3 Things INFJs and INTJs Share

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* My first book on the INFJ, 'The Ecstatic Soul', is available here:

**** My novel 'The Infinite Castle' is available here:

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I sometimes work with an INTJ sociology professor at my university. He’s 1 of the few non-INFJ’s that I feel a lot of commonality with. I know 3 ENFJ’s that also fall into this category. I ironically met them all through my studies. 1 ENFJ is an MFT and a counseling professor, the other is a sociology prof. and the third is my counseling classmate-housemate.


I agree. As an INFJ I feel I need a lot of time to consider accepting a perspective that's different to mine; cos I have to rationally think about the new perspective and do a lot of research to update my view. So I'm stubborn in the sense that I'm not willing to accept a perspective if it rationally doesn't make sense to me. But I am open to change, I just need enough information and time to consider it and understand it.


Oh, yes, I agree with all of your points. Wherever I go, if there's an INTJ, I'd spot them quite quickly. Usually I'm the one who feels the similarities faster, or at least I'm the one who lets it on first. But, unfortunately, most of the INTJs I've had in my life, have varied from averagely mentally disturbed to having full-blown heavy disorders. It's sad, really. They can be so great when they are healthy 😊


Unsurprisingly I like the world view/identity analysis as it coincides with mine haha I find when I come across an idea that I like/that fits, I add it into my worldview/identity. I think perhaps I might miss things or discard or filter out things that don’t fit. So perhaps there’s a huge spectrum of ideas I miss or ignore. Maybe at least that’s something I am increasingly aware of. I’m an INFJ.


I enjoy working with INTJs when it comes to projects because i dont need to worry if theyll forget about it or not do it and i might have to do it in the end.

Its also refreshing to have another type understand what is like "seeing patterns" and project them in the future as well cause it makes me sound crazy when i say it outloud to others. Its also lovely to have another type, be self-reliant, and not have me baby them over certain stuff as well.


Perfect timing! I was quite literally reading about this a few hours before this video was uploaded. My sister is an INTJ and I am an INFJ, and always am curious to see our similarities and differences.


You really help me to understand how my INFJ mind works. ❤️


I love your content. One of the few channels on mbti with real depth. Write a book on intjs and I'll buy it 😂. Also, you'd make a great existentialist psychotherapist.
