How to Tell if Knee Pain is Meniscus or Ligament Injury

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How to Tell if Knee Pain is Meniscus or Ligament Injury

Bob and Brad discuss how to tell if you are having a meniscus or ligament injury. They also include some tests you can try at home to distinguish the two.

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Рекомендации по теме

I have a degenerative tear in my right meniscus diagnosed years ago. I've started to feel the same pain in my left as well. With plantar fasciitist in both feet, osteoarthritis and spinal disc compression pinching my sciatic nerve I have extreme difficulty with walking. It is true that you don't know what you've got until it's gone. I would do almost anything to be able to walk without pain. So many take their health for granted.


I buckled my knee ever so slightly and heard what sounded like hands cracking knuckles but in my knee. After weeks of swelling went down. I was able to do long walks, short sprints, and cycling. I didn't go see a doctor, but I listened to experts on my symptoms. I midly tore my meniscus. My knee pops once in a while. Constant cycling outside, walking, and some sprints have my legs as strong as ever. I do everything I use to, as I'm a very active 50 yr old man. I never let this or tendinitis in my elbows slow me down. For tendinitis, I beat by curling with weights, and it's gone, and it never came back.


ACL here, 8 years ago. Surgery was a success, great doctor with a lot of experience. The rehab was painful, I thought it never ended, but after a few months I started to see the light and I restarted normal activity. Now — after sports in general and personal training — I'm feeling pain after a small fall. Went to the same doctor today, he asked for deeper exams. I confess you my fear, but I hope it isn't nothing serious. 
ACL rehab, as well as with other injuries, creates warriors. If you are reading this, I hope you take care of your body everyday, and avoid traumas. Now I'm here, listening Bob and Brad, overthinking in my knee. To them, warm regards from Portugal!


my knee hurt just watching these tests done😬😬😬 really great information!


Oddly enough I was told when I was 22 years old I had a torn meniscus but never told anything more specifically. I didn't get into healthcare until I was 24 and now a RN for 5 years and graduate this December with my MSN for Adult/Gero Primary Care NP and the knee has always been difficult for me to understand. This video really helped and makes me worried I should get my knee looked at again as it causes some discomfort still here and there. But I'm only 31 years old and thinking I may need a replacement in my life for sure. There was no treatment I ever got for my knee injury, I got an MRI didn't get notified of my results until 3 months later and re-evaluated to be told it was all healed and nothing further is done. I regret not knowing more about healthcare at this time and wish I had done PT to ensure it healed properly. Bottom line always ask questions and never be afraid to advocate for yourself.


I wasn't to thank you guys for this video. I have Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome so ligament injuries are nothing new. But I recently had a really talented and amazing fall that severely injured my right knee.8⁷ My ortho told me he'd be it MRI and never even examined the knee. Never even touched it and the proceeded to give me a 20 minute lecture about my weight. At which point I stopped him and reminded him we were here to discuss my knee. Results came in and ligaments looks fine (not the first time shredded ligaments looked fine on an MRI) the radiologist called them 4 meniscus tears due to severe and unusual trauma. Dr said he couldn't actually see the full tears and that they're probably just nothing to worry about. 4 months later, I'm in so much pain that I can't function. I can't walk hardly at all, and when do, its caused pain and dislocations in my back and pelvis.

Anyway, thank you for posting different tests to try to pinpoint that cause of all my knee pain Thank you guys.


Finally get to the tests at 6:12 - You're welcome.


Bob & Brad, THANK YOU SOO SOO MUCH for guiding me with all of my physical injuries through out the years. We may never personally meet, but I want to at least be able to thank you for all that you both do. Your work to help those in need is like having angels on earth. May you both continue to be blessed many times over in this life and in the next for eons to come.


I tore LCL completely but it grew back alone. Also had LCL partial and ACL partial on other knee, and now MCL unknown state. I compete in BJJ so be careful with your knees. Once you tackle it is not the same


Just got back into skateboarding and this video helped me understand my knee pain is from the lateral meniscus. I use my left foot to snap the board down for tricks repeatedly, and when I bend my knee all the way in I can poke at the area and feel exactly where its at.


I was just walking and my knee shifted. My floodlight camera captured it when it happened and it clearly shifted and didn't twist. At the same time I heard a loud crack with immediate pain. I could not put weight on it at all for several days. Eventually, I could walk on my toes, not flat footed, and about a month later I could walk more normally. I had an MRI and was told it was a meniscus tear. I was using a knee brace and ice pack in the evening. My doctor told me it would not heal, but one year later it seems to be fine, but occasionally it feels loose. I'm very grateful!!


Bob and Brad.
The two most famous.
Physical Therapists.
On the internet.


I remember when I damaged my meniscus once, I knew exactly when it happened as I felt a warm explosive sensation in my knee as it perforated, not hugely painful as you mention, and I could maneuver around the damage and feel almost normal. It was only painful in certain orientations of the tibia to the femur. Fortunately straight forward walking and sitting was ok. What made it super distinctive the next day though was the knee swelled up to the size of grapefruit, the classic "water on the knee". It felt like my knee had turned into a water balloon. There was also a sandy or granular sensation on knee movement, likely bits of shredded cartilage floating around on the articular surface.


I have had three meniscus repairs total in both knees in Sioux Falls by two different surgeons and both did NOT do these types of tests. Now, i am doubtful the surgeries were even necessary. Thank you Bob and Brad for the education. Always be your own advocate.


Whenever i do physical therapy exercises my kid loves to watch you both (She loves the Energy and Excitement visible in you )she just shouts like hey Bob and Brad just like she knew personally😃.I couldn’t stop smiling😆..Thank you so much for your wonderful videos with amazing positive quotes👌❤️🤗.


Thank you both for helping me diagnose myself. Meniscus and ligament in my right knee injured this afternoon on the stairs at home.


Several years ago, I had a meniscus tear in my left knee from doing strenuous golf swings on the driving range where being a right handed golfer, we pivot around our left knee very fast through the downswing. Being older, I also had bone on bone. Did injections for a little bit and helped some, but it was just a band aid and the pain was still there playing golf.
I did not want to wear a knee brace, so finally did a full knee replacement surgery and my knee felt 100 percent after the rehab sessions. The knee is still fine and doing great playing golf.


10:13 the moment that saved my life. I injured my meniscus about 6 months ago from bicycling. It’s getting better on its own but I just did your experiment and I heard a POP. That’s what I’ve been look for, a pop to get it back in place. It seems to be even more flexible now 😄


Holy smokes! You’re a wealth of info right when I needed it. 3 weeks out from from a bucket handle repair and the pain is worse than it was before the surgery. You guys have given me hope.


Thank you Bob and Brad!! Great job explaining the different types of knee injuries that can occur. I recently hurt my knee; hit both on the cement; however the right knee hurt much more than the left in which at same time I twisted my ankles both during the impact; again the right being more seriously injured than my left. Nevertheless, its been over 2 months and I am still experiencing pain along with going to physical therapy. I appreciate your demonstrations along with the both of you explaining everything. You guys work great together as a dynamic team!
