Crazy strict rules Mormon missionaries have to follow 😱 #mormon #exmo #Mormonmissionaries

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Never being alone sounds like literal torture


no novels AND never being alone?! my introverted ass could


They must also pay for it all while their mega Corporation sits on over $500 Billion.


I was living alone in a town with a largely Mormon population when I was in my late 20s. Two young men came to my day in the evening saying they were missionaries and wanted me to let them in. I just looked at them like they were nuts and said, ”I’m a woman alone. I can’t let two men into my house!!” They said, “But we’re missionaries.” I looked at them and shook my head. “So what”, says I. Anybody can dress in a skinny tie, white shirt and dark pants and claim to be a missionary.” They looked shocked, stared at me for a while and then backed off my front porch.


How is it that people don’t see through this? When my son was in high school, I was watching his soccer practice when one of his teammates, older brother sat near me. I asked him how things were going since he graduated from high school. He said that he was getting ready to go on a mission, and that he was a little nervous, I immediately said to him that well, if you weren’t nervous, I would be a little worried about you. At the time I had no idea what a Mormon mission entailed. I was trying to give him comfort that he will be helping so many people with all the good work that they will be doing in whatever city that they will be in. I said just think of all of the wells for water that you will be making so that people could have drinking water or the schools that you will be building so that children will learn. He then looked at me and said no this is not that kind of mission, then informed me what a Mormon mission was. I then said, so you have to pay to go on this mission and you do not get paid for your 12 hour day, and you can’t contact your family at all. He said yes. Needless to say I was shocked.


You had me at “Mormon”. Sorry, but that’s already a dealbreaker


Why would anybody be surprised that the LDS has been losing membership?


A brother of someone I knew in college totally freaked out six months into his mission. He locked himself in his closet and wouldn't leave. The mission president's wife thought teaching him to sing would help. So, for a few weeks, he lived with them at their house and just hung out with this old lady. As soon as they paired him with a companion, he locked himself in his closet again. They sent him home shortly after that.

This was more than fifteen years ago, and he still barely ever leaves his room at his parent's. He works overnight at Walmart.

From what I understand, he was normal before he left. I realize missions can be tough, even brutal, but for whatever reason, his literally did him in. He's struggled with PTSD ever since.


You lost me immediately at "No Novels". Then broke me entirely at "Never Be Alone". As an introverted librarian, I would DIE.


Never being alone and paying THEM to work for THEM is an ABSOLUTE deal breaker!!


Yesterday I had some missionaries come to my door. I was so excited to use the handshakes I learned in here!! They were so confused. I gave them a copy of her book, they didn't take it.


No novels and never being alone.
Didn't expect to find a deal breaker so quickly.

I like reading and being alone gives me peace


For me beach of this things are gigantic red flags
I love swimming, can't live without hugs and I think being several years without a moment to be alone is insane


When I was younger walking around Cambridge (UK), two American Mormons came up to me to try to convert me. I talked to them for a while but I don't think they enjoyed it: I was absolutely amazed they were real and the conversation basically repeated of "But you don't really believe that, right? You know that's factually not true.... Right?" again and again when they mentioned things.

I found it genuinely surreal and thought they were frankly creepy.


Lol they finally showed up to our house in the middle of a rainstorm the other day! My husband gave them an earful. He said he did not believe in the Book of Mormon. The "elder" asked hubs how would he know if he hadn't read it. My husband asked, "Well, have you read the Koran?See, you don't have to read a religious book to know you don't believe it!"😅


I know somebody who (briefly) converted to Mormonism and, for the end of this mission, she gave the missionary a tie that she had painted and incredibly detailed sea turtle on. It definitely broke a rule but he wore it anyway


Deal breaker for me would be saying that God named a child molester as a prophet. But then again, we have people in America today saying that he has anointed a serial sex abuser, tax cheat, convicted felon, and perpetual liar who bears false witness against his neighbors (along with anyone else he doesn't like), as his chosen one to lead God's country.


If I could never be alone outside of bathroom time, I’d literally have a nervous breakdown.


I get these young men on my international flights all the time.
Very polite.
My gorgeous, stunning young co-worker had them in her aisle/section.
They would barely speak or look at her when she would ask: "chicken or pasta?"
So, as the 'grandma' on the crew (lol);
I took over her section to make sure these boys (to me!) got fed.


No novels and *_NEVER_* alone? Deal breaker. Man, I'll bet bathroom breaks get to be while on a mission!
