How Christianity Became The Religion of Paul Instead of Jesus

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For the past 2,000 years, Christianity has profoundly shaped the course of history, yet surprisingly, the faith that bears Christ’s name was not founded by Jesus himself, but by a Jewish Pharisee named Paul, who never met Jesus in person.

The words of a true master deserve to be recognized, for humanity has received so few of them. Jesus is widely considered the greatest metaphysical teacher who ever lived. If his gospel message to humanity was stolen, distorted or replaced by a false one, should we not do all we can to restore it?

The Christianity we know today looks remarkably different from the teachings of Jesus the Nazarene. What we call Christianity could more accurately be described as “Paulianity”—a religion shaped by Paul’s doctrines rather than by Jesus’ message. The implications of this shift are nothing short of extraordinary.

What could have caused this great schism to take place?

How did the teachings of Jesus, rooted in loving God, loving your neighbor, repenting from sin and obeying God’s Laws give way to a religion focused on sin and salvation through confession/belief alone?

Why did the Roman Catholic Church make every effort to censor and suppress the fact that Jesus’ 12 hand-selected apostles vehemently opposed Paul and his teachings? Scholars call this “The Battle of the Apostles”. Is there more to this forgotten story than we've been led to believe?

I will answer all these questions and many more in “The Gospel Conspiracy”, an 8-hour presentation now available for only $33

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I am currently a pastor working with the homeless, poor and addicted. I eliminated most of Pauls teachings from my ministry a few years ago. So far, few have noticed.


Felt this way about Christianity since a little kid intuitively. Was such a black sheep and was condemned. Found self-realization and the law of one and now I teach that and realize that Christ was walking with me each step of the way


I ordained as a Buddhist monk and through Buddha came to understand Jesus, and the seemingly intentional damage Pual did to his teaching... didn't realize others were willing to admit the same, or had studied this so throughly ...i really hope this had the effect you intend...i have so often said to Christians who thought i was trying to convert them to Buddhism, you don't need to convert just honestly follow Christ you know the truth just the same.... much love Brother


You are a real preacher brother. I feel like I'm in the right kind of church when I listen to your amazing teachings. I can tell these subjects are close to your heart and people need to hear your words.


I spent most of my life in torment over my sinful nature. I have finally been set free!! Thank you for all this great teaching.


I was a pastor for 10 years bro.
This is what needs to be heard my brother 👊🏽


Had a spiritual awakening 7/2020 @ age 57. Was a practicing Christian my whole life. Instantly the only religion I'd ever known was not aligned anymore. I left the church 3 months later. For me, this wasn't hard to my biggest supporter was my pastor who was happy for my Truth. Family? Not at all


Amen 🙏 to stating how Paul's version of Christianity has lowered the vibration in humanity and trapped in sin consciousness.


Thank you Aaron 🙏 My people Perish for Lack of Knowledge 😢 I left Religion for the Teachings of Christ ❤


Your latest teachings connect me with the Jesus I first met in second grade Sunday school - the Jesus within, Whom I’ve been seeking to validate, and to share with the world. - And, here you are, validating my Truth. Many thanks! 🙏


Thank you for this message Aaron. Nothing has slandered, misrepresented, and hidden Jesus' message more than "Paul's gospel". Evey Christian or anyone who has left Christianity should listen to your eight hour presentation!


After seeing it you cannot unsee it. I don’t know if you have ever read the Urantia book, but it also confirms in detail what you are saying about Paul. It goes right back to when animal and human sacrifice began. Even the Israelites sometimes still practiced human sacrifice as became clear in the story of Abraham although it was attributed to the tribe of Moabites. There has always been two priesthoods in the old testament, those that worshipped JHWH and those who worshipped El. Once you become aware of it becomes clear what so many of Jesus’s parables actually meant. I am
No bible scholar but there are so many contradictions that show that the God Jesus called Father was not the god of the old testament. Jesus brought a revelation of the truth which was new in those primitive times. You have it correct. You can either follow Jesus or you can follow Paul. What they preached is not the same gospel. The Urantia book does also explain how Christianity was forged. It explains how early followers of the Way were merged with the Mystery Schools and Mithraism. That is exactly why we have so much symbology which is exactly the same and why we have Holy days on the Solstices. Jesus was not born on Winter solstice, but the feasts of those days occurred on those days. Same with the pageantry in the Roman Catholic churches. All of Revelation was written for that generation and the beast of revelation was in fact the Roman Church. The apocalypse was the end of the second temple Judaism. All of it has already taken place. Now what type of mental gymnastics do you have to perform to try to twist the words ‘This generation will not pass away before you see these things’ into meaning a generation 2000 years after the fact. What bothers me is that well meaning Christians do not know how to differentiate between these things and they end up fighting ‘holy’ wars like the Crusades because they got their illustration from the old testament beliefs in a cruel god instead of understanding what Jesus was saying about his Father did not refer to the same deity. People fear Hod because in the old testament they were told how evil will befall you if you made even the smallest mistake. Imagine explaining to you 3 year old kid how a loving God will condemn all of man kind for eating a fruit from the tree of knowledge even thought that god gave them free will in the first place. There are countless stories of death in the old testament. The point is Jesus came with a clear revelation of god they had never seen before. He sometimes used the word Theos in addition to Abba but never spoke of Jahweh as his father. I would have been burned as a heretic for saying this a few centuries ago, but placing these evil actions on Father God is such a destruction of his loving character. I have found the peace within. I have found the love. I can no longer enter into meaningless discussions with those who cling to the old ideas. Jesus said do not put new wine into old wineskins or else both will be ruined. Distinguish the truth. I am
Sure everyone reading this here will understand. Thanks for shining the light. Love ❤


Eckhart Tolle has a great explanation of sin as meaning missing the mark. To me that means that sin is the result of the "fall" of humanity which simply means the apparent separation from God so that humanity could develop individuality. Ironically Christians are then correct that we are sinful sinners, born in sin and living in sin, except it's not at all like the cliché view of sin as in mainstream Christianity and more like an esoteric perspective of what sin is.


Wow! love these Yeshua truths shared. I have to admit religion caused much trauma and wounds in me. It took me years to deprogram from being raised in a cult like religion. The condemnation and fear tactics cause psychological trauma to so many. The one i left used shunning as a tactic and punishment . Imagine your whole world changed in an instant and losing family and loved ones because you go against and question the beliefs. Yeshua never acted this way or embodied division and hierarchy. Discovering the Law of One connection to Yeshua teachings resonates so much. Thank you, for your loving service to others, Aaron. ♾️🩵


Nowhere in the Bible did Jesus condemn or look down upon anyone. He showed them another way. Like a path that diverts down a new direction. Only Paul’s teachings guided those down the path of condemnation. Jesus is the master of compassion and there is no judgement or condemnation in compassion.


My late mother who was an intuitive empath and was religious, knew in the late 90's that Paul was the antichrist and she would go to different churches as a guest and would go to services for a little while there then preach and condemn them for their hypocrisy and shake the dust off her feet when leaving that church when that message wasn't accepted. I used to think she was a bit coo-coo for coco puffs but turns out that she was telling the truth and I was shown that by God myself a year ago and was guided out of the church altogether and was guided to build my own personal relationship with God and grow my intuition and spiritual gifts to step into my purpose as a spiritual teacher and guide. I'm glad to hear that you are sharing this truth for the world to see. ❤


As someone who grew up protestant evangelical, for the last several years I have struggled with the concept of the blood sacrifice for salvation. Your 8 hour workshop and teachings on this have been such a blessing. It is freeing. It will be a workshop I go back to over and over. Thank you Aaron.


Peace be upon you, thank you for being brave enough to speak on this topic. Thank you from the collective 🫡


Oh, Aaron! Thank you, for this! Thank you, for making it about Jesus! I've needed to hear this my entire life! ❤


Every Christian needs to hear this. This message can change the entire world.
