The Surprising Benefits of Taking Time to Think (and Why Warren Buffett Does It)

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Have you ever noticed that your best ideas and solutions to problems come to you when you mind is free to wander – usually during some unstructured time or activity that doesn’t require a lot of mental focus?

As a business leader, part of your role is to solve problems – and lead others to solve problems too. And this requires think time. But with the pace of business – how much time during the day do you have to sit around and just think?

In this week’s video, I share why setting aside time to think, will help you grow your business. As well, I share a couple of strategies to help you overcome the barriers that keep you from having that valuable think time for yourself.
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When do you get your best ideas? Let me know in the comments!


Thank you very much for making this video. It helped to convince me on the importance of thinking time.
