10 Steps To Reverse Autoimmune Disease

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Autoimmune disease is an extremely common and growing issue in our global population, affecting millions of people worldwide. Autoimmune diseases vary in symptoms and severity, but they all have one thing in common: the body is attacking itself.

On today’s episode of The Doctor’s Farmacy, I dive into autoimmune diseases and explain a few strategies you can start implementing today to reverse them.

You can find the full episode on your favorite podcast app.
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I love this! One thing he failed to mention was to get out of emotionally toxic home environments. They will get you sick. Linked to autoimmunity.


What is super helpful that I’ve found is Silver Fern Brand’s protocols, particularly for me, the Slow Motility+ protocol and the Immune+ protocol.

Also, taking creatine monohydrate.

I cannot describe how much both of these have helped me with my health, energy levels, and calming my immune system, dealing with autoimmune thyroid, chronic silent reflux, leaky gut, and chronic fatigue.


Dr Hyman's posts are a weakth of fantastic health information. His books are a must


Dr you have no idea how much this short videos are helping me. Thank you


In 08, I was told I have fibromyalgia, RA, and chronic fatigue syndrome. Before that, I was told I had IBS then told it was probably diverticulitis. In 2011, I went low carb and noticed that if I cheated and ate bread that it tore up my stomach and made my body hurt. I told my new doc who tested me for celiac. I was a high positive. A few yrs ago, I went keto and noticed that 99% of veggies and all fruit make me feel awful and hurt, so I've moved to Carnivore. I have no symptoms as long as I stick to carnivore. If I eat a salad or any veggies at all, I feel awful and hurt.

There's also an ingredient called carrageenan that's in some dairy products like coffee creamer, ice cream, sour creams, cottage cheese and even found lunch meats, rotisserie chickens and whole turkey, it can increase chronic pain. It makes my body hurt something awful.


The elimination diet is really good for figuring out what you can't eat, but it can take a really long time. Took me a year to first find out what I needed to avoid and then how (what to look for when avoiding gluten and dairy). A lot of trial and error. My MS hasn't gone anywhere, but has been mostly in remission for over a decade now.


That is the right way to handle medicine + disease 👏 Thank you, Dr. Mark


Carnivore as an elimination diet saved me. Was inflamed all the time. I am much better now


Damn, that's a truckload of truth in 1 min.
*God Bless†*


Thanks for all that you do, Dr.Hyman.


Love Dr. Mark and his content. Smart man!


Thank you for focusing on wellness vs disease management - so appreciate you and your dedication to reversing disease as well as prevention and maximizing health. 💕


This Dr. omitted the 3 day water fast which resets your immune system. (on one right now)


Leaky gut is such a nasty thing!! I ended up with 20+ foods allergies and not mention sensitivities so I can barely eat anything. I also can’t eat anything with histamines or causes a histamine release. I take 2 Zyrtec a day and can barely keep things under control. I also ended up with celiac disease too! I’ve literally changed everything in my lifestyle but there was one lingering thing which was oral contraceptives. I had no idea oral estrogen can cause inflammation of the gut and I’ve been taking it for over 8 years wondering why I was in this vicious cycle of not being able to fix my gut and just kept getting worse. I just stopped the pill so I’m hoping I can slowly heal my gut for good. I know I have a long road ahead of me but I am willing to put the work in!!


How do I get tested for mercury and mold, or even go about cutting them out? I'm assuming hiring a naturopath or functional medicine Dr would help?


How do you suggest we eliminate the heavy metals without having them enter into the bloodstream & the brain?


I listen to your pod cast's daily and follow your suggestions! 😊


Sugar will ruin your car and your body.


Dr. Hyman has a great system 👍 👏 👌 which is why he calls it FUNCTIONAL medicine. Other medical practitioners should adopt this practice.😊❤


It would seem this is still so complex and with so many variables that confidence is easily swayed and challenges potential results. Then there are the costs involved, regular monitoring, positive relationship with healthcare practitioners, the great walls of “CHANGE” and all this entails….. how is it not endless “whack a mole”?
