until my doctor gave it to me. With the symptoms I gave her she was able to diagnose me. The pain is horrible.


This was me a year ago over 10 years been dealing with back pain got diagnosed with fibro so pleased to find what it was but not so satisfied pain can is very unbarlable. Im all over the place with mine if do too much i suffer next day can barly move most of time in tears with it. Really got me down lately.
