Become Indifferent by What They Do! (PART 2)

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#mentalhealth #stephanielyncoaching #narcissisticabuse #emotionalabuse #selflove

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Knowledge is power. The more you study and know your audience you give yourself permission to rise above their toxic/harmful behavior. Awesome content 👍🏽👍🏽


Don't allow the person who didn't love you, keep you from the one who will.
💙YouTuber That Helps People Overcome Toxic Relationships


I’ve let too many days be ruined because I cared about what they thought of me. I think I’ve finally crossed that hurdle. I’ve let it go and now I can “put it on the shelf” and enjoy my days. 😊


I’ve literally been watching your videos for two years straight. My relationship of 3 years ended May 2020 and within the same month I stumbled across one of your videos. Now anytime I’m having a toxic thought or obsessing over them I head straight to YouTube to just listen to a video of yours. Thank you!


Thank you for every single word. Your advice is POWER when dealing with abusive narcisistic people.


This is awesome stuff. Once they can't play they don't stay. The best thing for you!


This is extremely empowering and insightful. Never get tired of watching your videos, Stephanie. Thank you!


Thank you I only wish I heard this month's ago. I had a long rough road in accepting who he is. However I'm out 6 months! I'm happy and life is great and gets better every day!


If you don’t have any expectations, no one can hurt you


Doing this more and more taking their power away over me it empowers you by not being reactive where they have own their own bs


Wow!…these 2 videos really spoke to me. The thing that spoke to me the most was the going back to self, focusing on yourself, doing self care to handle these kinds of situations. That was huge…thanks Stephanie. You rock!


Stephanie, I've been watching your videos for about a year now. I came across your videos when I first separated from my ex a year ago. You have played a pivotal role in my healing process. I've had a few therapists but honestly, you've been my best therapist. I'll listen to your videos while driving, before bed, while exercising. You are just so spot on regarding narcissists and relationship. If it weren't for your videos, I'm not sure I would be in such a healthy place today so from the bottom of my heart, thank you. Please keep making these videos. They changed my life and I'm sure they are changing others' lives as well.


Stephanie, your knowledge on these topics is extremely validating. My healing process has excelarated bc of you. Thank you so much for creating this content. May revealed blessings surround you forever 🙏 ✨️


Epic. Thank you so much, your videos are exactly what I needed!


I've been struggling with this lately. I've definitely have been ruminating over the past about those who hurt me. Definitely has to do with low self esteem and insecurity on my part. Happy Friday Steph 🙂


My toxic adult daughters have told me that I’m not taking accountability for my actions and I’m blame shifting because I’ve finally called them out on their abusive behavior towards me and told them that they can’t verbally and emotionally abuse me ( for years ) They’re 40 and 32 years old and expect me not to finally react to it and so I guess standing up for myself is not taking responsibility or accountability for my actions ~ I even suggested counseling together and they said no.


Your videos have honestly helped me so much with dealing with my anxious attachment style. So grateful I found your channel.


For out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks.


Wish you all the best Stephanie. You are significant person and you are helpful for so many of us who is searching for true life.


Thank you very much for this timely video because I'm still having a lot of trouble not reacting to those amongst us who delight in hurting their fellow humans!
In fact, I told a highly narcissistic and disturbed man I know to f**k off recently, as he expects me to stop whatever I'm doing to keep him company for hours when he spots me while I'm out and about.
I'm 62 years old and he's about 40 and I've known him on and off for many years, which is a very long story. I finally managed to get him to leave me alone for a couple of years, but made a HUGE mistake by getting caught up with him one night. He's difficult to get away from though and follows, or walks along with, people when they say they have to go.
He also comes across as a shy and sweet person, yet he's dangerous, especially in regard to women.
He used to talk to me about issues with his on/off ex and felt like I was a mother figure at first, until he rang and dumped her AGAIN one night, then propostioned me, as he thought that I wanted to sleep with him. I can assure you that I've never had any attraction to him whatsoever!
Unfortunately, I ended up having an accident at home about two months ago and hurt my head and broke my collarbone, which was partly caused by the stress with him and an abusive family member.
I'm getting carried away again (too late though), so I'll stop myself. I'll do my best to memorise the responses and, hopefully, I'll be safe because this man is a self-confessed vindictive person. ❤
