Why you shouldn't get a puppy for Christmas

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Merry Christmas everyone! Who says you shouldn't get a puppy? No one! But timing is everything.

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Alternative title: *Local Vet Gets Distracted By A Cute Cat*


Love your videos Claudia, there's always a human in the frame though, don't know if that's intentional or not.


I taught my cat as a kitten never to go on the kitchen counters. Fast forward 9 years and I developed a mouse problem. She would sit on the floor staring up at the mouse just quivering, wanting them so badly. I swear they taunted her. I picked her up and put her on the counter. She started jumping up on the counter and solved my mouse problem. Now she's back to not setting paw on the counter. Cats are amazing! (By the way, she is a 2 year GI lymphoma survivor--there is hope)


Germany just prohibited animal adoption during the holidays. Probably a good idea.


I guess a better way to go for that pet for christmas gift would be a small present box with a paper in it saying something like "want a pet ? let's go to the shelter and look for one". At this point it's just paper and ink, so there's room to think about it, but the paper has shown your willingness to accept the thing for whoever you wrote it for.

Just a guess though


"Pets are so disrupting! They make your life so much better!"
I love you, Vancouver Vet!


"Obnoxious o'clock in the morning."

I'm stealing this line and subscribing immediately.


Excellent and hilarious, thank you!
“Cat counter”
“Not cat counter”

Routine, routine. Yes, so very important in so many ways. My cat is so much happier that we feed her at exactly the same time everyday, rather than not.


"you're far too cute" - so relatable. My partner and I constantly have cute aggression because our cat is just way too cute and we don't know how to handle it haha. Meowkai loves to chirp at us and roll over into funny positions to tempt us and when we go to pet him, he gets playful, runs away and waits for us to follow and catch him. And yes, definitely need to prepare to have them wake you up at six every morning for cuddles and food.


to me having pets is just as close you'll get to having something like children: they're a commitment to which you'll tie yourself for a good portion of your life (and the whole of their life for that matter).


Honestly, I wouldn't want a cat for christmas present because:

1) I hate any connotation that animals are items that you buy or gift. They are living beings that will more than likely become your best friend, child, and/or roommate. They are much more than something given in a crappily wrapped cardboard box.

2) All animals are cute, but why a random animal? Why not go to a shelter and play with all the animals, make actual connections? Why not find that one animal that sparks love and interest the moment you lay eyes on them? The biggest joy of adopting an animal companion is finding someone who fits just right into your routine and state. A gift animal can possibly be the complete wrong temperament for you, and unfortunately lead to surrendering the animal.

Adopting an animal for yourself is the best, in my personal opinion.


In the United Kingdom we have a dog's trust that uses the phrase "A dog is for life, not just for christmas" I whole heartedly support this lesson.


I wouldn't be so sure that Clawdia doesn't go at the not-cat-counter. She only doesn't do it while you are looking....


I am a foster dad for kittens for my city shelter. We have a policy that we do not adopt around December. Even though the shelter is constantly full and foster parents are not always available, they are quite selective of who is allowed to adopt them.


Giving a pet as a present is kinda like skipping the contraceptive in secret: Don't surprise someone you care about with 18 years of responsibility.


Man, I liked your videos. But after this one, I love them. You educate people and you do it in a nice way. Thank you. Have a nice day.


"Everytime friends come over someone poops in the litter box. Good timing." That made me chuckle - pets do seem to have a sixth sense for embarrassing their humans! I have several birds and some of them will inevitably just start mating in plain sight of my guests while we're trying to politely ignore the display ... Shameless little floofballs.


Vets should be required to call the authorities if someone says to euthanize a pet because they are going on a trip, and then the criminals should be punished severely. Parents/guardians can not ask a doctor to kill a child because they are going on a trip and neither should pet owners. Good advice and good video.


Yes. This is a very important message. I got my first pet ever, a cat, when I was 5 as a birthday gift. I loved that cat with all my heart, but my dad wouldn't take her to the vet when she got sick so he returned her to the pet shop. It took my eleven years to get over that cat.
Recently, I got turtles as a gift. A few years ago. I was still a kid and I had no experience, so I kept them in the little plastic thing with the island. Long story short, when I realized I wasn't taking proper care of them I tried to rescue them, took them to a vet, gave them medicine, improved diet, and even called a guy to make me a proper tank, but it was too late and they died anyways because I didn't take good enough care of them.

I cannot stress how important it to A) do your research before getting an animal, as many pet shops aren't reliable (yes, turtles DO need a heater, they're reptiles for fuck's sake) and B) don't get someone a surprise pet. Ever.


Claudia and Mr Pirate are my favourite YouTube stars. They have trained their hooman pet properly. Joking aside, I love these videos, they are so full of sense .
