Jordan Peterson: The Mind of Highly (Dis-)Agreeable People

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Jordan B Peterson (born June 12, 1962) is a Canadian clinical psychologist and professor of psychology at the University of Toronto. In this clip, he talks about why women are higher in sensitivity to negative emotions and agreeableness; how extreme agreeable and extreme disagreeable people think and what you can do if you are too agreeable.

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You don’t have to be “highly disagreeable”…you can simply stand up for your principles as necessary.


I loved hearing him describe his disagreeable conscientious friend. I know a guy just like that and he's one of the most interesting people I've ever met. Most people think he's a terrible person but I think he's misunderstood. I have never met someone who's less afraid of conflict or who can tolerate such intense social pressure. He's very successful and intelligent and my god he's blunt. He'll do or say anything he pleases regardless of the situation. It doesn't matter how much social pressure he'll face, he doesn't compromise his values under any circumstances.


I've lost jobs over arguing with my bosses for better working conditions but now I'm in a MUCH better place than those who just took it. Learn to fight, I understand not everyone is born a fighter but you need to, just being treated like a human in this world is a hustle.


It appears to me that there is an unavoidably obvious pattern in ridiculously disagreeable people. Anytime that I meet someone who is disagreeable, they generally had an upbringing in which they learnt to be resilient as a defense against bad influences or people in their childhoods who harmed them. The problem is that they often get so used to being resilient against poor treatment that they end up being rebellious against the kind and willing since it’s so engrossed in their psyche


I am a horribly agreeable person and I drive myself crazy with it. Listening to Jordan has made me learn a lot about my habit of nurturing others. Long live Dr.Peterson! 😊


If you're too agreeable - learn to be disagreeable
If you're too disagreeable - learn to be agreeable
Balance is the key, also being flexible


"If you want to hire someone to exploit productively, you hire middle-aged women who are hyper-conscientious and who are agreeable."

I bet this is why nursing is such an underpaid profession despite how hard the work is.


Took me into my middle age to figure out this about myself, wish Jordan or someone like him had crossed my path much much earlier in life.


My mum is quite agreeable and extremely conscientious. I always ask her how on earth she manages to do all the work she does for such little money


I’m highly disagreeable & it feels different to me than how JP describes. I feel like it comes from a sense of always watching out for myself & refusing to tolerate unacceptable behavior by others. I am regularly shocked by the stupidity & poor choices of other people in public. I confront people who do dangerous or rude things in public fairly often. I wish I wasn’t this way, but I can see most people are simply afraid of conflict & wish they had the courage to do the same. I wish I was laid back, I’m just not.


This discussion reminds me how I really changed at University. When I got there, it became easier for me to analyse the psychology of others. Then, one day, we (a group of five) had to deliver an important paper on a due date. But 2 of them were late to deliver their part so we were late to complete the paper. Then I woke up inside, went straight to the teacher and told him that only 3 of us had done the whole job and explained to him how much we had contributed to our project compared to those 2 lazy busards. He agreed with us and promised our paper marks wouldn't get penalized compared to those 2 fools. I still remember how good it had felt to stop being an exploited goody two shoes. And since then, I never stopped being roughly honest and nobody exploited me since then ! 😂


Throughout my life I feel as though I had to wear a mask of high agreeableness. I scored very low on it with many tests. Dealing with people's emotions is very straining to me, seems to always be a chore. Most people I would prefer to only address me if it benefits me in some way. A part of me knows this isn't relatively "good" but I mostly don't even care.


This video really realize how disagreeable I am.. how that differs from most others. Very enlightening. What a wise dude.


This is a problem for those in management, you need people with a certain level of disagreeableness that you can promote later into management but they also have to be agreeable enough to not make your life a pain in the ass because then you'll need to fire them. The best people achieve a balance, diplomacy, and respect for chain of command. You cannot lead unless you know how to follow. But you also can't lead if you're unwilling or unable to push back or push forward when you need to.


Women can become like this due to severe abuse by parents growing up as well. I did. I am now in my early 60's and just gained the knowledge of this around 10 years ago. I have changed how I react now in a relationship with men, in hopes of preventing the abusive men with his antenna out looking for such a women to abuse from targeting me.


I like how he tends to say "I think" to signal speculation. I hope everyone else notices that, and isn't assuming his every word is studied and proven


OMG this makes so much sense, I used to be a somewhat disagreeable person and somehow along the way I became more agreeable, and I realise it’s harder to set strong boundaries. It’s affected my career progression too. On watching this, I realised the change really started after I gave birth, freaky!


Most articulate person I've ever heard. Amazing use of a brain. What amazes me is that what he speaks about is relevant to my life!


I've done the OCEAN test too. I've got 99 on disagreeability, which was a bit more than I expected and curiously not so surprising for my colleagues, friends and family.
Everything I heard above matches.
The funny thing is a colleague, when asked about my disagreeableness, told me that yes, I was disagreeable (or more politely "you know what you want") but at the same time I was a nice guy. I'm still trying to wrap my head around that ^_^;;;

I completely understand that fire-o-matic friend. I can't stand lazy dead weight, the narcissists that find every excuse not to work, put the blame on other teams, openly lie, come almost before breakfast and leave after a two hours lunch. Just the idea of getting rid of them makes me feel all warm inside.


This video came just in my time of need. Thanks professor Jordan 👌🏾
