NO CONTACT Only Works When You Do THIS!

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Going no contact is perhaps one of the most powerful things you can do. If someone else is losing interest or retracting energy, or if you've just moved through a relationship, one of the most powerful things you can do to really move on and to also at the same time stop tuning to somebody else is to go no contact, meaning you have no contact.

You do not reach out. You do not find out how they're doing. You do not creep on their Instagram. These are things that you do in order to go no contact, which has so many benefits, I'm gonna explain in a minute, but it only really works when you do what I share
with you in this video.

A lot of people do this the wrong way and because they do it the wrong way they don't actually reap the benefits of it.

So, when talking about no contact, I've made videos about this before. Some of my most popular videos talks about what happens when you energetically go no contact.

But basically in a nutshell, what happens is when you're with somebody else, your energy fields are very intertwined, energy fields are very connected. And what happens is when you are even thinking of somebody else and you are around them a lot, you end up sharing fields in a way, energy fields.

And what ends up happening as well is when you're thinking of somebody, even if you're not physically around them, you'll find that you thinking about them, wanting them to come around, wanting their approval, wanting their validation, when you think of them you are literally energetically sending them energy.

I know this sounds esoteric and kind of weird, but just I've seen this happen so many times in my own life and other people's lives when I share this concepts and these ideas.

And what happens is when you go no contact, what you begin to do is you begin to clear the communication, clear the energy fields between you and somebody else.

Now, when you clear the energy and you stop sending that person energy you allow the other person to regroup. If it is meant to come back together you actually give space for it to do so. Now, one of the main reasons people pull away and retract their energy energetically is because they want space.

They want space. Maybe there's a little bit too much intimacy there. Maybe they have intimacy blocks. Maybe they want space because there's some type of needy energy there.

Sometimes that happens, where the way somebody tries to control the dynamic is they're like, "Okay, I'm gonna get this person to come around. "I'm gonna talk to them a lot. "I'm gonna send them a whole bunch of messages."

And the more you do that the more it actually blocks it from working, the more you actually push that person away.

And when you retract your energy and you bring your energy back and you stop trying to control everything, everything ends up working out and you allow and you give space and you give space for somebody to realize how much they appreciate you.

Or you give them space and then you in your own energy realize that maybe it wasn't actually conducive for you, maybe it actually wasn't the healthiest thing for you.

But in general, the reason letting go and the reason going no contact is so powerful is because you stop projecting energy at somebody else.

Now, imagine this, imagine you're saying, "This person is not doing what I want them to do. "They're not texting me back. "I feel like they're in resistance. "They don't understand the dynamic that we have. "I don't get it. "What's going on here."

You're feeling resistance. And when you feel resistance and then you think of that person, you're literally sending resistant energy to them. And when they think of you they're feeling the energy you're projecting at them.

So it's like the resistance is being projected at them. They feel that. And then it repels them even more. And they say, "I want more space. "I want more space."

And going no contact is what you do is you stop sending them energy. You stop sending them resistance. You stop even energetically thinking about them. You start focusing more on yourself.

You start focusing more on your own, being in your own body, doing your own things in life, being around your own friends, living according to your own integrity, following your own purpose.

You are being called to right now, I believe to bring the energy back to yourself. Pull your energy back, bring it back to yourself. When you do that, you then start to feel more safe in your own body.

I've seen this happen so many times with people that are having trouble letting go of their ex and they're thinking about them and they're trying to make it work and they're texting them a lot.

And then I say, "Yo, pull your energy back. "Put the energy within yourself. "Put the energy within your own life. "Live by according to your own values. "Follow your own purpose."
Рекомендации по теме

Changed my whole day ☺️ was sending energetic resistance to *him* since i woke up. So far 9 days no contact. I wanted a committed relationship, he didn’t want the same thing. I couldn’t force him to want the same thing so I said goodbye and so did he. He was 1000% a soulmate, but I know Im worthy of a committed relationship with someone im extremely attracted too on a spiritual and physical level at the same time 🥰 I know what I want and I wont settle for less. Wish everyone the best xo


This is why when you go no contact and 40 days in you all of a sudden realize you aren't thinking of them much anymore and POOF they call u.


No contact no reaction no snooping on social media no drive bys best thing I ever learned in therapy 🙏🏻 actually saved my life from a toxic marriage 🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻


“You’re not doing no contact to get them back” love that.


No contact helps you love yourself even more 💯


Might be weird cause i ve never thought i would comeback here to comment but here i AM: Well, after 10 months of no contact with my bf (cause i ve never seen him as an ex even we broke up and we went thourh no contact situation) but i was aulways feeling and believe that this aint over even if EVERYONE in my life were saying yeah u r fuking dreaming you r getting old you should settle down, time is going fast .. I choosed to stay faithful to him never dated any guy and boom out of no where in a random friday day he traveled from his contry to mine to ask me for reconciliation with a heart crying and really loving, after 6 month then we got engaged, life is beautiful and most of all god is real, i pray for all of you to get wht you want and feel the fulfulliment you're looking for, keep in mind, ANAYTHING IS POSSIBLE and dont believe anyone saying to you it's not, lovee❤


No contact isn't to "get the other person back, " no contact is for YOU. If you do no contact correctly, you get the time and perspective to see that relationship for what it was and realize someone better is on their way. It's easy to think, when you're wrapped up in someone, that just because they're the best you've had so far it means they're the best you'll ever get. Most of the time, if you really committed to no contact and invested all that energy back into yourself, by the time your ex shows back up you've taken reconciliation off the table.


Some people need to realise that everyone we meet actually teaches us something about ourselves to,
I’ve gone no contact because I’m doing me


I love this and what Aaron says about “stop abandoning yourself.” I think he is describing the ideal state for no contact, but I also think it’s okay to just practice the behavior of no contact even if you can’t get a person out of your head. Fake it til you make it. If you have an anxious attachment style, it will be very hard to stop focusing thoughts on a person, but Aaron’s advice of stopping the social media stalking and all forms of contact will be a great place to start. Eventually you will get there energetically too.


Exactly 👌💯 Detach move on. We meet people in life for a reason. Never regret relationships it was what we wanted at that time. Good Memories and sometimes lessons . Self love always ❤✌️🌎


No contact is to get energy back not to be spiteful. Brilliant advice ❤️


I love how you supported having a conversation before you go no contact and displaying vulnerability. Often times going no contact may seem like ghosting someone, but what sets them apart is having just that one conversation before you decide to step away.


My ex really hurt me. I thought everything was good and I felt secure. She out of nowhere broke up with me right after I moved 200 miles to be close to her after driving there every weeekend for about 5 months, through snow storms, covid lockdown restrictions, I was crushed. She always kept in contact though, I finally got her to admit she liked this other guy more but he was married and he left his wife to be with her. Well, her always contacting me and checking on me always kept me in a broken hearted state. I finally blocked her on everything and I started feeling 100 times better. When I'd talk to her I would get so happy and feel on top of the world, then I'd feel so depressed and sad. Forget about your ex, she's stealing your energy.


No I’m going no contact because I’m done! I was giving love, compassion and wanted to be there for this man. I was faithful, I shared everything I had. I was a woman. I was there when he was drunk. I was there when he felt like alone. I was there when he needed encouragement. Im done! He lost a friend as well. Im not chasing him no more. I never want to see him ever again in life. I forgive him. Just don’t want to ever see him again. He loved to see me hurting.


No contact helps you in so many different levels. It’s helped me loving myself and knowing my self worth. I have been in no contact for 3 months now and I still have my days not gonna lie but at the end of the day I got me ❤


I’ve been no contact for 2 years . Best thing I ever did!


The mission in your message is so relevant. Please never stop providing your knowledge and healing


I can relate to all of this. I know for a fact that I have an anxious attachment style and the person that interests me often takes over my mind completely.

I am going no-contact, but I still occasionally have dreams with this person where I'm attempting to seek their validation. It's hard to fall asleep in the first place because of the conversations I keep imagining. It sucks.


~. It's crazy how many screwed over people there are. I too have a complicated AF situation and doing the work of self improvement an no contact for the sake of my mental health.
Thank you for your assistance and guidance through out this mission my guy. 🙏🏻🙌🏼

Hope everyone here finds the strength within to get through whatever it is your struggling with. Im taking it as a "new start, clean slate" mentality so hope that helps.
Have a great day and remember...

No contact isn't to get a significant other back but to get YOU back. 💥

One day at a time. 👊🏼😏


This makes perfect sense. It’s as if you’re in my head right now. Amazing.
