Seducing the 16 types - INTJ

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#intj #16types #mbti

The mastermind, the architect, the scientist, the lover? INTJ's are mysterious (sometimes even to themselves), here's some unusual tips on how to worm your way in with them...

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So, basically, INTJ's are cats:

--Shy away from people they don't know
--Like being petted and patted
--Enjoy tasty treats
--Like quieter areas and calm scenery
--Looks the same every day


I liked the video as soon as he said"make them not hate you instantly"


Going out? That's fun.


The wearing the same clothes everyday thing is also true for INTJ females. Or at least for me.


I disagree with INTJs being "notoriously non-movable" in their opinions. We will change our opinions INSTANTLY upon being presented with superior information or argument proving that we're wrong. The problem is that we're rarely wrong to that extent because we've spent so much time already thinking about the issue.


I’ve found that dating as an INTJ female is especially difficult. Society’s expectation for the way that women behave is so biased towards bubbly smiles and shallow conversation that stoic and taciturn women are ostracized and accused of lacking basic femininity. Getting to the stage where I even desire to share my ideas or philosophy is proving impossible.


When he said “dancing”, I immediately felt so exhausted 🤣


People think my standards are too high, but I meet those standards, so it obviously isn't impossible! Why should I settle for less?
-Me, an INTJ female


Never get on bad side of INTJs, they can literally end long years of friendships without hesitation and wont even feel bad about it


I have always tried to convince men that for the first date I really would prefer to get a sandwich, go to a quiet park, and get to know each other.


I always thought I was a unique human, but this man read me like a book.


Ah I had no idea that my preference to wear the same style every day was common with us INTJs, thanks for the insights.


I have an INTJ friend - has 7 sets of clothing (shirt and pants) and does the wash Saturday religiously.


INTJ Female here: I don't wear exactly the same clothes every day, but I don't have a lot of variety either. I have 2 pairs of jeans and a variety of blouses, which are all basically the same style shirt in different colors and with different sleeve lengths according to the weather. I pretty much always wear these with grey ballet flats. I have other clothes for special occasions or the gym, but for the most part, I just rotate the same 5 outfits over and over again.

I never understood women who had a closet full of shoes when neutral pair that protects my feet and goes with everything will do the job. Nobody cares what is on your feet.

The conspiracy theory thing is spot on though. But they aren't all just theories, hence the interest...


To all of you who think INTJs are awesome, I must say it is difficult to be one, especially if you belong to a very extroverted culture where people expect you to like being around people. They think they're doing you a favor by dragging you to parties to do endless small talk and group activities. I used to force myself to be less INTJ, but I ended up being suicidal, so I'd rather be lonely than not myself. I used to date someone who didn't understand me, and sometimes I would make myself like people more, even if they're idiots, for the sake of the relationship, but every time I did that people thought I was finally "cured" of my INTJ self, so disappointment ensured when I reverted to my true self.

I think too many people brag about being INTJ, even if they aren't, because they use this type as an excuse to be an a$$. "I don't like you, and don't judge me coz I'm an INTJ." That sort of thing. They don't know how lonely it can be. I don't mean being alone. I have people I hang out with, eat lunch with, etc. But the loneliness comes from the lack of depth in conversations, from the general unwillingness to discuss ideas, etc. That's why I like YouTube. I listen to people like Ben Shapiro or Jordan Peterson to get my dose of "depth" for the day, then I'm all set for the small talk. It's not an ideal life, but it's survival.

That said, I wish people would seduce me more often. And I don't mean that in the sexual way. It's difficult to find true friends as an INTJ. You have to be a kind of "old soul" if you know what I mean.


“If you sense Fe ignorance coming, then just step in to lessen the impact”

INFJ: hold my beer


It is extremely difficult to be an INTJ female. Growing up I always felt as though I didn't belong anywhere. I knew that I was supposed to want friends but I didn't, and I didn't know why. I stayed locked in my room with my books, and that was the way I liked it. My family didn't understand me, because they are all extroverts and are very affectionate with one another, and I am not either of those. It was especially hard when I was of age to start dating. I never grasped the concept of flirting. I hate chit chat, so I would always scare guys away by jumping into philosophy or the newest scientific theories. I was always envious of the fluttery, popular pretty girls who had friends and carried on idle conversation with ease. Up to the point where I took the Briggs-Meyer test I thought I was completely wired wrong. I've just never felt like a "real" girl (I don't know if that even makes sense). I have no girl friends, because I unintentionally offend them. I've learned that not everything has to have an honest answer. Being and INTJ is extremely lonely and isolating. If I could become an extrovert I would do so. Fortunately, I did marry an extrovert, an ESFP, so he pulls me out. I think I've rambled long enough.


I like the part when you said that you handle the small talks and then when it gets too technical you would pass it on to your INTJ friend cause that's literally me! I love explaining things to people but hate the small talks, you guys made a great duo!


As an INTJ-A: Never, ever underestimate our power to adapt and overcome anything we don't like, nor our ability to learn the usefulness or enjoyment of things we don't naturally gravitate towards. It just (generally) takes the right person to expose us. Example:

I dated an ISFP for 6 years. She loved clubs, dancing, parties, people, and her laugh was loud enough to hear in the middle of a rock concert...10 blocks away.

A match made in hell for an INTJ...or is it?

She was also extremely sensual and artistic, as well as very, very open to hearing theories and ideas. She would sit and listen to me rant for hours about stuff I learned over the weekend, theories, and ideas. She encouraged all of my pursuits and cheered my successes and encouraged me to overcome my failures.

She exposed me to things slowly. To cooking delicious, gourmet meals. To going out to fancy restaurants. To enjoying dressing up and clothes shopping. To understanding that spending a lot of money on things (if you have it) is OKAY even if its just for purely pleasure or aesthetic's sake! To going to clubs and learning how to dance.

God I revolted against all of this for years...but she gently and quietly exposed me, more and more over time.

Eventually, this rubbed off on me. I began to understand the emotional, aesthetic side of life. The "living just for lifes sake" ideology.

One of the absolute best nights of my life was at a club in Vegas with her. Dancing, drinking, loud music, shoulder to shoulder people on the floor.

Feeling a connection to everyone around us, dancing to the beat, mingling with people, going crazy and letting loose. I had an absolute BLAST!

We broke up for unrelated reasons from our personalities. But I can honestly say, if you are an INTJ... EXPOSE YOURSELF.

There is a whole world of enjoyment out there you can learn to participate in and not hate, and it will make you MORE EFFECTIVE and EFFICIENT at doing and achieving all of the things you desire.

Imagine having both the genius to come up with simple ideas to complex things, the ability to learn anything to build or carry out those ideas, AND the ability to enjoy being charismatic, emotionally intelligent, and charming enough to lead people or win people over to help you put it all together.

It isn't that INTJs hate these things. Its actually that we hate how hard it is for us to learn and appreciate them, when everything else comes so quickly and effortlessly. We are actually just too lazy to overcome what we don't understand or know how to do. That's why we need a mentor who is an expert in these things.

Just do it slowly and preferably with someone you trust and who is patient enough to expose you slowly, over time.

Every INTJ needs a close dual in their life to balance them out.


INTJs hate the sound of lip smacking or chewing and they will fight you on that lol
