EPRS online roundtable: How do QMV and unanimity really work? Votes and vetoes in decision-making

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The debate about whether the Council of the European Union - and more recently the European Council - should take decisions by qualified majority voting (QMV) or unanimity dates back to the 1960s, when French President Charles de Gaulle prevented the planned extension of QMV in 1966 by imposing a de facto veto known as the Luxembourg Compromise. Although every Treaty reform from the 1986 Single European Act onwards has involved some extension of majority voting in the Council, the pattern of trying to secure the support of the largest number of states possible has continued to mould the Council's institutional culture.

This EPRS roundtable looks at how QMV and unanimity operate in practice, on a day-to-day basis, in the Justus Lipsius and Europa Buildings. When and why is voting held - or not held? How different is the reality of law-making under the two main voting methods? Has voting become more contested over time? How do countries facing potentially negative majorities behave? Has co-decision changed the decision-making dynamic, in favour of certain member states? How influential are the Council presidency and Council secretariat in shaping how choices are framed and made? A panel of academics and practitioners will discuss these and other issues at the heart of Council politics.

Wednesday 27 October 2021 | 13:30 -15:00 hours

• Richard CORBETT, Secretariat of the Conference on the Future of Europe; MEP 1996-2009 and 2014-20; co-author of ‘The European Union: How does it work’
• Desmond DINAN, Professor, George Mason University; author of 'Ever Closer Union', 'Europe Recast’ and ‘The European Union in Crisis’
• Sara HAGEMANN, Professor of Political Science, Copenhagen University; former Senior Policy Analyst, European Policy Centre (EPC)
• Leonardo SCHIAVO, Former Director General for External Relations, Council secretariat; former chef de cabinet to High Representative for CFSP
• Paulien VAN DE VELDE-VAN RUMST, PhD researcher, European University Institute (EUI); Visiting Scholar, EPRS

00:00:00 Introduction by Anthony TEASDALE
00:04:39 Richard CORBETT
00:14:48 Desmond DINAN
00:34:35 Sara HAGEMANN
00:47:53 Leonardo SCHIAVO
01:00:59 Paulien VAN DE VELDE-VAN RUMST
01:10:43 Q&A

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