Seth Lloyd - Asking Ultimate Questions

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Push boundaries. Discern the deep essence of existence. Search the foundations of reality. Imagine all that may exist in physical realms beyond current understanding. Seek to know now all that can be known. Overly ambitious? Sophomoric? We don't care. We do it anyway. Enjoy asking ultimate questions.

Seth Lloyd is a professor of mechanical engineering at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. He refers to himself as a "quantum mechanic".

Closer to Truth, hosted by Robert Lawrence Kuhn and directed by Peter Getzels, presents the world’s greatest thinkers exploring humanity’s deepest questions. Discover fundamental issues of existence. Engage new and diverse ways of thinking. Appreciate intense debates. Share your own opinions. Seek your own answers.
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Seth Lloyd is definitely one of the coolest physicists, I've been a fan and follower for years. Many thanks to Dr. Kuhn for doing this interview.


Information and complexity and energy... these are the building blocks of life too.


_"I didn't want energy hogging the stage like some large soprano..."_ : )


Great video from Robert Kuhn's channel.


These sort of questions are so cool - I did a degree in physics and think about this stuff all the time. This series is such an inspiration for learning about this - I might start orienting my YouTube channel more towards these kind of questions.


Seth is one of those people you would like to spend a few hours in the Pub with, discussing these engaging and fundamentally important issues.. I think information IS reality, and I would agree with him that qantasizing gravity MAY not be as important as many physicists think it is..Loved it, Peace .


Does information go from energy to mass and back again?


Will I finally be let off the hook? As far as I'm concerned that's the only "ultimate question" that I can ask having anything to do with me.


I would argue that information is the state of a system.


Is it possible be in some other moment than present moment and does present moment even really exist isn't it always pass right away?


I enjoy these "Closer to Truth" videos....except for the unending and annoying "pop up" ads for other episodes that appear in the upper right hand corner of my screen. Please, stay on point with professionalism and remove all of them, allowing us to focus on your content.


We need more science and high end machine to understand a bit


7 Metaphysical Questions

1) How do we remove the current cornerstone called ignorance (greed) from life and replace it with the cornerstone of truth (love)?

2) How do we remove the heavy lead called ignorance (greed) from the springboard of truth (love) that the springboard rebounds to happiness and launches US to heaven (joy, beauty and harmony)?

3) How do we release the string of lies being pulled by ignorance (greed) that the bow of truth (love) rebounds to happiness and propels US to heaven (joy, beauty and harmony)?

4) How do we fill a giant black hole in space called ignorance (greed) with light (love) that it's darkness (misery, murder, mass shootings, suicides, war, etc.) goes away and it's heavy gravitational pull stops sucking the joy out of life and destroying the planet?

5) How do we knock down the wall of lies saying that "life is business" (greed) that the truth that "life is art" (creating joy) floods the earth and washes away it's ignorance (hate).

6) How do we make the hostile evangelical vampires (greed) who are blind...see the ignorance of transforming heaven (peace) into hell (war)?

How do we make the capitalist counting corpses who are blind...see the ignorance of destroying the planet?


The only thing more perplexing than quantum gravity is why Seth's let that tuft of hair on his brow grow so long.


Is it possible to falsify, “Turtles all the way down?”


Where do we go after death ultimate question for sure


Frosted mini i hear is no your looking for ....youll never find it ...gone with the wind


Existence & Consciousness

"In the beginning, all things in existence existed as one thing. The Source of all things is information. Underlying and permeating our entire physical material existence is a field/plane of Quantum Information. Even when 'nothing' existed, something still did- the 'information of nothingness'.
Through itself, the field created itself, from nothing.
The field itself is nothing, which is still something.
Through this field is generated all other things, including our universe.

All particles, all states, all molecules, all atoms, etc. all existed as One. This One manifested through itself the individualization of all other particles, planes, dimensions, and universes.
Time itself exsist within the One.
All laws and rules exist within the One. The One is the Law itself.
Eventually via the Great Cycle, all individualized particles will contract back into One, each cycle bringing a higher advancement in consciousness than the previous cycle.
Each individualized unit of creation, also being an individualized unit of consciousness, brings back to the Source its own information." -Myself


For quantum Gravity to have any significance, find a primordial black hole, and nearest surrounding black holes in 6 evenly spaced.. (haaah) directions. From there you should see the foundation for quantum gravity emerge. Once you input that data from that, matched with what we currently know about celestial gravitation, you could theoretically negate force of planetary spin.. Why someone would WANT to do that is absurd. If you're goal is to obtain localized degrav, you're out of luck. It's damn near as dangerous as trying to create a contained black hole on Earth; Risk: Reward


The only source of information is life, therefore consciousness.
