Reversing AUTOIMMUNE Disease--Comprehensive Guide-Triggers, Vitamin D, Diet, Stages of Autoimmune.

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Reversing AUTOIMMUNE Disease--Comprehensive Guide-Triggers, Vitamin D, Diet, Stages of Autoimmune.

Dr. Sung's favorite HCL/Digestive Enzymes
Best Magnesium for BRAIN----Magtein Magnesium L-Threonate
Dr. Sung's favorite quercetin.

Playlist for Diabetes

Playlist for Intermittent Fasting

Playlist for Vitamin D

Dr. Jin Sung is a Chiropractic Physician who specializes in the management of complex chronic conditions in Massachusetts, 30 minutes north of Boston. He utilizes natural and alternative therapies to help manage complex cases such as Hashimoto's, autoimmune conditions, IBS, SIBO, chronic fatigue, brain fog, early Alzheimer's, etc.

Office Contact
978 688-6999

Dr. Sung's Online Supplement Dispensary-conditions apply. Certain companies will require a prescription from Dr. Sung.

The content of this video is for educational purposes only and does not constitute medical advice. Please consult with your physician before embarking on any dietary changes or taking any nutritional supplements.
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I wish my rheumatologist would spend more than 5 or 10 minutes with me. She updates her computer and renews my Humira prescription. See you in 6 months. Almost worthless. A monkey could do her job. I’ve started taking supplements and have gone to an anti inflammatory diet. Dr Gundry and Dr Berg are saying many of the things in this video. I’m feeling much better and have lost some weight too. It’s a permanent change in lifestyle though. If you care about your health you need to take personal responsibility and take it seriously. We are killing ourselves with processed foods.


Cutting out gluten completely helped about 90 percent of my autoimmune issues.


Why do all doctors says things are uncurable? We don’t know what the future holds. They should word this as ‘as of now, we don’t know how to cure it’. Humanity always looks back and sees how ignorant we were, and it will always be the case. Doctors need to change their perspective as patients rely heavily on their word.


00:03 Autoimmune disease is prevalent and difficult to diagnose.
02:43 Early and late stage symptoms of autoimmune disease
08:09 Vitamin D study for autoimmunity prevention
10:37 Vitamin D supplementation reduced autoimmune disease by 22%
16:17 Exploring the impact of higher vitamin D doses and natural fish oil form on autoimmune disease outcomes.
18:32 Multiple triggers like dietary proteins, lifestyle, stress impact autoimmune disease.
23:18 Recovering from autoimmune disease requires a comprehensive approach
25:44 Triggers of autoimmune diseases
30:31 Balancing the immune system is essential for managing autoimmune disease.
32:52 1.5 diabetes is like type one but starts in adulthood
37:14 Visual input in crowded places can induce dizziness and anxiety for people with cerebellum issues
39:21 Assessing balance and gait can provide insights into cerebellar function
43:32 Understanding the stages of autoimmune disease
45:53 Autoimmune disease stage three includes elevated TPO and thyroglobulin antibodies, leading to tissue destruction and elevated TSH.
50:51 Eliminate inflammatory foods and follow Autoimmune Paleo diet
53:13 Autoimmune Paleo diet shows improvements in reducing inflammation and improving general health


Dr Jin, you are SO clear and helpful!!! I am a Retired Registered Nurse and have figured out some of what you have presented here through many many months/years of research. You have consolidated most of that in this one video!!! AND added things I didn’t know!! Thank you for your dedication to our health and wellbeing!! You’re a treasure to the entire world!! I’m so grateful that you share invaluable information like this! It unravels the complex mystery and inner workings of the whole body and person at the same time! In the nursing profession, we learned to care for the entire person but in real life, it was more of a nice idea than a practical reality! You are successfully doing EXACTLY that!! This is how medicine “should be!!!”


This is spot on! I was on thyroid meds for 18 months. I changed my diet, no dairy, no night shades, put a filter on my shower head to reduce fluoride, etc from regular city water, walk at least 3 miles a day (I try to do what I call marathon weeks, 22+miles/wk), changed to non-fluoride toothpaste. My thyroid has been normal for 2 years now!!My vitamin D does fluctuate but my body/hair lets me know when something is off. All your information is valuable! Thank you for your care and concern in addressing this matter.


these videos inspire me towards reaching better health. I know sometimes the damage is done, but the body heals, too.


The people who fall through the cracks are those of us who cannot work because of a [suspected] autoimmune disease, since exhaustion from stress (work causes stress) and the condition itself. If one cannot work, one does not have the large amounts of money to see a [good & competent] doctor to get all the tests done. Assuming it's a competent doctor. Government insurance will not give you a good doctor. And all the changes in environment and diet also cost money that poor people do not have.


God Bless your for caring for the wellness of people!


😊 thank you for caring enough to educate us


I started vegan to help my autoimmune and looking back it sucked compared to how awesome carnivore diet has been for my auto immune issues. I feel and look so much better eating animals!! ❤


I had RA in remission for several years with Paleo Diet. Then, I hit menopause, and the wheels fell off. Can’t seem to get back to where I was. So frustrating. Paleo is easy to follow if it makes you feel good. Very hard when you’re not seeing much benefit.


I have become increasingly more sensitive to gluten, diary, nightshades, chemicals, etc. I have been concerned about autoimmune and wondering if I need to be tested. Thanks for this video..very informative.


Omg! I love Dr.Jin! I have to ask my doctors to watch this!


Dairies are mostly the culprit for a lot of ppl, I tried vegan for almost 2 years and now I am pre diabetic, rosacea appear, my face was so dry by not eating meat or any fat. I’m back on the meat wagon and my face feel normal, my blood glucose is still a bit high in the morning. I found that dairy products make my rosacea flare up so I cut that out. Going on the keto diet gradually bc I don’t want the side effects to be awful.


Full carnivore here. Also doing 48 fast has helped immensely. Since doing one 48 hour fast a week, symptom reduces by 65-70 percent. Folks do at least one 48 hour fast and see how you feel. Btw im sure the jab, then COVID triggered my rheumatoid arthritis.


Thank you for educating me. I need a lot more learning and unlearning to combat my RA. Need 6 months off work to concentrate on sending RA into remission!


I was diagnosed with Crohn's almost 2 yrs ago.. the Doc said "You have to take meds, they're compulsory!" ..I said, "Nah, I'll play with my diet!"
He wasnt happy.. but when I returned over 6 months later after (largely) cutting gluten, sugar, alcohol, he assumed I'd taken the meds. I had a go at him for rushing ppl onto meds & not educating re diet etc.

My best Doc has become YouTube! ..Now hitting menopause & have had to go crying to my gyne (& sent him vids) to convince him to possibly prescribe me hrt!
..Really suffering atm & scared of hrt but don't think I can live like this.. feel like I have a mix of bad period, flu, sciatica, what is this?!? ..Feel lucky boys!!

Doc.. what dya think about hrt with Crohn's (my grandma's mum & sis also died of blood clots in brain!)?

Lookin for any advice I can get! ❤


50 hrs into my fast Hope I make it to 72


Thanks for the info I needed to hear this. I struggle with my autoimmune disease .
