What If Dooku TOLD Anakin Skywalker That Palpatine Was A Sith Lord

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"My friends, let me tell you the great tale of how I, Hondo Ohnaka, SAVED THE ENTIRE GALAXY AND ITS QUADRILLIONS OF SENTIENTS! HA-HA-HA-HA-HA!"


Rip my homie R2-D2, bro went down with the Invisible Hand and wasn't even mentioned. 😞😞😞


Dooku: Palpatine is a Sith LORD
Palpatine: NUH-UH!
Anakin: Good enough for me! *slice*


What if Mace Windu was more charismatic like Samuel L Jackson? “I’m so tired of these mother f’ing siths on this mother f’ing ship!” It’ll be a comedy like your order 67 one!


4:33 It said "the unarmed prisoner anakin just killed in cold blood" but Palpatine killed Dooku.


Fan- fiction: Starts.
Hondo: I smell profit!


I really enjoyed this story, it gave Anakin the opportunity to make a choice without personal matter getting in the way since he never had the nightmares of Padme passing away.


Always love a good Hondo appearance lol one of my favorite characters. Very well written story. Cant wait for the next one already


I don't understand why Obi-Wan didn't come up with the immediate idea to reach out with the Force and call for help. There's literally a temple full of his brothers and sisters to feel him and Anakin on the planet below them. Yoda being the first to feel them seeing as he's so powerful.


I loved how u included Hondo in ur story, he would definitely go after the life signs to see if he could save whoever and turn a profit.


I can only see this going the right way if Dooku is fully transparent in that moment and if he swears on Qui-Gon's name.
And even than I'd still be more willing to bet more on a coin toss going my way


LOL the random sniffling and throat clearing at like 7:55-8:03 is actually...oddly fitting considering the narration goes on to talk about General Grievous right after that. XD

thx for the video, bro. So glad I found this channel; you put out some really fire stuff!


Your stories are epic, especially the ones involving Emperor Palpatine dying in gruesome ways. Next time you make one of these stories, can you do a part were Palpatine dies a slow, PAINFUL one? Seeing the Dark Lord scream in agony and perhaps echo like a ghostly wail would be SOO satisfying! I'd also like to see one where Palpatine does things beyond ANY other force user and shows his omnipotence. Like a scene from The Rise of Skywalker where he could like destroy a whole PLANET while cackling maniacally and more resembles a cataclysmic god of death and destruction, like Gozer or the mythological deities Typhon or Lamashtu!


Great story and I loved how dooko revealed the truth to anakin and throw off his master's plan by revealing the truth to anakin, forcing sidious to do some reactionary damage control, thereby confirming the truth to anakin. If can imagine how windu would have been dismayed to find out that anakin saved him from certain death at the hands of the sith lord because his force sight had failed him and been blinded by the dark side


Hondo was such a nice suprise!
I wish he showed up in the epilogue of this What IF aswell but still good nonetheless 👍


*What if the jedi counsel had visions of darth Vader when they first met Anakin*
*What if Luke turned Vader to the light on the moon of endor*


I would love a alt history where Kenobi didn't think that putting Luke with his family would be safe, so he gives him to Hondo. Hondo, considering Kenobi a friend and seeing the possibilities of having a jedi on his team would certainly (for the sake of the story) accept.
Imagine Luke growing up as a skilled raider, mercenary and pirate pilot. Then one day Leia calls for help, Kenobi calls for Luke, and Luke, OldHondo and a few after-sell-by-date clones go into a new hope. How would the New Jedi Order turn out? I think Luke would still be a Jedi. And Hondo did show himself to be a genuinely decent person in Rebels. At least, as long as he's sure he'll do well out of doing good.


What if Palpatine was a sith, to be sure but a welcome one? What if he was a really good person with a sith knowledge part of his wisdom? What if the Jedi were actually taking over?


as soon as blinding lights were mentioned i was just repeating outloud “please be Hondo, please be Hondo”
and my prayers were answered 😂
love this what if ❤❤❤


What if immediately after having his nightmare for the first time and waking up in the middle of the night, Anakin went straight to Obi Wan to tell him
