Why You SHOULDN’T Get a Belgian Malinois

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Beautifully said this guy is one of the best and most real trainers you’re ever going to find.


We love our Maligator. He's a bundle of energy on springs with teeth. Eat, Sleep, Poop, Zoom! He is never left alone to be destructive, crate trained for quite time and continues his daily training, everyday to exercise his body and mind. These dogs require COMMITMENT and you cannot slack, also really good food and LOTS of hardy toys. 🐕


A good trainer makes their interactions with their dogs look effortless.

What we don't see are the countless hours that person has put into practicing that bond, commitment, and training.
How they have to challenge that dog daily with new enrichment activities, or run with them for an hour before the day even starts.
These dogs are gorgeous powerhouses and they deserve respect.


Thank you for educating future dog owners! Seriously too many people fall for the attraction but fail to train the breed.


I am amazed at what this breed is capable of. I would like to have one, but I do not have what it takes to keep up. Beautiful animal


I was a kennel tech at a training facility and my bosses Belgian jumped through the front window of the facility…. He was okay but dude was always on GO and never a dull moment with him😭😭😭


I adopted one that had been returned 2x! She lived about 21 yrs! I worked with people with TBI and she was kept busy and was well loved! She came to work with me until we both retired!


Glad we have this educational channel because there are countless people out there who loves dogs but have almost zero knowledge of them


My Malinois is by far the best dog I’ve ever owned. Challenging, hard-working, unbelievably energetic and full of enthusiasm. Training him has been rewarding, fulfilling and a pleasure.


Ty for saying this we don't need more dogs in shelters or abused animals!


I work construction 8 hrs day and own a Belgian malinois I can vouch that if you don't have a big yard or time to go park do not get him I love my dog *Capone to death but he will chew anything but his toys and is always ready to train or go on a walk he only 6 months old but he's learning so fast


Right you are!! They are wonderful dogs, but need to be with people that understand their needs.


Great advice. These dogs are not for the faint hearted.


I have a Belgian Malinois and I am perfectly fine and she has never teared up my house. She is a spoiled little baby


My neighbor had a Belgian named Carlos. He also had a jack Russel. Them dogs had no chill. Carlos would go running with me at night when I got off work. 4 miles and he wouldn’t break a sweat. I miss that dog.


Thanks. Saved me a big mistake! ps- Not for Novice, either


I've had two malinois and honestly we never trained them to be precise guard dogs or anything. They were just our dogs. When they were juvenile they were biting everything but we realised with the first malinois that its almost like juvenile behavior and it can last for almost up to 3 years of age. Our second malinois was much easier on that part as she was only biting for about a year plus and by the time she was 3 she was fully dignified young lady. Honestly i find them an easy breed. Lovely dogs and honestly with how my parents raised them, they really don't need much thought to it. If you're a dog person, that's enough. The loyalty of the malinois will ensure that even if you don't discipline him or her well, they'll always know you as their owner. Super loyal dogs, when they are scared and aggressive at the vet, only the owner can calm the malinois. The way we raised them was to the point where if we put our hands in their food bowl while they were eating, they'd be almost humored by it and patiently wait while wagging their tail for us to remove our hand. All in all it wasn't anywhere as annoying as raising our English Cocker Spaniel. Like seriously malinois are easier than cocker spaniels. That's how good of a breed it is. If you're a dog person, you'll be fine.


I rescued one from a family that got to the point that the lady started beating her. I offered to take her since she was 3 months and by 5 months she finally let me take her. I tag teamed with my friend who had another malinois and helped me get her healthy and basic crate and potty trained. That little puppy transformed in a month. She was one of various pups a local idiot was breeding in our community. I was lucky to have gotten her as young as i did and having the support of two others to give her the time and our combined three animals to help her with faster socializing and getting her the guiding she needed. We found a perfect home for her with a couple who one was a vet and another a nurse. She's doing amazing now in her new home with her husky sister. They are extremely smart i hope one day to own one again, but I'm currently pregnant so it might be a few years lol


I love how quickly straight and to the point for breeds you are! ❤


Here in Singapore, we adopted a Retired K9 Belgian Malinois and he is absolutely perfect.
This is also teaches us to ADOPT and not BUY.
