EPRS online EU History roundtable: How the euro was born: The 1989 Delors Report revisited

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In an unprecedented environment of record high inflation and a looming recession in the euro zone, the euro is facing its litmus test of price stability. This roundtable will reflect on the journey the euro took, from the Werner Report to the Delors Committee Report, to become the currency for over 340 million people in 19 European countries and the second most important currency in the international monetary system.
Both those ground-breaking reports envisaged economic and monetary union (EMU) as rooted in symmetry between the economic and monetary aspects, a vision that still is at the heart of the current policy discussion.
This historical reappraisal, with panellists directly involved in shaping the building blocks of EMU, will provide a vital basis for discussing the future of the euro in the light of the relaunch of the economic governance review.

Tuesday 15 November 2022 | 13:30 - 15:00 hours

Jacques DE LAROSIÈRE, former Governor of the Banque de France; former Managing Director of the IMF; Member of the Delors Committee (1989-89)
Niels THYGESEN, Chair of the European Fiscal Board; Professor Emeritus of International Economics, University of Copenhagen; Member of the Delors Committee (1989-89)
Michele CHANG, Director of Transatlantic Affairs Programme and Professor of European Political and Governance, College of Europe; Author of ‘Economic and Monetary Union’
Ivo MAES, Professor and Robert Triffin Chair, Université catholique de Louvain; former Senior Adviser, Economics and Research Department, National Bank of Belgium
Anthony TEASDALE, former Director General of EPRS; Visiting Professor, LSE and Columbia University

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