EPRS online policy roundtable: EU China relations: future trajectories and trends

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EU-China relations are changing fast - and so is the outlook as seen from Europe. In this policy roundtable, experts will discuss the expected trends, challenges and key issues for EU-China relations in the coming decade. What does China’s weakening growth mean for Europe? How will Beijing’s no-limits partnership with Russia develop? What are the risks relating to China’s increasing territorial assertiveness in the Asia-Pacific? Will Chinese policies further aggravate dependencies and market distortions? The speakers will present their expectations, hopes, fears and potential scenarios for future EU-China relations, and reflect on what strategic capabilities the EU could develop in light of current trends.

Wednesday 12 April 2023 | 14:00 – 15:30 CET

Reinhard BÜTIKOFER, MEP, Chair of the Delegation for relations with China; Member of the EP Committee on Foreign Affairs
Claudia WESSLING, Director of Communications and Publications, Mercator Institute for China Studies (MERICS)
Ingrid D'HOOGHE, Senior Research Fellow and Coordinator, Clingendael China Centre
Ulrich JOCHHEIM, Policy Analyst, External Policies Unit, Members’ Research Service, EPRS

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