Jordan Peterson on Why People Are So Unhappy

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Jordan peterson : *Beautifully answers Ethan's question*

Ethan: "Watch out for that bread y'all"


Maybe im unusual, but the happiest times of my life I was regularly helping other people. Making other people happy is rewarding. Focusing on your own hapinesses all the time seems to drain it.


"You sacrifice the present for the future". This really sunk in when my husband died at the age of 49 and I felt like we had spent the better part of 20 years together working. If you don't buy into consumerism (no pun intended), you can live on less. Work less, live more.


i heard this somewhere and it resonated with me.... "No one has hobbies anymore. People dont do things because they enjoy them; people are trying to turn everything they like into a "hustle", "grind" or business". There is something beautiful about doing something you love simply because you enjoy it. This seems to be disappearing.


I miss my childhood, there was something real about it, I feel like these days everyone wants to be perfect inside and outside thanks to the excessive amount of social media that you can reach immediately. I spent my childhood actually being engaged in something and paying attention to the real world rather than stressing about pictures like people do today.


"Why People Are So Unhappy" - because they have been hypnotized into believing that happiness can be an achievable goal and a sustainable outcome. The pursuit of happiness is a contract with suffering.


I love how Jordan Peterson takes a few seconds to think before he speaks
Thats soo Rare in 2020.


"We are walking oceans."

I've often had this thought, but never expressed it as neatly as that.


His answer is great, I mean he's so smart, really made me think


Here’s the Ethan who can talk to anybody regardless who they are and what they stand for. Ethan today just picks and pokes at everyone consistently. It’s Childish.


Diet is a valid point! I’ve switched to a Paleo diet five years ago. I’ve since gotten off of 14 prescription medications, including 2 meds for ADHD, an anti-anxiety drug, an anti-depressant and a sleep medication. My brain is finally healed by removing grains and sugar. I now know how to behave. Fermented foods and probiotics are key components of mood and behavior. He’s 100% correct!!!


He’s so right about the microbiome effecting mood. Eat lots of fiber and fresh fruits and veggies because it feeds your “good” bacteria which will keep you thin and happy. It’s so much more than calories in calories out.


When I entered college, I had no clue at what career I was going to earn a living, but I did have a powerful idea then: that I wanted to encounter God and find peace of mind. I am on social security now and never did earn more than a modest living. But I am happy to report that along the way, I did find God and peace of mind. Hasn't always been easy, but regrets are few.


Amazing how this has aged. Ethan has totally become who Peterson is warning him about.


One of the things that makes me depressed is having to live with roommates which are oft times strangers. I have got a lot of abuse from room mates. All people deserve a home but a house that has to be shared with one or more strangers is not a home; especially these days where people are so egotistical.


We're so caught up in what's trending, looks and social status. As a society, we've lost sentiment. Little by little, person by person we can get it back. Just my take on the many reasons depression, anxiety and stress runs rampid. Peterson is an intellectual genius by the way. Love his content!


We have the wrong expectations. We want to be happy all the time.


"watch out for your bread yall"


Jordan Peterson is right that countries that have a high standard living require a lot from its citizens in terms of work output. I was vacationing in Singapore about a month ago. I asked several of the local taxi drivers what they thought about living in Singapore. They each said that unless you're filthy rich, you work all the time. There is no such thing as relaxing 1-2 days out of the week. I live in the Philippines now and all I can say is that the people here seem a lot happier with a hell of a lot less and they do work hard, but they pace themselves and seem to enjoy each other's company a great, great deal. They're also a lot less anxious than my compatriots in the U.S. and seem to tolerate the inconveniences of life a lot better than Americans.


Thank you👍🏻. Another thing about depression, I’ve come to the conclusion, that mobile phones have played a role. It’s not only adults who are now afflicted with depression it’s all ages. Anxiety depression and fear. Cheers mate.
