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#codependencyrecovery #codependencycoaching #codependencyexpert Tools to help you stop being so codependent in your relationships with others. Codependency is described as a loss of self that develops into behaviors that help us gain a sense of worthiness by meeting other people's demands at the expense of the self. Many people ask me, "Why am I so codependent in relationships?" During co-creative coaching experiences, I help my clients better understand how childhood experiences have shaped their sense of self and worldview.

If you are codependent due to abandonment trauma and growing up feeling invisible and unworthy, adopting these mental health tools can put you on the part of emotional healing. Healing from codependency is the key to emotional intelligence and emotional freedom. You can reprogram the subconscious mind when you have the tools.

Suppose you people-please, rescue, and enable others. In that case, you will find many of the codependency recovery tips you need here in this YouTube video by Lisa A. Romano, Codependency Recovery Life Coach

8 Key Phrases You Can Use to Shut Down a Narcissist

10 Mind Games Narcissists Play They Hope You Won’t Figure Out

If you would like support as you heal codependency, check out my narcissistic abuse recovery coaching program. 50% off limited-time offer

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The Actors from the hit movie WAVES watched my YouTube videos about codependency to prepare for their movie roles.

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That baby experiment is how my mom was my whole life! I’m now 75 and have never had anyone show me genuine love. As an unconscious codependent, I have always felt that to be my responsibility. I certainly know better now, but I have no desire to even attempt another relationship. Just spending my remaining years as my authentic self will be comfort enough!


I like that. We have the DNA of God. Never thought of it that way. That is very empowering..


Empath/codependent here. I used to walk into my Zumba class and feel almost immediately who was upset, in distress or having problems. I used to ask myself, why do I have to feel all this, and why do I feel it is my business/responsibility? It was a short time later I discovered the man I was married to was showing behaviors that frightened me. I subsequently went into therapy, discovered that I was married to a covert narcissist, and divorced him. Thanks to your videos, I have been able to heal on a much deeper level.


After watching one of your many wonderful videos a truth was presented to me. I asked myself when will my depression and anxiety would go away. My inner self said, "when I can accept things as they are and not the way I want them to be." Truth. Thank you so much Lisa for all your videos and truth. You are truly a Godsend and maybe I am being selfish in saying this but I am glad you becoming a nurse didn't work out because God has used you in a powerful way to spread healing and truth. Mankind needs emotional healing just as much as physical healing.


The concept of me not being my thoughts or feelings was a revelation to me. I want to learn more on that. Thank you!


Your hair is beautiful but more importantly God has blessed you. I appreciate your straightforward no bs explanations you helped me so much


My parents were neither alcoholics nor drug addicts. They were lovely people who were not capable of connecting emotionally with me. However, that was enough to do the "work". I forgive them for this was the best they could do with the consciousness they had and now I take the responsibility to work on me and create the best version of myself!


Thank you for this. I had great parents and a great childhood but got involved in a relationship with an actual psychopath who almost killed me 3 times he completely destroyed my soul and I do believe it rewired my brain because it was from the ages of 18 to 26 and your brain isn’t even done developing until you are 25. The effects of his abuse are affecting me to this day.


This is exactly how I feel parents only accepted this sentence " everything's okay" and I married a verbally and emotionally abusive person when I was 18 years old, and as I started to become so unhappy I would tell my parents about it and they listened and cared, but then said "well will go back to it you know you'll be okay" so I learned to minimize and disregard because I'm supposed to just keep "everything okay" I basically lived my life my whole life I'm 62 years old !! lived making sure my mother thought that "everything was fine with me" when it never was


You are the BEST ON YOUTUBE on this topic. Lisa you are chosen! A true angel 🤩🤩🤩


A life of servitude. Got me in the feels. I’m the fixer. I’m the rescuer, the indentured servant. I’m exhausted. Yet I never feel I have the right to set a boundary if others have needs! I cannot tell you how relieved I am that you were the same. My mother is the child of an alcoholic father and a codependent. She’s the fixer with almost zero boundaries. A huge weight has been lifted off me knowing I can say what I need, I can set a boundary, and that it’s not my fault I’ve never known how to do this. You’re working miracles…50 yrs old and I’m pulled in so many directions on a daily basis that I function strictly for everyone I work with, live with, have relationships with and I’m drained.


@Lisa👍👍 my ex-wife used to shame me about being a empathetic and that confused me great deal but since I started listening to Lisa's advices I found out that there is nothing wrong with me nowadays I am proud of my feelings and won't change them for anything I love being a good human being. Namaste 🙏


I must acknowledge you for providing so much free information to help guide us in this very difficult journey. Coming into the realization of the deep effect of codependency also correlates to financial struggle for many of us and to know that a lifeline is available that is not going to drain my survival resources is a gift and miracle. Thank you and I appreciate it with my life.


You’re gifting myself and your viewers with such a beautiful combo of spirituality and practicality.

✨Thank you✨


I am still People pleasing! Where the Narcs caught my main fears is that I am deeply scared to be homeless on the streets, with a cruel man, without money, etc! That’s what they play with!


This video is so very true, ive been fixing for years supporting my.kids emotionally and financially, was married for27, years to covert, narcisst, then on the rebound met an overt narccist but I finished after 3, and half years, I thought it was the real thing, but it crumbled.


I have a scary messy cellar in my heart where for many many years I d hear scary noises that would make me physically sick and yet I woud be fearful to open the door to see what s up there.Thanks for holding my hand and coming to there with me.I like when u touch every single damn item and show me what it is and what is not.I am not fearfull anymore to accept the reality of the cellar of my heart.I am ready to clean it up and make it stay spectacular.I am divorcing my sadnees my fears and heart breaks, to be able to embrace my new self.


Lisa, when you say the words “dear ones”, somehow the mere words touch me to my core. Whatever it is, I feel loved, treasured, cherished, comforted, and sort of “held” in that moment. Thank you for the work you do. Finding your videos has been a Godsend. May God continue to richly bless you.


How wonderful to finally meet someone who knows what it is like to feel nothing, simply because you were not allowed to feel what you felt. I finally feel understood !! Thank you so so much!


I am a Pisces also! My birthday was St. Patrick's Day! I watch your videos daily---and they are helping me to heal! Oh, and I am an empath!