Dr Boz: Fix Insulin Resistance Once & For All (10 COMMON Symptoms)

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Dr Boz has over 20 years of clinical experience treating the underlying root cause of many chronic health problems: insulin resistance. In this episode, Dr Boz explains how high insulin levels lead to heart attacks, strokes, dementia, high blood pressure, hormonal dysregulation, and the mechanism by which this happens.

Dr Boz explains exactly what the hormone insulin is, its role in the body, and, most importantly, how insulin levels rise over time. We discuss the role of dietary carbohydrates and processed foods and how both feed insulin resistance.

Dr. Boz also explains the 10 signs and symptoms of insulin resistance so you can spot high insulin levels visibly without requiring blood work or labs.

Dr. Boz explains the role of a Ketogenic Diet and why ketosis (ketones) is extremely important for healing chronic inflammation. We discuss the Dr. Boz ratio, which is an adaptation of the GKI index (also used in metabolic therapy for the treatment of cancer), and what numbers you need to lose weight, heal chronic inflammation, and reverse insulin resistance.

This episode is important if you have insulin resistance. You will learn the simple science of how insulin levels become chronically elevated, how this relates to most chronic diseases and the simple signs and symptoms to spot insulin resistance.

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00:00 Intro
02:52 Why look at insulin resistance?
04:42 What is insulin + the role in the body
08:59 How do you become insulin resistant?
12:39 Insulin resistance + heart attacks and strokes
21:09 Insulin resistance + hormones & thyroid disorders
28:09 Dr Boz's story (how she became an expert in insulin resistance)
36:41 Tool: Early signs and symptoms of insulin resistance
38:20 Tool: Look at your skin
41:15 Tool: The thumbprint test of insulin resistance
44:30 Tool: You need hairy toes!
46:10 Tool: Changes in speech and fatigue
48:30 Key Sign: Erectile dysfunction
50:35 Tool: Dr Boz Ratio
54:59 Insulin resistance is linked to autoimmune conditions
01:01:00 Ketosis
01:09:43 Tool: The 'butter only' day
01:13:31 Ketosis vs. fasting for insulin resistance
01:17:35 Magnesium for brain health
01:19:14 Vitamin D (how much you need)
01:20:55 Dr Boz's final thoughts
01:26:16 Free resources for this episode

#insulinresistance #insulin
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If you enjoyed this, please double check you have ‘liked’ and ‘subscribed’ to the channel - thanks for your interest in health - Rina


My mom despite not having studied nutrition, instinctively knew that butter was better than margarine and refused to give up butter. She ignored people like me and doctors who tried to tell her that margarine was better for her heart. She never bought into it. Now we all know better. Thank goodness she never listened to people like me or the doctors at the time.


Dr Boz is a Good teacher, But Honestly the Best teachers for me are the People making the Comments i learn from them, So Thank You very much everyone


I love Jason Fung and Annette Bosworth♥️♥️. They’ve helped me so much over the past year.
I didn’t clean out the cabinets, though. My husband continued eating the way he was used to, I quietly changed- no sugar, no starches, no packaged food, fasting 20 hours a day.
Bemused at first, he then began to notice his own carb intake. Eventually, he began fasting as well.
Now, we’re on the journey together.❤


My grandfather always said, "If you don't eat fat you will die from a heart attack. Peope thought he was nuts, turns out he was a genius.


My pop always ate bacon and eggs added butter and meat dripping to everything and limited his starch. At 78, his blood pressure, blood sugar are still perfect


Thanks for your advice!! I was pre-diabetic, high A1-C, high BP, overweight. I started fasting on the 5-1-1 schedule following Dr. Mindy Pelz. Lost weight. Then was prescribed a continuous glucose monitor (CGM) which was life-changing!!! I immediately saw my blood glucose levels spike with any carbs!! I rarely ate processed foods- garden, organic fruits/veggies, whole wheat flour, Ezekiel bread. No sugar, but I did sweeten some things with honey or Agave nectar, no soda, cookies, cakes, ice cream. But it was amazing to see how much glucose my body produced from eating pinto or black beans, lentils, winter squash, tomatoes, peaches, berries, rice, peas, etc. Huge spikes in glucose levels! So I switched to keto - 20 carbs/day. I Learned an entirely new way of cooking, no rice, beans, pasta, squash, potatoes, fruit (very little), flour, oats, etc. Much more fats/oils, nuts, meats and full cream dairy. There are lots of helpful keto cooking channels on YT. Many times I can make familiar dishes but just leave out high starch foods. Sweeten with stevia, erythritol, monk fruit. I researched what to eat if my social groups went out for lunch or birthday parties, etc. Green salads with no chips or croutons or peas everywhere, Fajitas at Mexican restaurants, Kung Pau Chicken or Broccoli beef at Asian restaurants with no noodles or rice, or big bowls of Pho, steak & salad at American restaurants, Alfredo chicken at Italian restaurants without the pasta or Parmesan chicken and salad. I’ve lost weight, average daily blood sugar is 95, A1-C is 5.2., BP is down. Woo Hoo!! And I’m 65!! Been on keto about 7 months. And I’ve broken my addiction to sugar/carbs. I effortlessly bypass all the sweets and breads: no cookies, cakes, pies, candy, ice cream, baguettes, sourdough, brownies (I make keto brownies using bamboo or oat fibers 😂). I highly recommend fasting+keto for life!!! Thank you!! 🙏🏼


This was super fascinating. I'm a 70 year old man still in pretty good shape and I want to stay this way as long as possible. My Matriarchal Mexican grandmother lived to be 102. She ate and cooked (incredibly delicious food) with lard and butter. She ate butter everyday of her life. She was never overweight and her mind was sharp until the end. Now I understand that is not quite what you two are talking about here but it's related.



If I had known this 20 years ago, my husband would be alive. I am sincerely grateful to everyone who teaches us to stay healthy!!! You not only motivate, you simply "force" us to be healthy! I have tears in my eyes... Thank you!


Was called fat old man at 50! Began to eat sensibly started training in crumbling garage lifting rocks doing pushups on paint cans got ripped at 53 years old!!!


We need more people like this! Just finished reading "The 21 Former Doctor Secrets" by Rachel Morgan and I had to say its so truth revealing. Industry hides so much from society!


I just left from my dermatologist. I asked her why I have skin tags and moles growing on my body. I asked her what I could stop eating or start taking to supplement. She said there is nothing it’s just about aging. I’m going to see her again this month and forward this video to her.


Dr. Boz is not just a national treasure, but I am also privileged to call her a dear friend.


As a massage therapist, I cannot stress enough how true this is, and how it is contributing to chronic pain. My clients come in asking for deep tissue massage and in palpation their body feels like it has a layer of Teflon over their tissue. Hyper-fibrosis. They here, workout, lift heavy weights, but they get hurt, sick, and end up worse off. Starting with getting metabolically healthy, using sauna, contrast therapy and regular breathwork is the ingredients that will give them the most change in body composition and pain!!!


My daughter does a sardine fast for 24or 72 hours instead of butter and it works like a charm … thank you, thank you for your dedication 🥰


If you are a menopausal woman trust me the lesser carbs you have the better you feel the adrenals need healthy fats please eat butter avocado salmon olive oil ghee butter it will help your menopausal symptoms


Thinking back to 15 years ago, when I thought my health was ok, but suddenly had ED, I now believe that was a bell weather condition and the earliest sign that I was about to become chronically sick from inflammation. After being carnivore for 2.25 years, this was the last of my dozen conditions to fully reverse. First early sign, last cured issue. My body is almost completely de-aged. At 62 this is amazing!


Untill 60 years old I stayed in denial all through the weight gain, peeing more at night, waking up in the middle of the night hungry, hair thinning and greying. It was when I noticed the darkened skin in my armpits that I finally had the thought, ‘something isn’t right’. Up to that point, like everybody says, it was just old age. Coincidentally a friend had gone on the Ketogenic diet and had amazing results. Four years later now mostly a carnivore, I am not only thin and healthy, my hair is slowly getting thicker and darker again. ❤to everyone who is willing to change their lifestyle to be healthy again and not succumb to ‘old age’.


I have moved from keto to carnivore, meat, bacon, butter and eggs. A bit scary but I’m losing weight, one meal a day. My cravings have gone! Honestly, gone. I was a comfort eater from childhood, it was a terrible nag, pressuring me to eat more. I’m 5’ and was up to 10 stone 5lbs. I was miserable and felt uncomfortable, but the cravings continued. Tried every diet. The utter release from cravings has saved my sanity.


My mother had the same issue and I took care of her until the end. I did put her on Keto but it wasn't strict enough and it was too late. BUT since then, her condition has guided me toward a Carnivore lifestyle and it is perfect. I have a saying, One person's demise is another person's awakening.
