11 Exercises For Obese Beginners At Home

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With discipline and motivation, you can battle obesity at home by exercising on a DAILY basis!

During this time that you're staying home due to the pandemic, there's no reason for you to gain more weight. In fact, now is the perfect time for you to start living healthy--eat a healthy diet, watch your hygiene, and exercise on a daily basis! You need to use this time to make yourself healthier! It will be easier to combat the virus when you're at the prime of your health!

Do this workout everyday to help you lose weight and be in good shape. This 15-min workout is perfect for you to do while you're holed up in your homes during this season!

Good luck and let's get started!❤️💪

**If you want to be notified when I upload a new video, make sure to subscribe to our channel. I upload new videos everyday from Sunday to Friday!
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I am currently sitting at 405lbs. I am ashamed and embarrassed by myself. I have decided to change my life. I am new to exercise and though the planking was awful and I had to take a break, I did the workout all the way through! I am so happy to have found this. It’s recommended 30 minutes of exercise a day, so I will be doing this once in the morning and once in the evening every day. Thank you so much for helping me! This video, I hope will give me my life back.


For everyone reading this that plans to lose weight. YOU CAN DO IT! I believe in you, and you should believe in yourself too! Stay strong.


Since most people said they would update on their progress but forgot, I can update! I can't believe how much progress I've made. I started in January (2022) by doing this workout everyday for, like, 3 weeks (and having a low-carb diet at the same time). As it began to feel too easy, I've done the no jumping ones from Roberta's gym that lasts 30 minutes, again, everyday. Then I've switched to the "normal ones" and now (May 2022), I've lost 33lbs / can walk up to 5 hours without feeling tired (when, one year ago, I couldn't even walk for 15 minutes). So, thank you Roberta's gym for making accessibles workout for beginners! It changed my life to see that I could start slow, now I'm more consistent than I ever was.


I've been doing this twice a day for 2 weeks, my started weight was 178lbs my weight now 166lbs .


I am 280lbs and am going to do this twice a day( morning and evening) for two weeks to monitor my progress. I will combine this with keto diet. Wish me luck 🙏


Thank you for this video! I'm 270lbs and I can keep up with this, unlike other videos that forget we're fat and two mins in I'm dying.


I’m 19 years old and I’m currently 234 lbs. I’ve already lost 13 lbs from eating small portions and changing my diet. I’m going to try doing these exercises 2x per day during the week and walking on Saturday’s. I’ll record my progress here. I wish everybody luck with their fitness journeys!


I am overweight and unfit. I just completed this 15 min exercise workout and I have a raised heartbeat and a sweat on. It certainly helps. I get discouraged by difficult workouts and quit but I can stick to this one. Thank you!


Ok I’m doing this everyday it made me sweat it gave me hope that I can lose weight that I can finally be pretty thank you 💖.


Been doing this video for half a month now and am almost down 10 pounds. Thank you!


I'm 63, obese and have arthritis in my lower back, knees and ankles. Even I can do most of these exercises. The ones on the floor don't work for me but the rest are great. So glad I found this workout.


Hey guys! To anybody just starting off in their weight loss journey like I am: I particularly loathe walking and cardio .. I do them cause I have to...the first few days, weeks, can be rough but I promise you once you get the point where you see results and start feeling better, it’ll be so much easier. Also, the worse mistake I always make is stopping for a prelonged time cause it sucks getting your body used to it again. Good luck everybody, we can do it !


Thanks to roberta’s gym ! Its almost 4 months since I started to workout with you. From 120kg to 107.5 kg now thanks so much more journey with you 😍


Today is only day 2 for me doing this exercise and I’ve lost weight ALREADY! I really think the people who are struggling to lose weight should start doing these workouts 💯


This workout is very effective. I've done this for 20 days. I went from 204 -> 189 lbs


To anyone who is reading this by now, I am now on my 6th day in daily exercise I am also trying so hard not to eat more but Im still good to myself so I eat some snacks if I crave it very much. I'm planning to lose 30kilos or 40 or 50 throughout the year I am now 124 kilos and I am 18 years old. I am bullied all throughout my life, by my relatives, friends, schoolmates. I want those harsh words to become my motivation and my greatest motivation is believing in my self that I will be fit someday. Goodluck everyone, I love you!


Thank you Roberta's Gym for uploading varieties of exercises.I found your channel last year august and by doing all the exercises i have lost a total of 10 kgs in a span of 8 months.Looking forward to more of such uploads : )


It would have been nicer to not have to see a skinny person doing the beginner obese workout


I can’t do the planking but I did everything else twice! I’m sitting at 260lbs and was just recently hospitalized with hypertensive crisis again. Imma make a difference in my life. I wanna live to see my grandkids.


We all start somewhere thanks for the upload 🙏🏽🥺
