Jordan Peterson on Raising His Son

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Jordan B Peterson (born June 12, 1962) is a Canadian clinical psychologist and professor of psychology at the University of Toronto.

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Jordan Peterson should write a book on raising children


I once sent my three-year-old son to his room to "think about what you did." It was quiet for a couple of minutes, then a stubborn little voice called out, "I'm not thinking about anything but toys!" (You can control my body, but you can't control my mind.)


Great guy, everything he says is thought provoking. ''The 2 year old is probably smarter than you, but they're not civilised''. That one made me think.


I told my son at age 11 all about pot, and alcohol and drugs. Basically I told him everything I saw in my youth and how stupid and foolish his friends and classmates would act. When he got his college degree he thanked me for the most important thing he ever learned. He said he watched everything I said come true.


"You don't have the willpower of a two year old"


My five cents: I had similar issues with my son when he was little. Tantrums could get violent and that's dangerous for everyone, but we always reiterated to him that he needed time to settle and that it wasn't a punishment and eventually he would either regain his composure or just exhaust himself into submission in the rare worst-case-scenario situations. Now, he's about to turn ten in a week and he's exceedingly mature for his age and very intelligent and I think a big part of this is that at every opportunity we encouraged his self-agency and inquisitiveness while making the boundaries for what was acceptable behaviour very clear. Parenting doesn't need to be tyrannical imposition of regulations but you do need to be consistent in teaching them appropriate behaviour and boundaries and, most importantly, self-control from an early age. Never let your kids go "free range" because it will end poorly.


When i heard Peterson say "so dont think you're a good person, because you're not" it only solidifies the fact that he really is trying to be a Christian and better himself, I love this man, God bless.


I remember, years ago when I was about 10, I was at a friends house and one of the younger ones, about 2, took a temper tantrum. It was a large family, 7 or 8 kids all quite boisterous. Anyway, the mother just ignored him, so the little guy started holding his breath and he eventually he turned a deep, deep blue. It was quite something. The mother never said a word. She went to the sink, filled a glass with cold water, and threw the water into the kids face. The shock of it caused the kid to spit and sputter amidst the laughter of his siblings and the mother, still not saying a word, went back to what she was doing. The kid sat there wiping his face and sobbing a bit for around 10 minutes and then started playing again and a few minutes latter it was as if nothing had happened.

I'm not making any judgements on what she did or what happened. It's just something I'll always remember.


This guy reminds me of my dad. Both of them are some of my biggest rolemodels.


I feel like Jordan Peterson is the paternal figure for the modern civilized world


I knew a priest that once told me that “the path to hell isn’t paved by good intentions, but by permissive parents.” Now that I’m a father, I know that affirming my children and making excuses for their shortcomings isn’t being loving, but lazy. To the contrary, it can easily be the opposite of love. It’s sort of like a nice teacher that gives no work and just gives you A’s, but never preparing you for the standardized tests that will get you into college


Wish he was my dad... sounds like he helped his son gain self control. Wish someone had helped me learn that b4 I became an adult where acting out comes with real world consequences. Great vid!


Great advice. I can't stand watching parents who allow their kids to control & dominate them.


Teaching someone to master their emotions at a young age is such a powerful thing. Most people don’t have control over themselves and act very primal and animalistic even as they mature into adults. Kids especially have little fits bc they aren’t civilized yet and are very animalistic in a sense, that’s why they are hyper emotional.

Finding someone who has master their primal and animalistic nature is a strong and rare person. If you teach someone at a young age to control and understand their outbursts and emotions in a healthy way, then you have done parenting right and society a favor.


After watching JP for quite some time, I found a new appreciation for my parents. I used to think they were such hard asses, but when I think about all dumb things I did when I was younger, and how it affected them, I get upset. They really put up with a lot of shit, thanks for helping me see that JP.


Wow I really liked how he explained calming down after a tantrum as a victory of getting yourself under control. I think this applies equally to adults, when we can properly manage our emotions and act in accordance to or values we should feel good about ourselves.


Imagine being lucky enough to be one of those people in his lecture, it must be so interesting to get his insights on a daily basis


Love the recording here, looks like a netflix production


It be cool to have a dad like Jordan Peterson. So wise and such a great role model.
I never had to father growing up...he was apart of my life, but at same time wasn't. Too busy gone most of the day gambling or out with his buddies, and back at night when I was asleep. Having an absent father sucks :/


So many parents create their own little monsters. They create, reinforce and even reward bad behaviour. They don't require anything from their kids. They don't demand their kid take responsibility and by doing so, they take power from them.
