7 Extremely Lazy Ways To Make More Money | The Financial Diet

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1- rent out everything (car, room, clothes, parking spots)
2- make a piggy bank for investments- don’t be afraid of investing!
3- Air BnB buddy system with a friend
4- be a guinia pig; take surveys and be part of focus groups
5- do a huge declutter, and sell stuff
6- monetize things you’re already doing
7- pet sitting


Never rent your car out to anyone! I work for a towing company that tows for five police departments, no private property towing. We are contracted by the police to respond to accidents and impounds. Nearly every week we tow a vehicle or two that belongs to a nationally-recognized car rental company. These vehicles have police holds on them, which means that the driver has violated traffic laws or been involved in a crime. The average person would have very little access to screening potential drivers. This is a big NO.


“Text books are extremely re-sellable” lies and slander. If you have that book for one semester they’re already coming out with the new version and that book is worthless 😹


“Sell stuff”. SO much easier said than done!


Just a PSA:
The apps that pay you for workout or steps do collect information about the location. They don't just pay you, its your information that fuels it. If you are concerned about privacy, be aware of info these companies collect.


Pet sitting is not always a 'super lazy' job. I just spent 10 days with a dog that was probably part monster. I can't even begin to describe the messes that she made that yours truly had to clean up.


Grandmas are the real MVPS ... I am never too old for 20 dollars


Damn, those female wealth stats shook me to my core! I want to help educate women about finances now more than ever. Your channel is doing the good work, thank you so much!


Just like driving for Uber and Lyft, it's also important to factor in maintenance costs for your car depending on how often you're renting it out. You should subtract those extra costs from any profit you make when estimating potential gains.


Petsitting can be a relatively laid back job, however it can also be challenging and time consuming. Here are some examples to consider (all from experience):

Most clients who seek housesitting/petsitting do so because they have a pack of dogs that would be extremely expensive to board. Nearly all my clients have four dogs. One of my clients requires that each of her four dogs gets walked separately every morning. Think about fitting that in before your workday! Also, packs of dogs are generally high maintenance and require your UNDIVIDED attention otherwise temper tantrums ensue. No writing, reading, watching, etc.
One of my clients packs wakes me up every morning hours before I usually wake up, and when I try to lay down later I get clawed by their giant boxer. After a week of this, exhaustion really sets in.
You will have to deal with people who do not care about their dogs, and fight the urge to tell them off. One of my clients refused to cut her sheep dogs hair in the summer and lets her pant all day in her barely air conditioned house (we live in the desert). Another instructed me to leave the AC set to 90 degrees whenever I left her house. This gets quite upsetting.
Some dogs aren't trained. You might be cleaning up poop every single day, multiple times a day. Some dogs are going to bark at everything, at every time of the day, all week.
I often drive 60 miles between my day job and a client's house, which adds up in gas and time.
Every new client requires an initial meeting, and I've had many a weekend eaten up by commuting from client to client to meet with them, unpaid. Some clients won't book with you after that, too.

I love dogs. I love being around dogs. Making a business out if watching strangers dogs isn't quite as easy as it seems, though.


It's sad that some of the items on this list are reminders that to make money, you have to have money. Homes or nice cars to rent, good quality furniture to sell. This coming from someone who, more or less, has both because I'm lucky enough to have a full time job (not so much on it being well paid or even paid appropriately considering the education required, but, enough so that I have a small apartment without too much stress about rent and nice little used car I'm close to paying off). Kind of a weird suggestion, but do you have or would be willing to do a video on "what to do" during a money crisis? Say getting laid off, sudden debt, etc? Not even long term planning but short term advice to help someone stay afloat for 1-2 months needed to get back on track. I know a lot of people, say, are to afraid to use local pantries for food, hygiene items or clothing, when most have a first time no questions asked policy and that can save you a grocery bill for that month (there is no shame in this, you can always pay them back with donations or volunteering in the future, the pantries are set up to help). Some aren't sure how to file for unemployment, etc. I think even just having a plan would help lessen anxiety for persons who don't have a lot of job security.


There is always an assumption that everyone who could possibly see this is American which is why it is so rare to hear “U.S only”, which I then discover is often the case after visiting a website and searching through pages of information. Multiply this time by the number of websites.


If only financial education was introduced into the education system at an early stage then we would worry less about poverty, took me 7 months to build a solid financial statement investing in Stocks and ETFs, my luck is I work with an Executive trade expert. Eddy Bruke which makes it a lot easier, reached 85% of my $32k goal for the year. Cheers 🥂


All TFDs videos have started to blend together and be the same to me. I’m so addicted to YouTube that I still clicked. But I wish they had much more in depth information.


Can you guys please do an episode catering to people in rural areas? We are left out of a lot of your content!


Radical decluttering is also an excellent way to save money. I just returned to the US after living abroad. Having to fit all my belongings in two suitcases called for radical decluttering (I used the KonMari method) also made me reevaluate what I actually care to own. Because I own less and shop less now, I spend considerably less and now am more willing to actually invest in quality pieces.


I don’t want people in my car or home sooo guess I’ll just be broke 😃

Some things are irreplaceable and not worth the pennies you make from renting them out.


Could you please look into closed captions for your videos so that they can be enjoyed by a wider audience?


the apps thatnyou reccomended are only availble in US huhu im sad


Useful pet sitting info is that in many places you need a licence, especially if you have the pet stay with you.

Here in the UK, for example, you can stay in someone's house and look after their pet, but to have the pet stay with you, you need to be a registered boarder, with licencing and regulation.
