Was Count Dooku Actually RIGHT? - The Philosophy of Star Wars' Most Classy Sith

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0:00 Intro
1:05 Seeing the Faults
3:17 A New Order
6:42 Right and Wrong
9:36 Outro
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I like to imagine Dooku as sort of a Darth Revan like character when it came to him being a sith, not fully consumed by it (hence not always having sith eyes) but rather using it like a tool


“You speak of a feeble assembly of weak-minded simpletons(Jedi council). For too long have they sat in their ivory tower, content to dispense arrogant platitudes while the galaxy evolves before their very eyes. Why would I be concerned with cowards too frightened to understand what it truly means to know the Force?” -Dooku
Pretty impressive quote for an obscure DS game(Clone Wars: Jedi Alliance to be exact).


Geonosis arena
Anakin: Padme, are you all right?
Padme: Yes I have the high ground
Obi-Wan: What a useful trick


Count Dooku: "Slavery is an evil that cannot be tolerated."
Also Count Dooku: "It's not slavery if they're non-humans."


I think this quote from Gandalf sums up the Dark Side quite best:

_Understand, Frodo. I would use this ring from a desire to do good... But through me, it would wield a power too great and terrible to imagine._

Dooku may have had the noblest of intentions, but the Dark Side twisted them into something utterly repugnant.


Dooku's last thoughts in the revenge of the sith right before his death:
_"Treachery is the way of the Sith"_


What if Count Dooku's whole ordeal was to avenge Qui Gon's death by playing double agent? Infiltrate by Darth Sidious's side and kill him when he's most vulnerable ?


My man Dooku just wasn’t the same anymore since Qui Gon was gone. Poor guy lost his son


Geetsly: Dooku was a charismatic but monstrous man.
Dooku: Brave of you boy, I thought you learned your lesson.


Thus his name, Tyranus...the one who would bring the galaxy to Tyranny.
It's ironic that he's so often overlooked compared to Maul and Vader, who were effectively bookends, when he did the majority of the groundwork and execution for the final stages of the Sith Grand Plan. For a decade, he used his reputation, wealth, influence and personal power and charisma to operate without suspicion in the open, he erased Kamino from the archives, lured his friend Syfo Dyas to purchase the Clone Army, then silence him, he came up with the plan to use Bounty Hunters to destroy the Bando Gora to find the prime clone templet, he recruited Jango Fett, funded the GAR and organized the CIS. Then in his last three years of his thirteen year time as a Sith Lord, he recruited and trained Grievous and Ventress-two of the most prolific Jedi Killers of their day(their combined total Jedi kills amount over 260 dead Jedi) he turned Sora Bulq and several Jedi Masters, Knights and Padawans to the Dark Side, created a schism in the Jedi Order, spared and pushed Anakin further to the Darkside while restraining himself from killing the boy on multiple occasions, found and retrieved the holocron of Darth Andeddu for Sidious(which allowed Sidious to master Essence Transfer and survive his death at Endor) and work closely with Sidious to perpetuate the Clone Wars so that more and more emergency powers could be vested in Sidious public guise as Palpatine.
Sidious literally could not have come to power fully without Tyranus, and part of disposing of him through Anakin was to remove someone who commanded the respect and loyalty of half the galaxy and could become a rival once the Empire had been established.


The Philosophy of Star Wars never ceases to spark inspiration for me. Dooku is THE separatist. His ideals are right to an extent but also somewhat misguided. The Jedi are meant to be, in some people's eyes, apathetic. One of the core tenants of the Jedi is intended to be restraint. Those who can change the galaxy shouldn't do so, as absolute power corrupts absolutely. The alliance between the Jedi Order and the Republic, especially the Jedi's influence of galactic politics, go against these ideals. As Mace Windu once said, "We are keepers of the peace, not soldiers." The final nail in the coffin for the Jedi was their involvement with the clone army in the GAR, proving that the Jedi could not follow their dogmatic views while being aligned to the Republic. Dooku and the Sith, in general, have an ideology base similar to Nietzsche, in the sense that those with power have a duty and responsibility to use it. This isn't inherently evil. We've seen multiple Jedi in the expanded universe act this way, such as Revan and Kyle Katarn. In the era's this was more accepted was both before and after the reign of Sidious, or more accurately, Yoda.


Dooku was a hero once but ideals get corrupted the dark side isn’t a tool that can simply be used it will use you and the man who once wanted to better the galaxy is gone and now only Tyrannus remains that became the very thing he swore to destroy a corrupt tyrant


So, in other words, Dooku wanted to create the star wars equivalent to the Imperium of Man. Which means...

Dooku: God emperor of mankind
The sith army: Space Marines and tech-priests
Stormtroopers: Imperial Guard


You find out more about Dooku’s beliefs and politics in the book Plagueis. It’s also annoying that the book ends with Plapatine meeting Dooku in a underworld bar.


Dooku is actually my favourite character. He is stylish, cool, badass (the mofo could defeat grievous with ease in legends, the same grievous who could beat durge and assajj in a 1v2), had a very cool lightsaber style and was actually incredibly powerful.
I always saw him as a revan that didn't make it.


"It is obvious that this contest cannot be decided with our skills in the Force.... but with our skills in a lightsaber. "


I don't like the fact that Dooku was a racist, it just doesn't fit to his character as we saw him in the movies and the clone wars like he had 3 apprentices that wasn't human such as Asajj Ventress the Dathomirian witch, Savage Opress the Dathomirian Zabrak and Quinlan Vos the Kiffu jedi master. He doesn't seem to hate nor treat them badly (except from their training) but the point is that it doesn't fit his character especially from someone who is trying to save galaxy and that is what I don't like about legends Dooku and hopefully this won't happen with this canon Dooku.


It would be absolutely badass if Count Dooku took a civilian shuttle, went to Couruscant, surrendered to see the Jedi Council and straight up tell them "I surrender but kill the chancellor, he's a sith lord and plays us both."


It’s worth noting that the many renditions of Dooku across many different media all come from different authors with different ideas. George Lucas rule of two is different from Drew Karpyshan Rule of Two, just as AotC Dooku may be different from Dooku in novels or comics. In the original AotC, he clearly knows about the Sith Grand Plan, and the Death Star, but is there anything in that original rendition to suggest he is racist? Also we learn he taught Qui Gon, who Filoni always said was the wise father figure Anakin needed in Phantom Menace. One criticism I’ve heard of The Clone Wars, is that it made Dooku too much of a generic bad guy. In Clone Wars he can be pretty brutal and we saw him play the game being a Sith apprentice, trying to outfox his master with Ventress and Savage. Regardless it’s interesting to try and perceive his intentions, and I’d like more videos on him. He’s an underrated character.


More and more I hear about Dooku, the more he becomes my favorite character.