What if Dooku became the Supreme Chancellor?

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What if Dooku became the Supreme Chancellor?

Imagine a universe where Dooku's cunning intellect and charismatic demeanor propel him to the highest echelons of political power. How would the intricate web of alliances and conflicts unfold? What impact would Dooku's dark mastery of the Force have on the fate of the galaxy?

Dive deep into the political machinations, diplomatic intrigues, and lightsaber duels that could have shaped this alternate reality. How would the Jedi Order react to their former comrade taking the reins of the Republic? Will Dooku's vision for a new order bring stability or plunge the galaxy into greater chaos?

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Dooku: _Runs for chancellor_
Palpatine: "This isn't part of the plan!"
Dooku: "I'm improvising."


What if the council had one crazy night, got absolutely wasted and nominated Anakin as the grand master while they were partying... lmao


I really liked this story, would love a part 2. Would like to see Anakin truly realize how evil Palpatine ins and turns on him


What if Anakin Skywalker carried out a coup d'état with the republic's army to effectively end the war, and if he established himself as leader (due to his popularity) of the republic provisionally? (optionally, when the war ends, he managed so well that the senate elects him chancellor)


I think I have a good idea for a What If, since you do so well with these videos!

"What if the Combine (from Half-Life²) entered the Star Wars Universe?"


I'll be watching your career with great interest.

Tho I gotta say I like what you're doing

I want to pitch a what if scenario, what if Rex and Cody died on Rishi? I think that's what it was called, but basically that one episode where the droids took over a moon base that had 5s and Echo starting their journey when Rex and Cody could have died in an ambush if it wasn't for a droid attack flair and Rex killing what he thought might have been a droid almost immediately


Darth Jadus was referred to by Valkorion as the greatest sith lord his old sith empire ever produced and said to be second in power to only the sith Emperor at the time, so what if Darth Jadus returned during the prequel or even the sequel era?


There’s a major change you’ve ignored. If Palpatine isn’t elected the first time then he doesn’t kill Plagueis. And with his influence Dooku would be forced out of office even sooner then he was in this video. Plagueis would also befriend Anakin and turn him towards the Sith years earlier then Palpatine could. And Plagueis would accompany Sidious to Dathomir. Together they would kill Talzin before going with Vader to hunt down Maul and Savage


This is amazing, Mr. Bantha Stew. Dooku becoming the Supreme Chancellor made the Galactic Republic more like a government that cared for its citizens' well-being. Anakin fully embraces the dark side due to his reliving the memory of being a slave is a literacy genius, and I would prefer Dooku be the Supreme Chancellor for Dooku is the Galactic Republic's chance to become something more significant and an opportunity for people to live in comfort and serenity without resenting the current situation. Hey, it's your story. You do what you have to do, but nevertheless, this fantastic masterpiece, my friend. No matter what happens and what anybody says, never be deterred, never give up, and keep improving and do your best. Always remember you are worthy of respect and recognition. Remember it. May the Force be with you, and Happy Holidays!

I would love to see part two of this; it is a masterpiece, and I want to see more. What do you think of this idea for part two? What would Darth Vader (suitless) make himself Shogun of the Galactic Empire and form the Daimyo of Ren similar to the Knights of Ren? But what if Shogun Vader commissioned an army of mechas piloted force-sensitive force users and, along with loyalists loyal to the new regime?

What if these mechas under the control of the Daimyo of Ren were made of Beskars, and what if Vader ( suitless Anakin) led an army of mechas and made a massive war on the Shadow Collective with a surprise assault? How would Maul and Savage Oppress deal with the Galactic Empire with imperial mechs overwhelming their forces? Can an imperial mech army be helpful against the Shadow Collective, and how would Palpatine react to Anakin's decision? Would he see an imperial mech army as a threat to him or see an imperial mech piloted by dark side force users be helpful for as a benefit? What of Jedi? How would Jedi react when Anakin made himself on equal footing with the Emperor, and how would they react to Anakin leading a mecha army against criminals such as the Hutts, Zygerrians, Pirates, Black-Sun, and Pikes?

What are your thoughts, comments, and opinions on these ideas for part two, Mr. Bantha Stew? Would you like these ideas for part two? Which of these ideas for part two do you like and why?


We need what if Obama was the supreme chancellor


What if anakin was trained by the grey jedi that qui gon idolized (I forget their name)


Bantha stew great what if man tell me have you gotten my ideas of what if Anakin Skywalker was trained by the force itself and many more that you already know when do you think we can see them?


I would like a part 2, certainly didn't go the way I would have thought, better ending for Dooku than what he got, though may be less good for the galaxy.


Well when I said about What if Darth Maul, Count Dooku and General Grievous were in the original trilogy I guess that maybe that one of them would train Luke?

What if Mace Windu survived and he trained Luke to spite Anakin?


What If Hego Damask II was a Jedi
What If Savage Opress was a Jedi


Dooku was still a Jedi when Velorum was voted out though, wasn't he? Didn't he leave after Qui Gon died?


I can't see Dooku just passing away like that. I feel like he would be more likely to go rogue and start hunting down the Shadow collective leadership from the shadows. lol


I see Palpatine is playing the Grima Wormtounge in this timeline.


I think that the weak aren't actually weak, but the ones that didn't agreed with Traag


Palpatine was part of the war council, he would be viewed as a failure as well.
