Jesus Vs Paul - christianity was invented by paul

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Jesus observed the Torah. Paul invented Christianity. A religion based on idol worship which is forbidden. Exodus 20:3-6

Thou shalt have no other gods before me. 4Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth: 5Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them: for I the LORD thy God am a jealous God

written by @waitstill7091
Charles’s testimony

"I was a former Christian teacher for 12 years and discovered in 2020, I was wrong about Jesus. Since then, I have been on a mission to debunk the falsehoods of Christianity. It is my belief; false religions are standing in the way of the Messianic age."
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Honestly, as an atheist who grew up as a Christian, I have to agree. Paul's teachings about the Jewish laws definitely contradict the words of Jesus. Surely, if someone who claims divine revelation says something which contradicts the words of Christ, then Christians should reject those teachings. If the words of Christ aren't the standard, then anyone could just make up anything and call it Christianity.


Christianity is a a Pauline doctrine, and has nothing to do with Jesus


This video is tip of the ice burg, paul has said lot worse.
More than Half of the new testament is pauls written, paul shaves his head in Jerusalem and follows of the laws, when alone says and wrotes "People who follow the rules are cursed" "Old rules are garage" etc...
Most of his writings contradicts.

Christainity ✖️
Paulinity ✅

Paul the apostle ✖️
Paul the apostate ✅


Exactly, for those who doesnt read the bible will find this video hurtful. But for those who DOES READ the bible must agree that this illustrating video is a Valid Truth. I still wonder why people who claimed they are christian and read bible still defend Paul? Thanks for the video, i enjoy it even it's a brutal truth.


Dont be anywhere near Uncle Paul on Judgement day..


When Paul says in Romans 7:6 we are released from the law he isnt abbolishing the law, he is saying that he dont have to do the rituals of purification, giving lamb sacrifices to God for example, we dont kill lambs to sacrifice to God cuz it was a simbol of Jesus we will stop remaking the last supper when Jesus returns for example
In Romans 10:4 the word "end" in greek is telos wich can mean "goal" or "porpuse" this means that the Law's purpose was to point to Jesus
And btw Jesus says he is God im only going to say some
John 8:58
John 10:30
Mark 14:61-62
Revelation 22:13
And btw real Christians dont worship statues.
Jesus loves u❤


So according to this, the rest of the apostles were all tricked by Paul even though they had Holy Spirit to give them discernment. Oh and that we should all still sacrifice animals for our sins. Cause nowhere is it written to be ended. So much wrong here. Context goes a long way....


Hey I know that voice! Hello Rabbi Singer!😊


2 Peter 3:14-18

New International Version

14 So then, dear friends, since you are looking forward to this, make every effort to be found spotless, blameless and at peace with him. 15 Bear in mind that our Lord’s patience means salvation,  just as our dear brother Paul also wrote you with the wisdom that God gave him. 16 He writes the same way in all his letters, speaking in them of these matters. His letters contain some things that are hard to understand, which ignorant and unstable people distort,  as they do the other Scriptures,  to their own destruction.

17 Therefore, dear friends, since you have been forewarned, be on your guard so that you may not be carried away by the error of the lawless and fall from your secure position. 18 But grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. To him be glory both now and forever! Amen.


Seems a bit strawmanned. Paul did not write scriptures. He wrote letters, which were compiled into scriptures well after his death, first by Marcion in the mid 2nd century. The case could be made to Marcion and others who canonized Paul's letters, but not Paul himself.

It's also strange to have Jesus quote the gospels in response, as the gospels were written also after Paul's death, with Mark no sooner than 70 CE and Paul dying by 65 CE.


God is not a man. Isaiah 42:8 I am the lord, that is my name, and my glory I will not give to another. Neither my praises to grieve an images. Worshiping Jesus as God is idolatry which God hates




Silly can't the only thing holding us back from you is Christianity


I'm not a Christian. I have not group. I'm a believer in christ Jesus


One of the stupidest videos I've seen in a while. People take this serious? LOL


this is a small account with 50 followers of Rabbi Tovia Singer. Does anyone need to get worried or defensive about this? how many people know the difference between judaism after 70 AD and judaism before the Temple was destroyed? after the priests lost their jobs the rabbis jumped in to become the new leaders of the jews. then the rabbis found endless issues to discuss and judgements to hand down to the faithful. like is it ok to take an elevator on the sabbath. nitpicky points to prove how clever they were. kind of like sharia law in islam. is it ok for women to have jobs. why women's vote is only worth half compared to a man.


Jesus said, "For truly, I say to you, till Heaven and Earth pass away, not an iota, not a dot, will pass from the Law ➡️until all things have been accomplished.⬅️" (Matthew 5:18)

After this Jesus, knowing that ➡️all things were now accomplished⬅️ said (to fulfil the Scripture), "I thirst." (John 19:28)

And no, you don't go to Hell if you question any doctrines aftewards.


This video is as Bad as its Animation. What you dont understand was that Paul was Gatekeeping Judaism. Paul was not against the Jewish Laws just Gentiles becoming Jews. Paul afterall circumcised Timothy whose Mother was Jewish. Also the Mosaic Laws cannot followed as there is NO Temple which is why Pauls teachings became so popular in the first place. Which this video doesnt cover 🙄


Pauls teachings are like this. The law of moses was not uswd correctly and needed to be given worldwide. There is neither greek nor jew if you learn the ways of the father as a gentile for the levitical blood sacrifice for sins to be adopted along with the hebrews circumcision of the HEART and to learn the truth Of God and Jesus Christ who is our mediator. And tell me are you Muslims, or atheist? Hows that your noth taking about allah granting peace to israel and Palestinians? Or maybe helping them not constantly stirring up wars and violence? If your atheist i shouldn't have to say You literally have 0 defence in 2024!


Todays Christianity was indeed invented by Paul. Jesus Christianity was Jewish Christianity= to keep the law and to be saved by keeping the law, Jesus as a prophet and messenger of God and not God himself.
