5 Lazy Ways To Be Really Productive | The Financial Diet

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‘Be your own mom’ is actually a brilliant piece of advice. It’s not about being the same person, it’s about taking care of yourself the way a great parent would do.


Have you guys thought about doing a podcast?? I think this is the perfect thing for what you guys are doing in addition to the videos and blog!


Why is everyone so mad about the sponsorship? They're always upfront about it, the app is free (unless you want deluxe, just like every other app) and they use and vouch for it themselves, and it's relevant to this video...


“Be your own Mom” = brilliant! Haha you totally just changed my life! I’ve always had the “help your future-self” mentality but it hardly ever worked because my future self is a ungrateful jerk and never thanks me so screw her I’m not doing the thing. Now with the image of my future self as a incapable 3 yo (not far off) I feel like I have to do the thing. Thank you!


Night showers- yes! I have never understood the concept of a morning shower. Why go to bed all gross & dirty? And showering is comforting & conducive to a great sleep!


I tend to be more productive at night as well, less distractions from life.


Watching videos to be productive while not being productive. The eternal struggle. ;-)


I love this channel so much so I don't really mind the advertisements because I know they're probably making really good money off of it and that's what I want for them! Because they deserve it! I also respect that they're not trying to trick us into thinking things aren't obviously sponsored. And regardless of the advertisements in the videos they produce, there is always great information in them that everyone can learn from. TL;DR: YouTubers, like TFD, gotta make money like the rest of y'all.


Being your own mom is definitely a full proof tip for me. It is exactly how you said, auto mode in the morning. There is no rush, it makes your brain feel more organized from the start.


I definitely agree with prepping nightly for the next day.


I love Trello! It's how I organize the publication process of my satirical newspaper. We were able to triple our publication process by creating columns like Headlines, Articles in Progress, Content Editing, Copy Editing, Ready to Publish, Published, etc. We can track every article in its creation progress, we can provide comments for editing, assign writers and editors, attach images to go with the article, and have a built-in archive. My team of 22 uses it religously.


I just discovered this channel and I’m loving the content. As a night person, I’ve always struggled to be productive in the morning, as everyone tells you to be. Giving myself grace to set my own productivity routine is the key!


I do all of my weekday prep on Saturdays and Sundays: this includes meals (packing them in containers on Sundays) and outfit planning. Doing this allows my workdays to flow.


I was a night person with a day job for 34 years at the phone company (now retired). I used many of the suggestions you mentioned: showering, getting your clothes, lunch and purse ready to go the night before. It really scares me to think how many mornings I arrived at work and had no memory of the drive there! Coffee only activates my brain so far apparently. It's much better now that I can follow my natural wake/sleep cycle.


If you start doing the scheduling thing and find that you're blocking out times really badly (too much time for this, too little time for this, bad times of day for X activity), you get a better intuition for how much time stuff REALLY takes and the like as you keep at it!


Since I accepted that I function better if I get up at 8:00 or later my depression and anxiety have gone down and productivity has gone up.


So happy to see the Trello love - I’ve been a fan/user for years.


1. ~"Find the best time to do things for *your* brain, " and set up a really structured day. (cf 1:30)

2. Get apps that make you super-human. ie, Trello. TBH it sounds pretty amazing. [For me it's Todoist with Google Keep, though I even use paper and a physical whiteboard to visualize certain things.]
3. Have a structured buddy system for bigger goals. Reward yourself when you reach them.
4. Be your own mom. Prep for the life the night before: clothes, food, important docs, purse or go-bag, shower, etc. (Spending an hour running around, panicking, bleary-eyed saps a ton of your best energy in the morning.)
5. Find a small & simple job you can work at on weekends.


I like how you are honest and transparent about your weaknesses. Keep up the good work! ☺


Thank you for the information! I am a complete morning person. I naturally wake at 5 and feel amazing. I get everything done in the first few hours. Now after 3 I don't like to do anything. Not a night person and like to go to bed by 9. Gotta love this 20 year old college life haha.
