Improve Your Sense of Rhythm on Guitar

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Here's another video in my "Sensei Series", today we're going to talk about one of the most important and often overlooked aspects of musicality, rhythm. If you subscribed to watch whacky music videos, FEAR NOT! These videos will not be replacing those but are something I can put out while I work on the next big thing.
Links to each tip
1. Practice with a metronome 1:29
2. Record yourself 4:59
3. Play with musicians who have good time 5:59
4. Move your body to the music 7:08
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Born in the Manitoba prefecture of Canada, samuraiguitarist, Steve-san Onotera, honed his discipline under the study of the country's most powerful musical sensei.

Bred on rock, raised on the blues, trained in jazz, samuraiguitarist creates incredibly innovative videos that showcase his talents on the guitar.
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I cannot stress enough the importance of this video lesson. I push rhythm over lead to all of my students not just because it is critical to becoming a great guitarist BUT it will help your leads more than anything else. Great video Sensei. Just subbed you.


I recently went to the studio to record some original material for the first time and quickly realized that I had been practicing singing & playing at the same time NOT to a click track... I was quickly re-learning to play to a click (as I have done so before) but the engineer got snippy with me as he probably thought I was another lazy musician who didn't practice often, needless to say it killed the mood in the room for a while. Never ever will I have that feeling again. Thanks for your content Samurai.


Hey dude, Here's another tip to exercise rythm that I like to use.
It's vey easy, just try jamming on a groove by only using 1 or 2 notes, that way you're not distracted by the melody and you can really focus on the rythm you're using with these two notes :)
Love your video's man, keep it up!


'the less i know the better' has the most insanely catchy bassline


It is so true. I think that what makes a good or a band band is how well the musicians lock together.


A really nice exercise is to set the metronome to 40BPM when playing a 120BPM 4/4 song, so that only the first beat matches. It is quite difficult at the beginning but really gets you out of your comfort zone.


Tip #4 so headbanging and airdrumming is useful after all!


Ahoi! Still anybody here? Not sure if this is a suggestion or a question, but around here, there are several open stage events where you can just walk up a stage and perform. Some want you registering beforehand but at others you can just walk in, wait for an open space and do your stuff.
In some cases you will perform in front of any odd walker-by, but some are held by jazz clubs or so and you will be in front of other (mostly amateur) musicians. I am using your videos (among others) to prepare for such a thing as I have witnessed some (in the audience) and was blown away by the helpful and positive attitude at these events.


Teaching was great.
Knowledge was great.
Intro was overdramatic.


I would've given this two thumbs up if it were available - this is my weakest area, and this helped.


Kudos for the acknowledgment of female guitarists who watch (and enjoy!) your channel Sam. We ARE out here!😊🎸👌


I'm going to go with Budos Band "Aynotchesch Yererfu", good lord I forgot how good these guys are


Tip for metronomes. Instead of trying to divide or subdivide in your head, multiply the BPM by the ratio of that note compared to a quarter note. (So eight to quarter would be 2:1) I feel it makes it easier to feel it.


'walking contradiction' has such a catchy chorus, I can't help but move with the vocals! This video was insanely helpful. Thanks so much, its really appreciated!


being 41 and a musician for the last 20 some odd years this is all true great content i liked and follow and dont forget you can always learn stay humble :)


Great topic.  When I use to teach I urged my students to get a cheap drum machine.  I'm sure not all will agree, but I think even a cheap drum machine is more inspiring than the tick of a metronome.  It makes a new student "feel" like they making music quicker.  IMHO.  Thanks for the vids,  really good.


This is great for beginners. I'm glad I was already trained this way.


I love it! As 22 yr professional percussionist I am on my 1st yr guitar and realized training and rudiments are very applicable.


Great video, very helpful ! I have been playing about a year and half, so I need all the help I can, beside being 65, I practice just about every day, at times I felt like quitting but I
never gave in. So thanks again for the info !


Wow switching up the metronome pattern while I practice is pretty difficult, but I think it's really helping me nail down my rhythm. My thanks dude
