#4 - Quantum Theories: from the multiverse to objective reduction

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In episode 4 of Quantum Consciousness, Justin Riddle discusses prevalent interpretations or "theories" of quantum mechanics.

0:00 Introduction
1:05 RECAP - Roger Penrose's Three World Model
1:50 Many Worlds Hypothesis
5:35 Copenhagen Interpretation
10:26 Self-collapse (objective reduction)
17:46 Hidden Variables
23:50 Synchronicity
26:10 Summary & Outro

~ Episode summary ~
First up is the many worlds hypothesis that claims we live in a multiverse. The problem here is that there is no point of making choices when all possible realities occur. There is no collapse of the wave function and superpositions are different universes.

Alternatively, when systems interacts with each other they might collapse the wave function by virtue of their interaction. But Einstein asks the question: would the moon cease to exist if we did not look at it? There may need to be an explanation for superposition without any external influence; furthermore, this is quite a chaotic process and the universe is full of order.

Third, the self-collapse of the wave function was proposed by Roger Penrose to arise once a superposition evolves into sufficient complexity. This form of collapse may be especially poised to produce an increase in order. Roger Penrose and Stuart Hameroff suggest this form of collapse is the substrate of proto-consciousness and might be selected for and 'orchestrated' in biological systems.

Finally, the spaceless/timeless domain of entanglement has been suggested to serve a "holomovement" of the universe by David Bohm and Henry Stapp to serve as a collective feedback loop. Carl Jung and Wolfgang Pauli speculated that if entanglement relationships found their way into the physical world they might be perceived as synchronicity. We sure go off the deep end with this one!


Twitter: @JRiddlePodcast

Music licensed from and created by Baylor Odabashian. BandCamp: @UnscrewablePooch
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Your first 4 episodes have been illuminating.
I have known QM basics, measurement, Copenhagen interpretation, but this has propelled my understanding much further - effortlessly.

Associating entanglement, syncronicity and collective consciousness with the platonic realm were among the things that were new and comprehensive to me and made things spark a new level. Very Inspiring!


On the topic of synchronicities... Just a few days ago I was visiting LA and bought a "Kiss" band T-shirt for my girlfriend, which the clerk packaged inside a leopard-print bag. Then on my flight home, I find myself in the airport terminal sitting beside Ace Frehley wearing a Leopard-print jacket!! Clearly the universe has a plan, and there is meaning to life.


As a noise and electronic musician I have to say your theme song at the end is amazing. I love David Bohms work, but I think that seeing the Universe as a 3D projection from a 2D membrane is a very Human oriented error. Instead I would recommend people look into The Holographic Universe (Bergson, and Talbot) where each entity is projecting and receiving a mapping of the Universe within a tensile Medium/Substrate (not SpaceTime). Space is Information is what the Buddhists say.


One of the best channel on the topic Justin! The way you connect quantum and conciousness is pure genius. Do continue the great work. Waiting for more such plsylists


While it may appear that entropy is decreasing on earth, you must understand that earth is not a closed system. Once you take into account the sun-earth system, then you'll see that entropy is increasing. Life is very efficient at converting higher level energy (visible/ultraviolet) into lower level energy (infrared).


Thank you for these videos. I’m watching them in order; they’re quite valuable and approachable.

The Penrose model reminded me of Donnie Darko (director’s cut is highly recommended) and it’s model of tangent universes that must collapse. Thank you 🙏


My finding of your channel is incredible synchronicity in and of itself. I searched 'counterfactual computation' and felt strongly compelled to watch your video on quantum interrogation

I have so much that I would love to speak to you about. I found this channel yesterday and you have put in to scientific terms things that I have intuitively understood for years, even as a child. It's honestly a bit astounding that so many things are lining up and leading me down this rabbit hole

I'll send you an email sometime soon. I'd like to go through the rest of your content first to make sure I'm up to speed, but the moment you mentioned synchronicity I knew I had to reach out and try to connect


Thank you so much for your kind explanations


The synchronicity link resonates very deeply for me. I heard Kastrup say Pauli and Jung, in private correspondence, played with the idea that synchronicity is behind even regular "physical causality". Lots to chew on here. Thanks!


If a single photon goes through both slits simultaneously, to add up to an interference pattern by interfering itself, then how can that interference happen if each version of that photon in its probabilistic wavefunction is actually in its own separate universe.... the multiverse seems to contradict its own foundation.

Justin, you're one of the most interesting youtubers ever.


The double slit interference pattern is described by the real-number-valued modulus/moduli of the sum of *complex-number-valued probability amplitudes* associated with all the available pathways. Complex-valued, so it makes no sense to say that each those complex number represents a separate world, and then those worlds somehow recombine (or how else do we get the interference effect?) As science became an industry, with a lot of PR!, we unfortunately included many more superstars who don't coherently understand foundational concepts relevant to observations in reality.

Penrose is the creative leader of fully sane, honest understanding, thankfully. Bohm was the previous such leader, and tragically many people ignore/abuse his humble offerings of self-admittedly (almost) equivalent formalisms.


Your content is fascinating! Could psychedelics offer a glimpse into the "Platonic world"? My hypothesis is that regions of our brains experience synchronicity due to entanglement, but these are typically small, isolated patches with wave functions that only briefly align. Perhaps substances like DMT amplify the extent and duration of this synchronicity. If so, the experience of entanglement could expand, allowing us to briefly perceive aspects of the Platonic realm. By the way I don't know what I'm talking about...


ur content is amazing!!! thnx!!! very inspiring!


To your point on entropy not seeming like it’s increasing: it is, BUT not the way everyone thinks. People don’t understand entropy and just call it disorder. The more accurate portrayal is that it’s the universes “desire” to fall to the lowest entropy state. BECAUSE of entropy we can acquire macro states that seem to violate entropy but only because we took advantage of the universe trying to become as homogenous as possible. One way to think of it is like this: imagine the early solar system when it was just a big disk of fluff cloud. Does it seem more likely that everything will stay perfectly spaced out forever? Not really. You know at SOME point too many particles are going to end up in the same place at one time, a seeming increase in entropy, but it’s the opposite. Those particles collide and gravity eventually pulls more together. You have less individual possible states of the (solar) system, and by increasing entropy the number of potential macro states has now converted to micro states, reducing the possible outcomes. If a planet just formed, it’s not going to just undo itself. You’ve essentially condensed the energy into one spot, making the system more uniform across spacetime, because the time element is now well defined.
Basically, a reduction in order is a consequence of entropy on certain scales. But really, it’s best understood as how many potential macro states the universe can get rid of; the more definitive and consistent the universe’s structure is, the more entropy there will be, as the two are practically one in the same.


Objective Reduction due to energy density and pressure (often colloquially referred to as "mass"), not complexity as such. (Awesome that you critiqued the misuse of 'complexity' in a previous video)


Why does entropy increase through time? It feels often that physics is great at the "hows", but poor at the "whys" of existence. It's the inability of physics to answer "why", ultimately, that has reinforced my faith in a being of infinite power. I'm not convinced this being has our best interests at heart at all, given what we see in the world.


I just don't understand why many worlds entails multiple universes, instead having it more like a video game where only what you're interacting with is actually rendered. Example, you're standing in a video game, about to look left or look right. At that moment, either option is potential. You look left. There isn't another universe that splits off where you look right, but the potential for you to have looked right no longer exists. You don't have to have the second universe where you looked right.


I disagree with your interpretation of many worlds hypothesis. There are percentages of possibilities. When we make a choice we weigh out percentages of best choice. Both free will and random determinism through many worlds collapse are in superposition..


Maybe the platonic world is the way it is because of our genes, which are a result of evolution, but I don't think it's generated by other people thinking right now because that would require some unknown forces since different people are not entangled. The evolution of the genes is affected by previous generations thoughts to some degree.


If I am doing well, then other versions of me would have to settle for less. I would not wish that unhappy fate off on anyone, especially another version of myself! That narrative doesn't work at all for me.

What appears as entanglement is in Reality - Continuum.

Continuum = The Whole that is ever greater than the sum of it's constituents.
