What does Islam say about Paul the Apostle? - Q&A - Yusha Evans

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Paul the Apostle is one of the key figures in modern day Christianity. He is the guy that changed Jesus’ religion to something completely different than what Jesus taught. Do you want to know what Islam say about him? Listen to Yusha Evans’ answer.

Apostelen Paulus er en av de viktigste personene i dagens moderne kristendom. Han er den som forandret Jesu religion til noe helt annet enn hva Jesus lærte. Vil du vite hva islam sier om ham? Lytt til Yusha Evans sitt svar.
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Before I accepted Islam I was a Christian and I really had large doubts about Paul


As a Christian woman, I have always had problems swallowing much of the teachings of Paul. I acknowledge his suffering and his indefatigable driving energy which took the Church to the ends of the known world, and have also always seen opposition in some of his teachings to some of the teachings of Jesus. This is a very unpopular stance to take as a Christian woman (who is supposed to stay silent, according to Paul, to start with). I don't know that I dare take a stance as strong as the one you take, but I certainly appreciate your thoughts on Paul.


He destroyed the teachings of Jesus ...smh


Paul was 100% a false apostle.

All of Asia Minor rejected Paul. They complained to James about Paul that he was trying to make them end the Laws. When Paul arrives in Jerusalem, James questions Paul in Acts 21:21 about this complaint which the people of Asia Minor made. James made Paul do a nazarite vow in Acts 21:26, which included shaving his head and animal sacrifice. So they were still sacrificing animals long after Jesus.

The people of Asia Minor came back to Jerusalem and seen Paul. They dragged him out of the temple and beat him up and nearly killed him in Acts 21:27-32 for preaching against the Law of Moses.

The Roman guards came and took Paul away and jailed him. Paul then writes to Timothy and says all of those in Asia Minor had rejected him in 2 Timothy 2:15.

After Paul dies, Jesus is speaking to the people of Asia Minor. The very people who rejected Paul. Jesus is praising them for rejecting false apostles in Revelation 1:20 and Revelation 2:1-2.

The argument which no Christian can answer to is, why was Jesus praising the enemies of Paul who nearly killed him? If Paul was a true apostle, then Jesus would have rebuked them. But he was praising the very people who rejected Paul, proving Paul could never have been a true apostle. Jesus never mentioned Paul even once to them. Even Barnabas completely fell out with Paul. The church is hiding this as they know most Christians don't read Bible and are just blindfollowers.


He's right, Paul did go against Jesus teachings, I know cause I was Christian for 27 years.


Matthew 4:1 Jesus was tempted
James 1:13 God cannot be tempted
John 1:29 Jesus was seen
John 4:12 No man has ever seen God
Acts 2:22 Jesus was and is a man sent by god
Numbers 23:19 God is not human
Hebrews 5:89 Jesus had to grow and learn
Isaiah 40:28 God doesn't need to learn
Corinthians 15: 3-4 Jesus Died
Timothy 1:17 God cannot Die
Hebrew 5:7 Jesus needed salvation
Luke 1:37 God doesn't need Salvation
John 4:6 Jesus grow weary
Isaiah 40:28 God cannot grow weary
Mark 4:38 Jesus Slept
Psalm 121: 2-4 God Doesn't Sleep
John 5:19 Jesus is not all powerful
Isaiah 45: 5-7 God is All powerful
Mark 13:32 Jesus wasn't all knowing
Isaiah 46:9 God is all knowing
So, Christians please read Bible carefully. Do you really think Trinity is real?


Ironically Paul states that Satan can impersonate an angel of light.


Paul said he saw a light which he claims was Jesus, he claims it told him it died for everyone's sins so they no longer have to follow the teachings of Jesus, but paul also wrote that the devil masquerades as a light.


I believe in the teachings of Jesus, but for Paul I dont really know.


uhh looks like some people can't take the truth xD


Holy shit! That was an atomic truth bomb


Paul does not want to be near you either, continue believing a man that slept with a child, be near him in the judgement day


Blaming Apostle Paul is awkward because according to (Qur’an 10:94) says: So if you are in doubt, [O Muhammad], about that which We have revealed to you, then ask those who have been reading the Scripture before you

How can Paul corrupt a Bible if (Qur’an 5:47) says: And let the People of the Gospel judge by what Allah has revealed therein??? Apostle Paul WAS ALREADY DEAD BY THE TIME OF MUHAMMAD!!!


Indeed this Evans has no comprehensive understanding of the whole injeel . The full whole tapestry🎉💯💌. Isolated Evans cannot see the whole. He just exposed himself, he has no access to faith and by that cannot yet be a true believer of the living God 🫸💯💝


That guy was a massive deceiver, he diminished the true teachings of Jesus Pbuh.
The bible contradicts the teachings of Jesus Pbuh so does the teachings paul came with..
Paul never met Jesus pbuh to start with it..


Paul went against the Nazarenes (Jesus' Jewish sect in Jerusalem) and changed things.


Paul had issues against the deciples teachings in book of acts:

1- barnabas: acts 15/36-39
2- james: acts 21/17-28 (specially verse 28 that he is going against the law)
3- peter: galatians 2/11
4- deciples in general: galatians 2/4&5

So now we ask a question, who has the authority? Paul or deciples??! The ones who walked with jesus, ate with jesus, prayed with jesus??? Or the one who was persecuting the believers & claimed that he saw a light on the way to damascus and it was jesus?! Althu he himself said that the satan can form as an angel of light! (2 cor 11-14)


Why your allah hasn't spoken anything against Paul in quran?


If adam can be deceived by satan to eat from the tree than what is paul to satan. He can easily mislead him. so can you really trust him


PAUL WAS A LIAR, HE SAID IT: For if the truth of God hath more abounded through my lie unto his glory; why yet am I also judged as a sinner?
romans 3:7
