Why You Will Never Have a Great Career - Jordan Peterson

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Speaker: Jordan Peterson Thanks for watching!
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Hate when interviewers ask "Why did you chose us?"
I'm trying to survive in this cruel world and I believe you can help me.


This is why i hate jobs applications and job interviews. They always assume you want a career in whatever field their job is in. And they always assume you REALLY want that job for some reason other than money. I really want to just tell them that I don’t want the job they are offering, I just want a job so i can eat and pay my bills.


I agree. I was in my mid 30's when I discovered that I indeed had a career, but what I wanted was a job, and a life outside of my career. Work to live, not live to work.


Hobbies is what defines you. If you do your Hobbies well...you are already a competent man in real Life.


Just remember: there's a reason why a job pays a lot and or has a lot of demand. Dangerous, time consuming, travel heavy, high education needed, etc.


"Why do you want this job?"

why else would I show up to this place I don't want to be in for?.

If only honesty was a thing in job hunting.


... “the mass of men lead lives of quiet desperation”


I don’t remember ever wanting a career. Even now I don’t want a career. I want a job that pays as much as possible for as little effort as possible. My passion is reading books, writing, and walking in the woods and visiting new places, meeting new people. That’s all I’ve ever wanted to do. So I’ve worked really hard to progress in an industry I don’t particularly feel excited about but has now rewarded me with being very good at it and being able to “demand” things that employers will actually give me. So now I work a part time home office job and I get paid very well compared to the effort I put in (it’s taken a lot of years hard effort to be in a position where I can do the thing standing on my head). The people are nice, the job’s easy, I hang out with my dog in my office until the bell goes at 4pm and then the rest is mine. And this is fine for me. It’s enough.


This guy nails it. Most people place too much emphasis on their jobs in their lives. Let's put it this way, when you're on your deathbed you're not going to think about how good you were at your job or career. Work to live, not live to work.


You don't have to find significant purpose in your job to enjoy it. I'm in the military (corpsman), the "fulfillment" I found was more related to the relationships I formed with the people around me, not the job itself, which is extremely repetitive and not like what you see in Hollywood.

I found pleasure in basic and simple jobs too. But don't put too much weight on it, nurture the other parts of you (social life, romance, hobbies, religion, etc) to find your whole purpose, don't just rely on your career, that's one puzzle piece.


I’m extreme blessed when I was 17 I would just hang out at the local music store I’m 28 now and get literally paid to do that . A little more complicated now but I still can’t believe I’m so blessed to work at a music store . Someday I will be teaching as well as doing sales and customer service .


Why don’t high schoolers get this lesson? Maybe we wouldn’t have so many people who owe insurmountable student loans.


Find peace at home.
I worked in broadcasting for a few years thinking this is where I can start my career. After 3 years of 80 hours a week, I realized I would rather be less "successful" and more happy.
Now I make half of what I used to, but I have time to actually live my life.


My mom is a lawyer running a small scale legal aid company. While it is a very demanding job, she has definitely found a fufillment for her desire for interpersonal relationships through her jobs.. Because she herself acts as a humanr ather than money hungry lawyer. Don't underestimate the power of the individual regardless of the environment.


Lies we were told growing up:
You will get a career
You can be ANYTHING you want to be when you grow up
Be nice and kind to others and you will get the same in return
You were the most beautiful baby in the world.
If you need help just ask.


I became a lead singer for Cirque du Soleil years ago, and this could not be more accurate.

Worked my ass off to get there my entire life. Did not have time to see friends from school really, and didn’t party in my teenage years, which I didnt mind, because I was very focus and disciplined.

I cannot even start to tell you how much Ive sacrificed indeed, it has been difficult, competitive and stressful at times ITS CRAZY to do that, I’ve often thought. I thought of quitting so many times just cause its been too much sometimes, the travelling every week, not seeing my close ones, missing almost all the important events in there lives. I cried so many times and burned out myself twice. I’ve even done shows with broken bones.

But somehow. I’VE NEVER FELT LIKE IT WAS A JOB, and SACRIFICES DIDNT FEEL AS BAD as they were because I was PASSIONATE about it. I just feel like Im doing exactly what I’m supposed to be doing! Im good at it and know it so well.

I had to find a job during the two years pandemic. And you know what happened?

Turned out… as much as I woukd really want to be with my family all year long and just have a quiet job.. It made me miserable! Having a job got me depressed and sick. At the end of two years… I knew I wouldnt be able to keep having a job. Because I didnt feel accomplished, i didnt feel particularly great at it, I wasnt able to perform well, cause I just didnt have the interest for it. It clearly wasn’t my calling.

I’m so proud of myself and especially greatful for everything I’ve accomplished career wise so far.

But I’m also 37 years old now. And I haven’t had the chance to have any long term relationships. Travelling made it difficult to build something with someone. To have a strong and solid foundation, while I always had to go!

I’m the eldest of three girls. Im the big sister and always loved taking care of everyone. I’ve also always wanted to have kids, since I was a teenager. We all thought I would have been the first to marry, settle down and have kids and that’s it.

The weirdest part is that despite the fact that I started doing it very young, I was always doing it as a hobby, for FUN! I could have never guessed in a million years at the time that I would end up singing for a living for real!

Because I didnt have to think about it as “maybe” a career before I was 21 and had to decide what to study in college.

And even then - choosing to study music and give a shot at a career as a singer, was a bold move. I come from a very small village and no one did that professionally in my family. So I had no expections! No idea of anything hahaha.

So, I totally relate to what he is saying.


As a med student, I can assure you that 60 hour work weeks are what's considered cushy hours. 80 hours are the norm for some surgeons and many residents. It's why a lot of younger doctors are trying to unionize to fight for better working conditions for doctors. We are simply not paid or treated well enough for the amount of difficulty it takes to become a doctor.


Oh boy! He shatters perceptions of 'my' reality unlike anyone!


Life with meaning - includes rich relationships with others ( unselfish love given) and finding one’s purpose or helping others find theirs


I totally agree with everything he said. My Niece became a lawyer and within the FIRST year she QUIT!!! She said she could see how easy it would be to go down the rabbit whole of putting life aside in order to maintain this crazy profession. She's now a stay at home Mom.raising her three sons 🤗❤
