What If Dooku Joined the Jedi High Council

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Master Dooku was well known and highly respected, so much so he was given a chance to be on the Council. What If he accepted such a role on the High Council? Would Dooku be able to help the Jedi in their efforts to become closer tied to the republic? Would Dooku be approached by the Sith? Would the Jedi be able to fix their fall into corruption or find the identity of the Sith?

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The sad thing is, that this "what if" scenario isn't so far from realizing - if only Dooku


What if a drunken Darth Plagueis managed to escape from Sidious when he made an attempt on his life? Then Plagueis took Dooku as his apprentice, and led the separatists with him, and Sidious led the republic. What if both Sith started a secret war with each other through the hands of the Republic, the Jedi and the Separatists?


Any Dooku hero story is always a good one


What if General Grievous learned the truth - that Sidious was behind his maiming and everything else, not the Jedi? And/or what if he survived Revenge and aided the Rebels?


This was by far the best story yet! The Jedi Council deliberations, the Sith relationship, bravo!!


What if Anakin united the Sith and Jedi into a new order of force users.


Really enjoyed this version of Dooku. Well done


_What if General Grievous was born as a Force-sensitive being and was trained by Count Dooku?_


What if Grievous died at the start of the siege of Dathomir?


What if, sometime before "The Phantom Menace", instead of turning to the Dark Side and becoming Palpatine/Sidious' apprentice, Dooku went on a journey similar to the one Yoda took in The Clone Wars episodes, "Voices", " Destiny ", & " Sacrifice ", after he became disenchanted with the Jedi Order, forcing Palpatine to corrupt another Jedi Master to be the face of the CIS (Pong Krell)?


What if anakin turned palpatine to the lightside? Practically impossible I know but I think you could make an awesome story about it.


This one was really, really well done. Some damn smooth storytelling. Its cool to see how Dooku would've gone had he stayed in the light.


joke video idea: what if han didn't shoot vader and the accepted his hospitality on cloud city?


I gotta say listening to your old videos compared to the new ones you have truly come a long way at improving yourself at telling the stories. Always happy to have a new one to listen to and keep up the good work!


I have a question for you, Pente. In this story, do you think Anakin Skywalker was still created by the Force, or did Dooku's actions in this prevent it from happening?


I love your take on Yoda of this timeline, his realization that he was part of the problem and taking up a task more suited for his experience. It's a fitting end state for a great character. Also love the imagery of the blue fire lit duel at the Palpatine estate. It's a fun inversion of the color palate of Mustifar.


What if Grievous didn't join the Clone Wars but the Galactic Civil War instead?


Dooku just prevented Anakin from being conceived by the force 😂


Chosen one Dooku be like.

At the time of the Sith being stopped it looks like Anakin could still be born here, which could make an interesting situation, as darkness and challanges always find a way to rise. Especially with other dark side users still out there, like the witches of Dathomir


I can't wait to see what you are going to do with this video! Can you please do these videos?

•What if Anakin vowed loyalty to the Zygerrian queen?
•What if Dooku didn't go to Zygerria and Anakin couldn't escape?
•What if Ashoka fell in love with Anakin, but he didn't fall in love with her?
•What if Ezra and Leia fell in love?
•What if Anakin trained Ezra during the clone wars
•What if Ezra saved Mace when he was trying to Ashoka (World Between Worlds)
•What if Vader killed Ezra when he was trying to kill Ashoka?
•What if Anakin didn't fall in love with Padme, but she was OBSESSED with him?
•What if Anakin was a full blood Sith?
•What if Ashoka pulled Anakin (from the clone wars) through the World Between Worlds?
•What if Anakin was accused of the bombing at the Jedi Temple?
•What if Barriss' goal was to kill Anakin
•What if Padme adopted Anakin
•What if Maul killed Anakin during the Phantom Menace?
•What if Riff Tamson killed Anakin and Kit Fisto (but Padme, Ashoka, and Prince Lee Char live)

People would love this!! I KNOW IT! Please!! It would make my day if you just say you will do some of them! Thank you! God bless!!!😊
