How To Tell If You Are STILL Insulin Resistant

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Let's dig into the science of insulin resistance and how to actually reverse it!
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A lot of good clear information... but NO ANSWER TO THE TITLE QUESTION


I eat sardines in EV olive oil every 3rd day for breakfast. I sprinkle them with fresh ground black pepper, turmeric and a pinch of cayenne pepper. I keep my carbs under 30, no sugar, no processed foods. I only eat grass fed beef, chicken and free range organic eggs. Fresh vegetables (steamed), fresh salad with home made salad dressing. I take 1 1/2 tablespoons of Chia seeds per day in either unsweetened Greek yogurt or I make a Chia pudding with the seeds, filtered water, monk fruit drops and some fresh blueberries. I take 1 tablespoon of apple cider vinegar (raw, unfiltered, organic) 1/2 hour before meals. My morning dose includes 1 tablespoon of organic lemon juice. Since I started this routine 6 months ago I have lost 25 pounds (don't want to lose any more), sleep better, have explosive energy, no inflammation or joint pain, cut my own grass (1 acre), trim my own bushes and I get up on the roof and clean my own gutters. I am rarely hungry and feel great. I am 76 years old. My friends think I am crazy and tell me that I have bought into the conspiracy theories with respect to nutrition. As Mark Twain once said: "It is easier to fool people than it is to convince them that they have been fooled". When we break up these gatherings, I am the only one who doesn't waddle home. Yet they still cannot connect the dots. 😁


Click bait. Please ANSWER the proposed question. I agree you didn't answer it a b d I'm wondering why you are still insulin resistant after all the fasting and SEVEN (7) years of working to be metabolically stable and flexible. THIS is your most disappointing video EVER.


Sorry, nothing here about how to tell if you are STILL insulin resistant. ;-(


This video didn’t say how to tell if you are still insulin resistant


Yes, a good explanation of insulin resistance, however that’s not what the title says. I don’t appreciate click bait titles.


I thought that this video was how to tell if you are still insulin resistant? A puffy face referenced for a couple seconds, was it? Booo!


You did not answer the question. How to tell if you are still insulin resistant after an extended time of adhering to low carb eating.


I've strictly kept OMAD to about a 1-2 hour window every day for a year and a half, along with staying under 20 grams of carbs each day. Sometimes well under. It's been easy to do, if you eat the proper food that's all you need, no hunger, no cravings. The results are nothing short of a miracle. A huge thank you to the youtube Doctors who are teaching this :D


What’s the take home here for most people? If you don’t overcome your addictions, you’ll just keep running the hamster wheel. High fat carnivore kills food addiction.


This video is easily the clearest explanation of insulin resistance I have seen. Thank you, Dr. Boz!


Why the misleading title? Get it, you're passionate about sardines and want to spread the word but this is NOT cool 😮


Confused on why after 7 years of Keto you are still insulin resistant? That's what I am hearing you still have to fast or you'll be insulin resistant? I thought the definition of being metabolically healthy is that you could go in and out of ketosis when needed


How to tell if you still insulin resistant?
Just eat a damn snickers bar and check you sugar every 30 minutes for 2 hours.
Thats your answer.


After listening to the talk, I still have no idea how to tell if I am still insulin resistance. Sounds like I may have to cut out my muscle and blood vessel for analysis.


Fatty meat, fish and eggs or MCT oil fat for 4 months now.
Only add 1 cup total per day of raw non starchy vegetables: red cabbage, green beans, cawliflower, broccoli, asparagus or 1 small hass avocado as my gut microbiome carbohydrate. I spread it throughout the day 99% of time I do raw because cooked seems to elevate my blood sugar.
Blood sugar has ranged from 151-85. I only saw 85 ish 2x. It's been averaging 110-115.
Ketones stay around .3-.5 but only if I do 4-6 tbl MCT everyday. Without MCT they are maybe .1
I was low carb ( under 60 of low carb non starchy raw vegetables)/ high fat chia, hemp hearts, walnuts mostly/medium protein low fat organic cottage cheese or greek yogurt for many years (20+) but I had weekly binges on Ezekiel bread with olive oil, raw nuts, peanut butter, a low carb diet still caused massive cravings and binge cycles for me. I exercise everyday always have. I walk 4 miles minimum plus isometrics at home or I lift slow but heavy weights at gym. ( did body building routine workouts since 19 years old) I am 57, 5'6" 145 lb on this all fatty meat and fats diet. I can stay around 132-135 on the low carb high raw vegetables with cod, salmon, turkey occasional burger albiet I was not in keto. My homeade dressing was chia seed, hemp heart, walnut, lemon, ACV, small green apple ( my only carb and the recipe made 3-4 days of dressing), fresh garlic, fresh onion).
Other than evening cravings I felt great on my raw vegan with the slightly more lean meat. I never got constipated which I live with now. MCT makes it worse but that's the only way I can make ketones. I changed to this diet to heal my hormones and stop the cravings and binges, and to be stronger emotionally. I've done Atkins fat fasts throughout the years since my 20s to strengthen emotional health and keep brain stronger but the last 7 years have been a challenge with a family related trauma. I need more help with getting and staying in keto but not sure how else I can change except to only drink MCT oil. I did try 6 small meals of 2 egg yolks dipped in 2 tbl lard (or equivalent macros using pork belly or fatty beef) for the last 2 months. I gained 6 lb and energy was up and down. Sometimes fat gives me a spike in blood sugar and a crash like fruit does. I'm at a loss. I am not a large person but I have cellulite on arms, belly, legs, butt. The thin-ish woman giggle even though I work harder at being lean than anyone I know tells me something is not right.


But why does a person who does long term keto actually worsen their ability to process carbs, I heard carnivore guy say he ate watermelon not even something like cake and his blood sugar spiked to 200 . I mean its kinda like saying I fixed my lactose intolerance by not eating lactose nope you still can't eat lactose, not saying keto/carnivore can't help people but it does not help the body actually process sugar fact it worsens it .


Thank you for this sound advice. I am an insulin resistant physician and after failing to respond to metformin, some colleagues who are able to think outside the box advised me to follow a ketogenic diet with 20g carbs per day and intermittent fasting. My blood sugar was immediately controlled and HbA1C normalised. I had no more hunger pangs or fatigue and easily followed OMAD or a 8/16 IF. I went on to loose 30 kg, and have maintained it over the last 6 years. My triglycerides are very low, partially replaced by LDL (which is a triglyceride attached to a cholesterol vehicle).

I occasionally indulge in carbs which are followed by hunger pangs and fatigue, reminding me that I am still insulin resistant for whatever reason, surviving on ketones


I have been low carb and sugar for about a year now and it has done great things for me so knowing how it works exactly might not be important but I still loved the explanation of the animation you put together there!


Finally ! A good description of how insulin resistance actually works !
