The Truth About Alcohol

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Let's get real about alcohol.
We've been sold a bill of goods on the perceived benefits of this addicting toxin. Alcohol does not relieve stress, it does not improve our health, it doesn't make us more creative, or fun. It is a poison that has been marketed as a perfectly acceptable escape from reality.

Well, here's the reality:

—Alcohol has about 120-150 empty calories per drink.
—Alcohol inhibits your body’s ability to burn fat by as much as 30 percent.
—Alcohol impairs your decision-making abilities, leading to more accidents, danger, and recklessness both on the roads and at home.
—Alcohol is a known toxin to just about every organ in your body, especially your liver, brain, heart, and kidneys—important organs you want to keep around as long as possible.
—Alcohol leads to poor dietary choices. Yes, there's a reason why you crave massive amounts of junk food when you're drinking.
—Alcohol causes cancer. In a 2011 “Report on Carcinogens,” the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services listed alcohol as a known human carcinogen, and the World Health Organization upgraded its categorization of alcohol to a definitive human breast carcinogen.

But what about red wine and resveratrol? Isn't that healthy?
Resveratrol can, in fact, act as an antioxidant, but do you know where most resides? It resides in the skin of grapes, so skip the wine and grab a handful of plump and juicy grapes to take advantage of all of the nutritious content.

Your body, mind, and organs will thank you.
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Alcohol causes so much pain in society. I am alcoholic, sober now for years, from a family of generations of alcoholic sufferers. Thank you for posting this message! ❤️


I'm one of those people who never drank - even when I tried I just couldn't get into it and never finished a glass, or even half a glass because it just doesn't taste good to me. Beer I thought tasted like bad breath. If bad breath was a flavor, it would be beer to me lol. Even the tasty stuff - I once heard a doctor say alcohol is poisonous to every cell in the body and that just turned me off... so it's like I never gave alcohol a chance to make me get a decent buzz lol. What's funny is if you tell people you don't drink they often assume it's because you've had a problem with alcohol in the past! Lol. The looks I would get, seriously. I think non-drinking needs to become more socially acceptable. I've always been able to have fun and a good time without it, and noticed I felt uncomfortable when dealing with drunk people at times (maudlin behavior or crazy/loud/obnoxious behavior, etc.). Anyway, I'm giving away my wine bottle openers and cork-stop thingy since I don't think I've ever used them and I know I'm just not going to now. Also had some friends who were in AA. Knowing some of their stories and what they've been through - I'm content to be alcohol-free for the rest of my life. I don't want to have any addictions.


Absolutely right! I have no idea why people keep consuming it.


Funny this video just came out. I’m one week sober. Being on a plant based diet for about three years but I never gave up drinking. It actually got worse since the whole COVID Quarantine start last year and I would drink every day up until last week I totally gave alcohol up.


I finally realized that I was letting 3 or 4 hours a night (drinking) ruin a good portion of the next day.... It took me a few attempts to quit but I finally succeeded. To me I either drink or live my life, it's that simple.


I was an alcoholic for 5 years. I was addicted and almost died because of it. I was only 24 years old. Been sober for 8 years now and haven't had a single drop. I've never been happier in my life ❤️


It was harder from to give up alcohol than it was meat and dairy.


I stopped drinking and it was the best thing I done.


Thanks for the great information - I agree with you completely.


If I want a little special "glass of wine" on an occasion, I'm enjoying the lovely de alcholoized red wines they have out there. I get to try subltely different flavours in grape juices, yay!


I started gradually losing interest in drinking as I got into my 40s. Wasn't necessarily a conscious decision but just kind of happened. Now I only do a non-alcoholic beer here or there....nice to see the N/A beer market growing a lot these days....and the taste is quite good too.


I hardly drink at all, never have...but I must say as a long distance cyclist the day after a glass of wine is brutal for me, I have tired muscles and no stamina. Glad someone is finally saying the safest amount is none.


absolutely so true, i only have it on very special occasions probably 2/3 times per year and that´s it. It can be very addictive and it has a lot of consequences!


You summed it up quite nicely and have a good way of communicating. I’m off to check out more of your videos.


So glad he said this so people wake up. He could have explained about the damage it does, maybe destroying Vit A etc


I'm in the habit of having a couple of drams of Scotch, bourbon, and/or rye after dinner. Not a couple of drams of each, a couple of drams total. They're sipped and savored slowly. They've taken the place of the after dinner deserts I used to look forward to but had to give up due to being among the insulin response impaired.


No alcohol for me either! I tried it and didn't like its effect on my behavior, coordination, and especially choices.


havent eaten meat for 30yrs, no dairy for 3 yrs but I love a glass of good wine and sit by the fire or a nice beer. Its hard for me to give that it is a comfort or when life just gets to b too much. There r other ways i know of dealing w stress & anxiety but that nice glass of wine just calls to me. I am trying an it was easier to give up the meat and dairy than the wine and some beer. I am just human. Makes me feel bad that I drink. Will try harder but it is frustrating.


I use alcohol mainly to sanitize and disinfect things. I rarely ever ingest it.


Herb as in eating it through an olive oil, not smoking, is so much better than alcohol and I believe it’s healthier
