Knee Pain Types Explained | Royersford, PA | Limerick, PA

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Wow after two years you are the only person than has got an answer for my knee pain after a fall two years ago. Many many thanks.


I had a torn meniscus diagnosed with an MRI scan. The doctors offered me keyhole surgery. I visited my sports massage therapist who invited me to see someone called Noel Thatcher MBE, he is a multi gold winner Paralympic a wonderful guy. He examined my knee simply by feel and said I didn’t need surgery just intense sports massage in the affected area. The way he explained how the tissues were kind of like mangled cooked spaghetti where they should be straight flowing like dry spaghetti was very helpful
I went through a number of sessions and believe me the pain especially at first was so intensely agonising but within about 6 weeks plus with my self massaging the pain was gone I’ve never had a problem since and that was about 10 years ago


This is the best explanation of knee pain I’ve heard so far. Thank you for sharing 😍


Thanks for straightening me out doc. I am happy to say I don't have patellar tendinopathy but I still strained myself more than I should have.


Thank you so much 👍😉 We need more videos like this as I recently went to spine and sports pca and he didn't even explain why he thought I may have torn my meniscus.


Literally woke up this am. No problems. No injuries whatsoever. Drove 55 minutes to an appointment and got out of my car and had. excruciating right knee pain, outer aspect just below knee cap. From location you showed, sounds like IT band pain but why???? I didn’t strain or do anything.


Thank you, Dr. Charlie, very much for this no-nonsense, very helpful video. I'm suffering with oa and this helped me define it more.


Thank you Doc. After 3 weeks, I am able to stand for more than 1.5 hours. I will continue this regime everyday. Regards from Singapore.


Damn this video is so informative. I fell off my e-bike and broke my tibia and fibula back in June 2021 This video cleared up some questions I had about the pain and swelling I was feeling .. they also had to rebuild my meniscus. It's mid August now and I'm still non weight bearing but a lot of the swelling went down. Still some swelling in my knee


Great video! This is exactly what I was looking for to help explain some knee pain I’ve been having. Thank you


Most helpful information on knee pain that I've ever gotten! Thank you!


Seriously this is so helpful I have been using the wrong knee brace the entire time (btw a nurse recommended it lesson learned ask actual professional joint /physical therapist)


Thank you so much for this video Doctor I have been feeling pain inside my knee joints. I'm glad to know what this really is. So informative 💖 thank you


Perfect explanation. I feel exactly on the left side of the knee as you demonstrated.

Thanks very much.


Outstanding presentation- I have a question you might answer- since a kid, if I sat on top of my folded legs and moved the “wrong” way to get up I’d find myself with a locked knee- specifically- unable to extend my leg from the knee down- horrible feeling but not really painful. it happened so many in my school age to 40’s years. I always panicked but very early on- I learned to reverse the exact motion that caused it. Basically roll back on top of my legs using my arms to get back to a kneel/sitting on my legs position. It would then be fine when I slowly tried to straighten it and get up. Strange thing- it never happened around anyone else.

I have had double jointed fingers and laxity in joints and my best guess is that is what is the cause

As an older lady- I’m extremely vigilant to never let it happen again- last time was a few years ago

I wouldn’t even know how to search for this online- just wondered if you ever heard a patient say this happened to them. Anyone here ever have this happen to you?


Yes this was very detailed and helpful am experiencing sharp pain that hits me sudden just out of no where. Am planning on seeing a doctor soon. Thanks for the information.


Dr. Johnson, is providing lots of good information about how to examine a knee. Thanks


Finally a good video to diagnose knee pain, thanks


Great explanation of various knee pain and location of pain. Easy to
Understand, thanks!


Sharp pain in small area interior knee, pains comes in quick and will leave just as quick and it can occur at rest or just after standing, lasts only a minute or so
