IMPROVE Your Lead Guitar - Better Phrasing TODAY!!!

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Video Contents
0:00 Better phrasing in your lead guitar solos intro.
0:27 C minor 5 note pentatonic shape. For better lead guitar phrasing.
0:53 Creating the C minor extended pentatonic scale. Lead guitar phrasing.
1:31 Breakdown the lead guitar phrases.
6:15 Improve your lead guitar playing with better phrasing.
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Another slice of guitar gold always blown away by how simply you are able to convey to people learning improvisation how to make it so accessible to thanks Paul from Ireland


As an instructor told me long ago, "Don't just go through the scale, you need to make it 'sing'"
Phrasing is making that cold and tired scale come to life.
Excellent channels Rusty.


Good stuff! Also it’s the quiet spaces between the notes that can add to your style - my old guitar teacher recently used the phrase, “Just Breathe”- trying to take that advice in.


Nicely done Rusty. You always explain things in such an easy, clear and concise fashion. Not only are you a gifted player, but you are truly gifted as a teacher. I appreciate you my friend. Wishing you and yours a truly blessed weekend!


I used to look at the start of the video & think, 'no, I don't need to watch that'. Now I always make sure I watch every one of your videos all the way through, as I've learnt that I always take something away from it. Some of them, like this one, I need to watch several times to realise that I don't actually know that, or don't look at that scale the same way & realise I'm missing the point! Keep 'em coming Rusty, as I've learnt so much from your videos & I've only been following you for a couple of months. Wish I'd discovered your channel when it first started. Thank you.


I've been using that extended pentatonic for years, but I never got that "feel". I'm inspired to jump back in using another great backing track suggestion.

Also, I seem to recall someone saying that this slide is an Eric Clapton go-to.


Very helpful, I am definitely one of those who got in a rut of running the scale up and down and anything to get out of that is great. Thanks again.


Thank you for creating and sharing this content. For me, the way you present the information shows me new ways to look at and use old knowledge. 1 minute in and i have a new way to look at the fretboard thats been there for 45+ years. Thanks again for sharing your experience, knowledge and passion with those of us trying to make music. BEST AND PEACE


You play with such a good tone and feel - makes me just want to pick up the guitar instantly and try to learn to play like that👌


A heartfelt “ Thank you, Rusty”, for ALL YOU SHARE😎👍. You are truly a one in a million individual, and convey your lessons so that we can understand and learn effectively. C-ya next video, and as others have said “ Enjoy your weekend “ buddy.


Awesome lesson for us, beginners, thank you!!
I'd love more tips on phrasing and improvisation for beginners. Keep up the great work!! 🙏🏻


Hi Rusty,
Finally after years of frustration I've had the ultimate light bulb moment thanks to you and this lesson. I've played using the extended Pentatonic before, however, I've never been able to make it sound musical. It was always just plain boring. Using your phrasing tips and playing over this 1 chord backing track everything changed. Like you said; once I started playing over the Backing Track; the Muse took over. Then all kinds of interesting things came out. It seemed like the guitar was playing itself. I then added notes from the Pattern 1 Minor scale and more good things started to happen. Then other Backing Tracks came on and more magic happened. It didn't matter whether it was in a minor or Major Key I was able to play over the track and even the chord changes. For me you truly are the best teacher I've found on the Internet and I'll be forever grateful. You are a blessing.


I get more out of watching Rusty's videos than anywhere else on YouTube. What a gift!


Rise and shine Rusty's working it you really do a great job showing (not to much talking) lots of riffs phases and knowledge as always your Drive is Awesome
❤🌴 🚢 🐠 🎶 🌺 🎸❤TX


I learned the pentatonic scale and extended scale from you ...and I was getting so bored just practicing them...but this video will surely get me out of that rut ! Thank you for doing what you do and breaking it down for us all Rusty ! Judy 😉 your lava lamp !


Thanks Rusty! Lots of light bulb moments for me.


great to see how you've been improved video's image quality rusty happy for you, big learning as always!


Really enjoy your technique for teaching. Been playin for 40+ years and always learn something new! Rock on Rusty!🎸🎶🎵🤘👊


So very simple and useful. I already know the concepts but your videos help me focus on ways to put it all together and practice efficiently.


i just want to say how good of a teacher you are you really help me understand everything you explain in these lessons very well thank you for that rusty you really help me stay motivated!
