9 Habits KILLING Your Testosterone

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These are 9 Bad Habits that are Lowering Modern Man's Testosterone Levels. Find out how to increase your testosterone naturally just by avoiding these common mistakes. There are many testosterone-lowering foods and products that can negatively impact Test levels. This video presents the scientific evidence for every point and discusses new discoveries about the male hormone testosterone.

Whether it's too many video games, too little exercise, too much junk food, or not enough drive to compete researchers are not exactly sure why testosterone levels are on the decline for decades now. This means that your grandfather had higher testosterone levels than you do at your current age, and this is a little odd given the fact that medicine, technology, and quality of life have all continued to improve. But the very same technology that allows us to live more comfortable lives can be one of the major things contributing to a reduction in testosterone. 

For example, the modern food and agricultural system has been improved to the point that most people that are around today have to worry more about eating too much food rather than not finding enough of it to eat. The bad habit of Eating too much of the wrong foods, is all too easy to fall victim to, nowadays that we have infinite aisles of instantly available junk food to choose from at any time we want. This causes many men to walk around with a high body fat percentage. High body fat percentages in males reduce testosterone because the extra fat cells produce an enzyme called aromatase, which converts testosterone into estrogen. This reaction occurs mainly in fat tissue also known as adipose tissue and it's actually a natural process that helps maintain a balance between your hormones. However, when there is too much aromatase activity due to a high body fat percentage it leads to a reduction of available free testosterone. That’s why it’s important to maintain a healthy body fat percentage. An ideal range for optimal male hormonal health is, for most men, is between 10 to 15%. According to the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, this number can range further from all the way from 8 to 19% body fat. If you’re currently above that, you can lose excess fat by sticking to a calorie deficit, in a way that's sustainable for you whether that be intermittent fasting, carb cycling, keto, vegetarian, or one of the many other options.  

Another major technological breakthrough that could be very damaging to our testosterone levels is plastic which was invented in the 1800s but didn't go into mass production until after World War II. Unfortunately, plastics happen to be a major source of exposure to synthetic hormones and xenoestrogens, which can have very serious consequences for not just your testosterone levels but also your overall health. Phthalates and Bisphenol A also known as BPA are two chemicals commonly used in the manufacturing process of plastic products that have been linked to delayed puberty, low testosterone, feminization effects, and sexual dysfunction in various human and animal studies. For example, in a study that compared men working at a chemical plant that manufactures BPA to men working at a tap water factory (3) the men who were exposed to BPA had significantly lower total and free testosterone levels than those who worked in the tap water factory. Other chemicals such as PCBs, Bisphenol S (BPS), dioxin, vinyl chloride, styrene, and phenolic epoxy resin all also disrupt testosterone. 

These chemicals can be found by consuming food or drinks packaged in plastic containers, or wraps and especially when microwaving plastics. In general, it’s especially important to not expose the plastic to high heat like what happens when you microwave it or put hot food or water into a plastic container. Doing these things causes way more of the estrogenic compounds to leak into your foods and beverages.  To reduce exposure to these toxins do your best to avoid plastic products for storing and preparing your food and water as much as possible, but especially be weary of heating to plastic. If you're able to, the best option is to try to go for alternatives like wood, metal, glass, or ceramic. 

Now, something else that you can be doing every day without realizing the negative effects on your testosterone levels is maintaining poor or weak posture. that's right body language can have a powerful effect on our physical and mental states, as shown by a study that compared levels of testosterone and cortisol in subjects that held either low-power poses for two minutes or high-power poses. Examples of low-power poses in this study were things like taking up less space and having your arms crossed. Meanwhile, high-power poses would be postures that were more open and would take up more space. Surprisingly the results showed that only a mere 2 minutes of performing...
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1. This study by Penev and colleagues gathered a group of healthy men to assess their testosterone levels first thing in the morning after waking up.
See Figure 1

2. This study compared men working at a chemical plant that manufactures BPA to men working at a tap water factory.

3. Lots of studies link stress and stress-related depression to low testosterone production and elevated cortisol levels.

4. Studies show diets high in trans fats lower testosterone and sperm quality in both male rodents and humans.

5. In rodents, various studies show that alcohol has a dose-dependent testosterone suppressing effect.

6. In human studies heavy alcohol consumption is also strongly correlated with lowered testosterone levels.

7. And studies show that chronic alcoholics tend to have much higher estrogen levels and much lower testosterone levels when compared to their non-alcoholic peers.

8. One study found that when the male subjects followed a high-protein low-carb diet for 10 days, their free-testosterone levels were 36% lower than on a high-carbohydrate low-protein diet.

9. And another study found a dose-dependent reduction in testosterone in resistance training males the higher the percentage of calories they consumed in the form of protein.

10. Even a mild 1-2% dehydration can significantly raise cortisol levels and lower growth hormone secretion.

11. The scientists found that the less water the subjects drank, the higher their cortisol and lower their testosterone levels were.


•Too much body fat
•Eating too much protein without getting other nutrients
•Eating/drinking from plastic packaging
•Trans fats
•Lack of sleep
•Excessive alcohol
• Dehydration


I'm 46 and my testosterone levels are at 398. I'm still jacked and able to build muscle. Dont lose hope men. No excuses! Let's get it!!!


Testosterone levels are dropping because of stress. Want to raise it up? Reduce your stress. But that is easier said than done. Most people experience stress mainly because of their jobs. Unfortunately not everyone can just leave their current stressful job immediately and find a less stressful one.


I appreciate how everything presented is supported by medical/scientific facts and clinical studies. This channel provides a wealth of information.


"quality of life has improved"

*america's life expectancy dropping like a fly by the year*


Love the info man. I fully appreciate the work you put in to help inform us 💪🏼


Very informative and well researched....thank you!


Excellent video. Thank you for the information.


Thanks for this video, it's very helpful and educational i love watching this channel..


Getting direct sunlight within the first 15 to 30 minutes of waking for about 20 minutes a day helps regulate your circadian rhythm, in turn giving you more restful and consistent sleep. I learned this from Dr. Andrew Huberman.


Thanks for valuable info. Always a huge fan of you.

Can you do a video about side effect of intermittent fasting? Also share with us whether too young and too old is suitable for intermittent fasing? Doing research but can't found those info from expert.


Very informative video. A lot of work went into putting it together I'm sure. Any advice for men over 78? Just wondering. Thanks


I love how you say "water". Thanx for the great information!


I love the numbered links where you provide your sources. Post some for protein intake please.


Very well said bro about this topic and about 9 everyday habits killing our testosterone and you are doing a excellent work for all of us and keep it up and keep training hard and be positive and happy always


Thanks for mentioning the posture, that is very important and has a great impact on T but also self confidence, and it is very easy to forget about it.


Dear Sir

i am great fan of yours. I really love the way you study, present and motivate us.

A small request, the speed should be less . by the the time we try to read the image or information, your slide is gone which creats hinderance. Reducing speed in settings not bringing that much effectiveness, voice gets distorted.


I recently purchased glass storage containers for meal prepping. One of many changes. Already down 15lbs and lifting more.


I'm 52 and mine was in mid to low 300s. On TRT now and back around 800, libido is back and building muscle mass now, recovery is fast
