LEAD GUITAR // Best 4 Notes To Learn

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Video Contents
0:00 Best 4 notes to learn lead guitar intro.
0:56 learning the 4 note box shape. Create the extended blues scale.
3:00 How to use the extended B blues scale in your lead guitar solos.
4:00 Using the 4 note shape to move through the pentatonic positions. Root note as a guide.
6:54 How to start memorizing the fretboard using the 4 note box shape.
10:47 B minor pentatonic Licks breakdown over a blues rock chord progression.
16:22 How to improve your lead guitar solos, last words.
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This is the most fun I’ve had making a video lesson in a long time! I’m excited to teach this four note concept to you! Happy jamming, everyone👍


Sir, as a 64 year old new guitar learner ( been building guitars for years), I have viewed literally hundreds, if not a thousand, online lessons trying to figure out where to start...and I think I have finally found out where...your channel...THANK YOU! It' s finally making sense to me now and I am not so overwhelmed anymore...keep up the great lessons brother.


Finally someone who can teach !Thankyou Lord


I'm 71 and it's nice to learn something new from a guy like me .Time for me to pick up my Strat and start practicing .Thanks Rusty .


This is the best lesson I've ever had. You have a fantastic way of making things seam clear.
I've played most of my life but have struggled with understanding many of the concepts you're teaching.
That didn't stop me from playing and using it as a Ministry. I love the music you use in your lessons as i'm also a baby boomer who loves Classic Rock.
Thanks for your Ministry
May God Richly Bless you as you are Blessing others.
Ron B


A huge thank you. I am 70 years old and have been playing the guitar for two years. This lesson of yours is the greatest gift to my understanding of how to play a good blues solo.I like and subscribe, I will devote myself to your gameplay. Once again, maximum thanks. George. 👍👍👍


Man, am I glad I found you. I'll be 69 tomorrow, have been running scales and bored to death, wishing I could play the blues. You've given me hope and a roadmap. Thanks. Joe.


When I started playing the guitar, a friend showed me that exact pattern, and he told me, "that's all I needed to know to play Rock/Blue". That was six years ago, and he was right! That pattern along with studying the five Pentatonic scales, I can now play any key up and down the fretboard. This is a very good lesson for any beginner even though you marked it intermediate players!


Watched this one again Rusty, it's 4.03 am here in Scotland, despite the time, , I learned more this time than the first time I saw it, but now I want to pick up one of my guitars and go for it, , there's a lot of B, in this, between b and f I have always had problems with B from the B string and playing pentatonic of that particular string, , this is gonna be the same with the f, note and playing pentatonic of the f note anywhere, , it's the blue note connection as well, big light bulb 💡 Pop 😂 you are a good man, wishing we both were a wee bit younger and could jam, throwing leadbreaks at each other, , call and response 😂 may the gods bless u, ,im Pagan, hence the gods lmao 😂❤


Wow, this is what I've been looking for to learn the fretboard. I've always been sad that there are no black keys on my ukulele. So I did the next best thing. I took postit notes on my piano, and now I have strings on my piano. That really helped me figure out how to practice.


I have no background in music except for the cowboy chords I played as a teen. Music language is so difficult to grasp but now having a note chart for the fretboard, you've taught me that "box" and even understood the blue note. Rusty....You helped me get it. Now I need to learn the order of string picking/plucking and I'll be on my way to understanding fretboard navigation. Rusty, you not only teach patiently but you approach with different angles and examples to make sure we understand. Thank you!! I have watched this 3 times already.


going tru all of some older video you posted.i must say everything you posted is very useful for a beginner like me.thank you rusty


G'day mate, love your work, so helpful clear and informative, Cheers from Down Under


Thanks Rusty…. Old Aussie bloke here . This is just what I need to progress from first position every thing. Cheers mate from Dags the Drover from Down under!!


If I would have had just one of these lessons, like this one, when I was 17 years old in 1977, I would be light years ahead in my life long learning process! I really had no idea how it was all connected and had nothing to go on. Oh if we could only go back with such newly acquired knowledge. Anyway, thanks Rusty, So glad I discovered your videos, totally therapeutic!


Recently discovered your channel & have improved amazingly over the last few lessons. Starting with your most recent, I am now working my way back through your catalogue. Although I have known the 5 positions of the minor pentatonic for decades, I have been stuck in a rut and found it hard to remember those target notes, yet I've managed to learn them in all 5 positions in no time at all. Thank you so much. I subscribed after the first lesson and will continue watching as I love 'the feel' you inject into your playing (& the tone). Excellent.


You are a great teacher, not a show off. Thanks.


I've been playing 55+ years& I've never been more thrilled about how younger musicians have these sites to learn....Where in my day, I had to figure all this out WITHOUT any videos, This will connect the dots.& Enhance your playing .Root notes, for me, are #1most important thing to playing lead guitar. Don't give up, this is very, very elementary...& So Useful.Learn every position you can play this in...Good lesson.Thanks.


There are a lot of good guitar teachers on YouTube but you are quickly becoming my favorite. All the talk about scales and modes the others present are just too overwhelming. Your lessons are very straight forward and put some great sounding music in reach of us mere mortals.


Im been playing guitar on rhythm, but starting to study and play how to improvise my lead playing.. ive just found how to begin with your simple & practical explanatory lesson... a big salute to you sir.
