Seducing the 16 Types - ISTJ

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I’m an ISTJ but funny enough, I find “disruptive forces” to be attractive. I tend to gravitate towards daredevil free spirits who are also intellectual.


Me, an ISTJ: why are there never any ISTJs in the comments :(
Also me: never comments


How to seduce an ISTJ:

**Pulls out rulebook**


I am INTP and my wife is ISTJ. No "seduction" needed. We just fell into the calm, loving relationship from the start with no drama, no whirlwind. It just keep getting stronger and better, too.


This is so true. It took me six months to convince my ISTJ husband to try a new restaurant that I had already been too and loved. His reason for not wanting to try it? He had never been there before! That kind of circular reasoning is not easy to overcome.


So don't change the restaurant last minute and don't disrupt the perfect meal by suggesting something different. Ok got it 😊


I did land navigation recently with an ISTJ, basically we had to use a map, a protractor, and a compass to find locations in the woods in the dark with headlamps. She was very good at initially establishing a plan on how to hit those points on the map, I was mostly just following her lead. Then when we set out into the woods it was mostly me leading the way, trusting my intuition, barely getting flustered when a path wasn't there that was "supposed to be there". She was pleasantly surprised as she thought I was kinda dumb since I wasn't planning thoroughly. I'm an INTP btw. However I think we complemented each other very well because her planning ahead gave some sort of structure I obviously would've struggled coming up with in a short period of time, such as counting how many steps it would take, which road to be on, etc


I got my ISTJ grandma to try fried Oreos at the carnival because she still got her funnel cake, which she loves, and then I gave her a bite of a fried Oreo and now she loves those too. As long as she can still have what she likes and wants, she’s willing to be adventurous.


I’m an ENFP who sorely misses her ISTJ soulmate who passed away in 2020 🥺 One of my favourite games to play was to guess what my husband would order from a restaurant. He was adorably predictable and I knew him so well. I was only ever wrong once, and that’s because it was a work lunch where I wasn’t aware that the other person was paying (in which case he chose his favourite, expensive option 😄). I miss him every day. Anyone in love with an ISTJ, hold onto them tightly xx


As an ENTP, I have never clicked on a video so fast in my life


ISTJ here who has such a soft spot for ESFPs and ESTPs and it's because the ones in my life have always been able to tease me about my little eccentricities and quirks whilst also being respectful of them. (in other words, I don't get on their nerves, haha)

Love your videos and thank you for making them!


I am an INTP and oooh I definitelly inject some chaos into my ISTJ partner's life


I am an ISTJ and this video is spot on in my case. I like some fun and new experiences but always within a context of order. Plans must be followed.


There's no way ISTJ is the most common. People hardly act like it!


I think you’ve nailed it. My ISTJ son and I (INTJ) have always had a good relationship and I imagine it probably has a lot to do with me instinctively understanding most of this. Of course there is vast pleasure in eating mac and cheese for the 1000th time, but here are some bacon bits if you want to shake things up.
And I’ve already warned him he will be joining us on whatever adventure INFJ grandpa cooks up 2 out of 7 days of our vacation in 4 months.


ISTJ with very high F feeling - For us a bad plan is better than no plan. Then we can mentally be prepared ahead for the event will not go so well. We can also search/plan ahead for possible supplement alternatives or slight adjustments to someone else's bad plan. A bad experience will not crush us emotionally or such dramatically nonsense like that. If it requires too much effort and energy to turn a bad plan into a great plan, we will not waste that energy. We are logical people and know that not everything or every event will be perfect. The key is "time to mentally prepare ahead for whatever will come", so that we can adjust, be flexible in our expectation and follow others' bad plan while gently nudging it to the direction which we think we will make it less of a bad plan. As we age, we come to the realization that not everyone is organized or efficient as us. "Not everyone is a great/exceptional worker like you, you can't compare others to your standard." - my former manager commented some version of this line to me. It's not detrimental and world shattering if disruptive events happen. We just prefer routines and plans simply so that we so that run head on and get things DONE, or not done if we are feeling lazy and lack motivation. Reasoning: When things are out of whack, which happens often and every week at work, we loose times in thinking up new ways to get things done.<---- we need time for innovation. Time is the key word.


I absolutely need my routine and don’t like my environment to change… I like knowing exactly what is happening and exactly where everything is.

Great video!


How to seduce an ISTJ… Recommend a new side sauce 😂 💀


My husband, ENFP: "Why are you in a bad mood?"
Me, ISTJ: "How dare you just leaving the table not telling me where you are going?"


Thank you Nathan. It's a big Yes to me. As an ISTJ, to have people that value that 'structure' and 'over-communicating'.
I was mad when an ESTP close friend broke their promise to go to the meal (I planned to pay), it's about my graduation congratulation and i wanted to share with 2 close friends (ISTP and ESTP) (back story that I very much treasured them to pay this meal (70%), because I choose not to go to the Graduation Ceremony at Uni). But in the last minute, the ISTP friend got sick, couldn't make the promise. And all I asked is the postponed date where the meal can happen, I let them please pick for me a time (the need for schedule here). But the ESTP told me she saw my 'attitude' when I texted in the group chat, and she was busy for work and for the trip. I tried to call her but fail, with so many calls, not a pick-up one. Cause the person refused to communicate, it was the dead-end for me to know more about their 'details' of life, they stop my way of gaining more data to make any judgement. The ESTP friend told me she won't go, told me to cancel the meal or just go with the ISTP friend - due to my 'attitude' in text (Text are bad source to make any judgement about 'attitude'). This completely derailed me, as their 'Fi blind' clashed with my Fi, and my 'Fe blind', as they thought, clashed with their Fe.

So we ended up not being close friends. I captured the story in my diary but i got anger and unfriend on FB. After she like a post on my Insta, I asked her to accept to friend request or i just took it back. And she told me to took it back.
I'm still friend with the ISTP friend.
So I think, it's their choice to not being friends, and I just judge on the 'data' they gave me. 'Healthy' is not just a trait of MBTI. Someone doesn't know about MBTI but can still act good. I'm open to all new 'data' (Si) or 'possibilities' (Ne), ready to listen to the person, to make the most right judgement I can, cause I know we ISTJ never got enough data to encounter new situations to solve. But the 'data' they gave me told me I just gotta leave the relationship for the better, to both of us.

I know about the 'Fe blind' and I tried to combine 'Te + Fi = Fe' for the situations that need. But sometimes people thought i was imperative - which, well, I extroverted through Te and Ne, so that's somehow inevitable. I just wanna try the most effective solution for whatever the problem that needs - and sometimes that involves with, well, people. :)
