Leaky Gut Got You Down? How to Reverse Autoimmune Disease

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Autoimmune diseases affect at least 50 million Americans, causing pain and discomfort many think they have to learn to live with. But Dr. Amy Myers shares in her book, The Autoimmune Solution, how to reverse this ... ...
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I stopped eating sugar, flour and caffeine and lost 225lbs and feel so much better.


stress and not chewing your food properly also adds to leaky gut


This woman is absolutely correct but unfortunately most people love food and won't change. I say whatever makes you happy but I choose to avoid diseases, illnesses etc. so I try to eat as best as possible because YES it's about inflammation. Dr Sebi


Crazy thing, when we eat the foods we are suppose to eat things clear up 🧐


Three different GI docs "We don't believe in leaky gut."


I cut out meat and dairy and my ulcerative colitis (autoimmune) is gone - no meds, no pain, no passing out.


Things to help, digestive enzymes, probiotics, hcl, apple cyder vinegar, bone broth, l glutamine, things to avoid gluten, dairy, processed foods, sugar


Miss the foods of my youth...the 60s. Things were better back in the day.


Add bone broth to help heal leaky gut.


I followed the AIP diet and it has improved my symptoms in a short period, they say it was temporary and I can reintroduce foods to my diet, I eat eggs now, and recently included dairy back, only cheeses for their lactose quantity. Not sure if I made the right decision! It's been a long journey anyway, I have vitilogo and I decided to change my diet after I was fed up with doctors and the medications they give you to shut off your immune system so it doesn't attack anything at all! I said to myself, I wouldn't be happy if I got cancer and my body failed to treat it! Plus there's nothing wrong with following a healthy diet or a diet that makes you feel better! Now I'm on keto, because I think that carbs are sugars and are as bad as poison. I'm trying to be flexible with my diet so I can maintain it for longer.
Wish you a successful battle with your illnesses y'all!


Cutting out dairy and wheat is the most important, also make your own bread with NO yeast.Its very important to deal with stress, anxiety is hell for any autoimmune disease


I'm surprised this made it to the news.


A lot of the processed foods and high fructose feed Candida. That is also a major source of leaky gut I'm finding.


Fasting, L-glutamine, healthy foods/non GMO.


I had to learn this on my own many years ago. Wish I found this video before I had to self teach myself.


I wish I knew what to do years ago. Learned about leaky gut 20 years ago. MD’s don’t accept leaky cut or adrenal fatigue.


Seriously what is doctor is saying is actually true. People in the west, especially Americans don’t understand this cause they have never lived a life without sugar, processed and frozen food. But ask an immigrant from south asia or africa who usually consumes good quality unprocessed natural food who has moved to the US and seen a drastic change in their health because of the diet! The change is very prominent. I am a Bangladeshi student in the US living here for about 2 years now. And as I have left home, my health has become significantly worse! I constantly feel bloated, fatigued and cold. Nothing that I eat seems to digest properly and I have had several episodes of diarrheal indigestions. My skin has become significantly worse, I have formed autoimmune disease like atopic dermatitis, my hair is falling off! None of this were the case when I was in Bangladesh. But after moving here the difference is so stark I am pretty sure it has to do with the heavy industrially processed food in this country and quick lifestyle of the people! I try to buy as healthy as possible but sometimes raw fresh food are simply unavailable in this part of the world! And the artificial smell in everything that I can feel, I am sure none of the Americans can sense that as they have been living off that forever!


Awesome. I stopped eating carbs in 2003 when I realized that my low carb diet removed my diagnosed arthritis symptoms. My cartilage grew back, my muscle increased and my health got better. I still have a slightly abnormal ANA but all noticeable inflammation is gone and has been gone since. I am asymptomatic of any arthritic joint pain or inflammation. I was 28 then and I'm in my 40's now. Even though Ive never had the full picture of why, I've been trying to tell people for years that carbohydrates are the cause for this autoimmune disease and I suspect most if not all other autoimmune diseases.. Thanks for the informative video.


Thanks for this video CBN 🙋🏻
I'm having hyperthyroidism..2 times done RI..same result. Last month i cut off gluten, cut off sugar, cut off proses food and cut off dairy. i consume probiotic and prebiotic in the morning before break my intermittent fasting at 10am. Try to repair my leaky gut disease first. Hope it will works..next month my appointment with the doctor...hope my blood test will show a good result..aamiin.


basic, but a good start for some people.
