Worst MMO Ever? - Eldevin

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This game is fine.

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This video is going to remind whoever is running the servers that they never turned them off


I loaded up this game earlier today and met a player who also came from this video. We spawned in from the tutorial at the exact same time. We eventually made our way from Eldevin to Embers Adrift. 15 hrs later and I just had the most enjoyable stretch of mmorpg gameplay I've had since I beat dragon slayer in RuneScape with my best friend in middle school. Thanks Josh


I love how Josh is optimistically hoping for updates to a game that has 24 active players.


Watching these videos makes me want to start playing some obscure MMO with 6 players on steam so I can be the guy that doesn't run away when Josh comes to review the game.


That opening analogy alone is pretty spot on. I remember trying this one out awhile back, thinking "This is pretty charming and enjoyable. I should play this some more when I get time."
That was in 2017 and I have yet to launch the game for a second time.


I love the optimism of asking the devs to update things.


As a game designer, making a game that's this level of fine is my second biggest fear.


The fact that Josh referenced "Transmorphers" sent me spiralling back into my childhood when I remember renting Transmorphers from the local video store because I thought the front cover looked cool and I was a big fan of Bay's first Transformers movie. I felt so ripped off and it forever stayed with me as a core memory. Just needed to bring it up. Fantastic video as always!


So, uh, I can't help but notice that the birthday vendor has a bunch of 1-balloons there. Has he been standing there since the game's first birthday?


I would love to see an epic scale fantasy MMO in which the _entire_ plot, from peasant level to god-fighting level, is somehow driven by ongoing marital strife between a simple merchant and his wife.


Love the idea of Josh's analogies getting comically longer and more depressing

"You know the feeling of getting home after another 10 hour shift at a job you hate, after you'd hyped yourself up to finally have free time to yourself? But there you are, sitting idly, too mentally and physically exhausted to enjoy the things you once loved. You tell yourself 'Maybe if I just force myself to play something...', but you just end up not being able to focus or engage with anything. The thoughts start coming back, the regrets of lost opportunity, the lost and forgotten friendships. Who are you, any more? What even makes you YOU? All you do is work for the sake of affording to be able to work, every moment of free time is spent trying to recover and prepare. Nothing is for you any more, you exist solely to pay bills. Nothing is good, it's all gone and you didn't even realize it was leaving until it was too late. You feel the tears coming but you're too tired to put in the effort to sob, an apathetic and cold blanket covers you and fogs your mind. Your alarm wakes you at 5am. That's basically Elder Scrolls Online."


I actually love how it looks visually. I would love to see more oldschool looking MMOs but with modern gamefeel, kinda like how all these "Boomer shooters" have retro graphics but feel so good to play.


The best thing about eldevin was the community when it had 100-200 players. They had many dedicated players at one time, if only the devs cared about their game as much as those players did. I don't think eldevin can be saved and don't think Huntedcowstudios deserve it after neglecting it for so long.


I have to say I love that Josh's videos are long. It gives room for genuine commentary and humor. I much prefer longer videos.


I like the idea that people like Newton made “Physics Lore.”


I think a good way to explain why 35% of people dont have the first achievement is because its not mac supported despite claiming it is. see if you never play the game you dont get added to the achievement percentage but I tried playing it and managed to open up the first window but the play button just flat out doesn't work on mac and the graphics are broken for that first window as well.


Finally... an mmo where I can be a homeless dude


37:18 I'm from the South-east of Kent. We legit have a street called 'Ham' in the town of Sandwich down here. No Joke.


This game was my first approach not only to mmo but to videogames in general. So many adventures, it was amazing at the time and it's just a shame that i saw a game with a great potential dying. Now its trace only remains in my vanishing memories ... :(


I met some of the devs irl years ago, a couple of them judged a local game jam I entered
They're all nice folks, shame they can't really support Eldevin, it's a very small team!
