Was Count Dooku ACTUALLY OLDER than Palpatine?
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Did you know that Count Dooku is older than Palpatine? Weird right? A lot of the fandom assume that Palpatine is much older or that he ages slower because of the power of the Dark Side … but Palpatine is actually 18 years younger than Dooku! Seemingly, Dooku has way more experience than Palpatine, but the key to this relationship is that Palpatine has more experience with the DARK SIDE! Dooku learned everything he could from Master Yoda! He wanted more, he wanted to end corruption in the Republic, and to do so, he decided to walk a different path and acquire additional powers, so that he could oppose his old Master without fear of retribution! Dooku's superior age and experience allowed him to become OVERCONFIDENT … he had every intention of Destroying Darth Sidious himself; he even tried to recruit Obi-Wan, and would have gladly taken him on as his own apprentice! Although Dooku grew his powers tremendously through the Dark Side of the Force, he failed to fully understand it’s treacherous nature!!! #shorts #starwars #dooku #sidious #jedi #sith