Eve Spectrum Review - It's Great But There's a Catch

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Eve Spectrum review, really good monitor but there is a catch. I cover:
- Order and delivery process and how long it took
- Unboxing experience of the Eve Spectrum including the stand
- Go through the Eve Spectrum design, spec and ports
- How the Eve Spectrum works with a MacBook and PS5
- Whether it's worth the high price tag


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This is exactly what I’ve been looking for with the input selection, design, color accuracy and resolution. The KVM Switch along with generous port selection is definitely a plus, it’s just a shame Eve themselves seem to be so inconsistent with shipping


I love this channels reviews, so detailed. This guy knows the information we're looking for n' need to know


I had a very similar experience ordering the display. I ordered one day before you haha. I honestly love mine I can’t lie. Use it for my MacBook and PS5.
I am able to get 144hz on my MacBook with a USB C to DisplayPort cable.


Nice review! The color accuracy and one cable connection to a MBP seem like great selling points. I am tempted to pick one up!


It makes sense that the MacBook would still think it's plugged into the monitor when the input is changed. I don't think I've tried a monitor yet where this isn't the case. This is so that when changing inputs, PCs don't have to constantly adjust for adding/removing a display every time you change inputs. This is overall preferable. I use multiple monitors with multiple inputs for each, and if the PC sensed that it was "disconnected" every time I changed input, it'd be incredibly frustrating.


Is the performance worth the wait. Been looking for a USB monitor for my Macbook that also doubles up for gaming and this looks like performance wise to be a great shout


I ordered this today. Will share my experience as they progress.


Love oliur reviews 💃💃
i think you should make a podcast cause the voice is heavenly🥰🥰


for me, the eve spectrum being able to daisy chain monitors through DP and the USB cables it what sells it for me. The high refresh rate and color accuracy and HDR are just ice cream on top.


So basically this beast can make a 3 in 1 setup all possible while using one cable to connect and power your macbook. And I believe thats the only monitor on the market that can do it.(PS5 PC one cable mac) at the same time. With a proper monitor arm and that 4 sides boarderless design and some proper cable manegement, you can make a hell of clean all in one setup with this monitor.


This timeline is exactly the same as mine other than that I ordered it in September 2020.

It is a great monitor though and I'm happy with the purchase.


Wow thanks for making this video this monitor is exactly what i’ve been looking for, both for gaming and content creation. Such a great review.


Glad to hear the feedback. I hope they do release the glossy version.


Almost 2 years for a wait for me. Kept getting the run around. Finally received mine


I’ve watched few of the reviews of this monitor and although everyone is super happy with it, I’m thinking that if you have a technical issue with it, and the customer service is what it is, then we have a seriously frustrating issue on our hands. I think I’m old enought now to appreciate NOT having to fight every minute of every day of my life for things, so although I’d love to have 144Hz monitor, I think I’ll just stay with good ol’60Hz and just get a Benq PD.


I just got this monitor. It's beautiful. It supports 4K 144hz now via USB-C on my Macbook Air M1, I just needed to update the monitor into firmware version 105 and use a decent cable that can handle the bandwidth, they say Apple's TB3 cable can support it. I'm currently using the cable that came with my LG 27UP850.


Interesting, the whole shipping thing really puts me off. I went to see how much they'd charge for UK shipping and I can't choose it as an option. How did you order it?


5:45 wrong assumption. Type B is there not because there is usb hub, but to enable KVM functionality - for that you need second upstream, otherwise you could just route the USB hub to USB-С upstream without having second upstream port. Now, having two USB upstreams, you can switch between them (called USB Hub source in menu) OR switch the videoinput + upstream simultenously from the Input/Ouput submenu.


A color accurate 4K gaming monitor for under $1000. This might be my dream monitor!


I'm not sure if someone's said this already or if you've figured it out since making this video, but there is a firmware update for the monitor that essentially allows you to use it at 144hz 4k with the Mac. There's a catch: You need to use a Windows computer to do the update.
