Everything GREAT About Dune: Part Two! (part 2)

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And now the epic conclusion to Dune Part Two with part 2! It's got worms! Here's everything right with Dune Part Two!

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I don't think Feyd was so much as mocking Paul's line, it's that he's such a weirdo he's genuinely just like "damn, that's a really cool line. I'm gonna use it-aaaand I'm dead."


One of my favourite moments is when Jessica tells him to slow down during his speech but instead Paul shifts into maximum overdrive, Jessica is using the wisdom of her order and female ancestors which prioritize careful planning and subtly, but Paul has access to both his female and male ancestors, men who were leaders and incharge of rallying their army to fight, Paul knows this is the time for decisive action and being forceful because he can see more than Jessica now


My favorite detail with Paul's speech is the fremen, and their knives all in a circle around him....like the mouth of the worm their weapons are from.


Man, the “Long Live the Fighters” speech in Chakobsa was incredible.


I took Feyd repeating Paul's "may thy blade chip and shatter" more to be that he's finally seeing someone as a worthy equal in combat. There's also that look when Paul uses the voice, like "ooh, I like this guy. I want to maybe ask him to go camping or something. Then maybe a duel to the death". He's driven by honor after all. And he does congratulate Paul at the end.


I personally like to think that Feyd returning the "may thy knife chip and shatter" line isn't mocking, it's more that he's never heard that before and is amused because it's so opposite to the honour and ceremony he's used to, but he genuinely likes it because he's a psycho


The move where Paul stabs Feyd is directly from the Gurney training scene in Part One! The sneaky stab unseen by camera as the slow blade penetrates the shield... The blade was slowed by Paul's own hand this time!
"I have you" - Paul
"Aye, but you'd have joined me in death" - Gurney


Feyd was probably NOT "thirsting after his dead uncle." He realized that he had just become the Baron of House Harkonnen. If anything, it was thirst for power.


When the fremen burst out the sand at the final battle, I was just thinking that I never get tired of seeing the Fedaykin immediately burst into a sprint after being completely submerged in sand, and you took the words right outta my mouth.


There weren't nearly enough wins for Hans Zimmer and the score. I especially loved Paul & Chani's theme - how it started when they sandwalked together, came into full bloom when they kissed, and then faded sadly when Chani stormed out after the duel.

Also, just have to give a general shout-out for the entire last scene. From Paul confronting the Emperor and demanding to marry his daughter (which got an audible gasp from the audience when I saw it), to the duel, to the delivery of Paul's last line ("Lead them to paradise"), it's so incredibly impactful and a fitting end to the arc of the first two movies.


This movie would honestly benefit from an 'extended cut' treatment, so the story had more time to breathe.
The lack of a scene of spacing guild submitting to Paul at the end was the weirdest to leave out, since that's very crucial plot point for Paul securing his rule.


Timothee really nailed the reluctant messiah that the book portrays. The idea of being able to see the future and picking a path that still leads to mass slaughter while knowing it may be the best outcome is challenging. How do you keep any sense of morality when you see the future at the scale of all of his mother, and sister are the tethers for Paul to still see humanity on a personal scale. I am really looking forward to Dune 3.


The way my heart sank in the theatre during the destruction of sitch tablr. Seeing all the debris fall into the holy water was so devastating to watch


12:20 That SILENCE hits like cannon fire with the IMAX sound


Small detail that deserves a win is that Chani killing the Sardaukar is a mirror of Paul’s vision in Part 1. In Part 1 we see Fedaykin Paul wipe out a bunch of Sardaukar and then the visor goes up revealing his face. In Part 2 we see Chani do the exact same moves showing the vision was actually her!!


Also when Paul is explaining to Jessica after he drinks the water of life that he sees a narrow path where they succeed, it shows a close up frame from Feyd and Paul's fight with the knife sticking in Feyd's shoulder. So cool.


I can't believe you didn't win Feyd's reaction to Paul using the voice on the Bene Gesserit. I guffawed in the theater at that face. He's so curious about Paul and when Paul whips out the voice Feyd's face is the perfect "oh, THAT is a cool trick."

I also love how Stilgar is completely stunned by Paul's victory, snaps out of it, and immediately "LISAN AL-GHAIB!"


What I love is that the final fight with Fayd and Paul, it shows how powerful Paul is. Fayd is rested. Paul just fought for an hour of battle to get there, and he still bests him. Barely, but, so insanely badass....


There is one thing that seems to be mostly unnoticed, at least among the reviewers I watched so far: compare Paul's first enterance to Sietch Tabr with his entrance to the assembly. The crowd scenes there foorm a really interesting parallel illustrating Paul's transformation. In the first one, the crowd is loud and almost agressive, emphasized by shaky camera and rapid movement - he's an outsider in an unfamililar and dangerous environment. In the second, the camera movement is smooth and people in the crowd pull back for him, we even get an overhead shot - he's in complete control.

Also, I love how the assembly scene is theoretically a textbook "hero rallies his allies" moment, but the staging, the cinematography and Chalamet's acting make it into a "villainous New Era Speech" moment. Brilliant.


I think the fact that, had Jessica fallen in line with the plan and allowed Paul to be born a girl, girl-Paul would have been wed to Feyd-Rautha in order to bring about the Bene Gesserit's choice of Kwisatz Haderach, cannot go overlooked when it comes to understanding the dynamic between Feyd and Paul.
