INTJ vs INFJ: Telling the Difference

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Here are a few insights that will help you tell the difference between the INTJ and INFJ personality types in the Myers Briggs personality system.

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INTJ here. I do care about people, but only a few. But those few are my everything.


take note, when an INTJ wants to spend time with you. For they have thought of every reason not to.

INTJ here.


INFJ: We all can come together to build a better world😊
INTJ: Make sure to exclude the stupid ones😒


All the good INTJ videos are done by INFJs


Feelings are personal.
Very personal.


i got 51% T and 49% F on the test. might explain my inner conflicts all the time


INTJ here. Totally misunderstood by many. I am not a cold bitch. I do feel. You just won't see it. Because I won't show it.


INTJ here, i'm more important than every one


This is a great way of describing an INTJs connection with feelings. I am an INTJ and I don’t mind when people tell me about their problems, I only mind when they don’t except any advice about how to fix them, and then continue to complain about the same problem. Which eventually might lead to not caring. Intjs do care about other people, but need to see that person care about themself as well


Hey, an INTJ here. I will blurry the lines between the INTJs and INFJs a bit.
In the video, you mention INTJs are interested in people's logic, ideas and INFJs in people's values and emotions. I think INTJs are interested in people's values as well, but not from emotional stand point but logic; it can even be emotional in nature coming from people, but I will translate it into the thinking aspect of feelings behind the value.
I think INFJs want to understand individual's outlook on life, their perception, through people's feelings; INTJs do it through people's thinking patterns. In order to do that, both consider values. Maybe that is why the difference between the types is so subtle.

So in short:
INTJ = I wonder, what a person thinks in order to feel this way?
INFJ = I wonder, what a person feels in order to think this way?

That is the general impression I got from this cool video :P


"I'll feel what I'll feel, but what I think needs to be accurate."
"What I think is what I think, but my feeling can change."
A very subtle difference. Lol


INTJ -- Depending on context, it's not really about thinking being in alignment with other people. I don't care what they think, unless it's more correct or better than what I think, and then I'll change what I think. But not to be in alignment with the other people, but to be in better alignment with truth. If I'm right and everyone else is wrong, I'm not going to change what I think just to be in alignment with others.


It’s possible that the “coldness” of INTJ is simply accepting the feelings of others, rather than adopting the feelings as our own. You’re sad? I get what sadness is - I hope it goes away soon, but what am I going to do about it? You’re ecstatic? That’s cool, but please keep the noise down. Feeling guilty? Hey, I’m not going to pry into what you did.

Letting others deal with their emotions on their own is a form of respect that is often unappreciated by Fe.


I am an Intj female, you speak logically, I agree with you.I am really emotional but I don't show it to everyone.I prefer to hide my feelings.But still, although I'm emotional, what makes the final decision is my logic.


My brother is an INTJ and I am an INFJ. We grew up like twins and are super close. The things I've noticed about his personality vs mine are LARGELY the thinking vs feeling aspect! He is ALWAYS super logical, to the point of arrogance, and seems to really turn off on anyone who is being emotional, as though emotions are an inferior or immature reaction. He comes off as a really cold-hearted self-absorbed prick to most people. However, BECAUSE I am so close with him, I am one of the FEW people who know that he has INTENSE feelings, and quite honestly is the most sensitive and touchy person I know. If someone wrongs him in any way (usually by disagreeing with him or correcting him or insinuating he's full of shit or something) he will literally shut that person out of his life often permanently. He never shows emotion though. He doesn't even raise his voice. This is made really clear to me by remembering our arguments as kids. He would always get me shouting hysterically and crying with his sharp know-it-all and I'm-never-wrong tone, and of course I'd be the one to get in trouble because I was the one shouting at him. That has been my biggest issue with him. For me, as an intense feeler, I often get really annoyed at his lack of emotion. So, it's very true that most (if not ALL) of our misunderstandings lie in that emotion vs logic. I always try to argue the feeling side of things while he tries to argue the thinking side. But for the most part, we get each other deeply. We both see the world intuitively and outside the box and can philosophize about the insanity of the world for hours. I think what we need to remember is that even though INFJs tend to feel INTJs don't have feelings, and INTJs tend to think INFJs don't have logic, WE DO. We just happen to believe the opposite is more important.


I'm watching Frank James talk about my personality type instead of studying for my finals .

Encourage me.


INTJs: "What's wrong with (stupid) people?". XD


I think the difference is that INFJ's can read your feelings, like a therapist. and INTJ's can read your mind, like a chess master.


My INTJ boyfriend and I are sitting here nodding our heads.


I'm INTJ and it's very accurate. I do care about what people think, I sure love deep conversations but don't get what am I supposed to say or do if someone talks to me about feelings. Feelings are too personal to be shared with others.
