5 CREEPY Things ALL INFJ's Do — [Introvert Personality Type]

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As an INFJ (the rarest personality type), we typically find ourselves doing some things that are incorrectly construed as creepy. But, in fact, it's just our introverted, and self reflective nature.

If you're an INFJ (or just an introvert), see if there's anything on this list that you often do. If so, we'd love to hear about it in the comments!

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Door slam is forgetting a person exists. We don't seek vengeance on those who no longer exist...


I’m staring because my brain is working overtime with a million questions such as “what was your childhood like?” and “I wonder what your favourite sandwich is”


As an INFJ this was disturbingly accurate. I feel that good/evil battle in me all the time, and while I want to do good, if I feel disrespected, I can treat someone as if they do not exist. They are often surprised by this because they think they have me pegged as a softie.


We quiet ones are often the ones you need to worry about. We watch. We observe. We make mental notes. We remember. I've been told that I am an extremely patient person; however, my patience goes only so far. Once someone exceeds it, that person becomes a non-entity for me. They may as well have never been born.


We’re not creepy we’re just trying to figure you out


Having “the stare” as a child was like wielding a light saber I was barely able to lift. I’m still in awe of the power of our INFJ eyes. Use your power for good, my friends! ✨


6:53 They 'nothing' you. Even hate towards a person requires investing some level of emotional response. "Nothing" requires nothing and is much more easily achieved.


I will make one very minor correction. I'm an ambivert. A lot of INFJ's are. While I think anyone can agree that socializing with superficial people is painful, spending time with loved ones, friends, and people you want to get to know better is quite enjoyable. Even preferred at times. So long as we get sufficient alone time and separation from the exhaustion of our extroverted side.


I am an INFJ and I am certain I crossed another INFJ on the street... Oh God, she pierced my soul in an instant...


And one more thing, " we forgive but Don't forget "...


I noticed as an infj ..toxic bad people feel intimidated by me. I don't even need to open my mouth. They can feel my energy.
I always knew I had some power within me.💫


The door slam is so serious. But when he said we “nothing” them . I laughed so loud bc it’s true 🤣🤣🤣🤣


A long time ago, one of my favourite pastor's once said, "If you want hell on your hands, make a quiet person angry!" Maybe that's what it is to be an INFJ.


the door slam one is so true, when i feel like a specific person is too toxic for me, in a matter of seconds theyre gone from my life and idec


Just remember guys, the ego is your enemy. When you think you’re something, remember that you’re nothing. Humility and meekness will inherit he earth.


Staring is me 1. Analyzing your facial expressions 2. Wondering what you have done throughout your life 3. Wondering who you have been with 4. What do you do for a living
Basically me trying to figure you out before you tell me


The door slam isn’t that common, it’s only if the damage was so severe that we don’t know how to fix it. It’s also not always a massive problem but a sum of many smaller problems we know we can’t fix


I did the door slam recently with one of my few close friends... I talked to them about a lot of things and openly shared every bit of my worries regarding the group, I hoped for them to change for at least a year waited and see if they're gonna change but I finally snapped...

In the end I never see improvements, I never saw the promises and I even felt like a disposable friend to them...

Right now I think I already moved on and I think I can face them but only with a blank face... They don't really have relevance in my life anymore....

Edit: Now I'm afraid that I'm becoming a villain... But in my head right now I think I did the right thing. I eliminated the problem and my problem is now solved... I won't have to suffer anymore...


Soo true! Our pendulum swings just as far on both sides. Much like the Doberman... We are sweet, loyal, genuine, and have a lot of love to give but the other side our bite is just as ferocious as the doberman.


As an INFJ, I can remember almost everything what happens in a day. That's how I observe. I don't know but it's natural to me
