'These HEALTHY Foods Will COMPLETELY HEAL YOUR BODY!' | Mark Hyman & Lewis Howes

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Dr. Mark Hyman is leading a health revolution—one revolved around using food as medicine to support longevity, energy, mental clarity, happiness, and so much more.

Dr. Hyman is a practicing family physician and an internationally recognized leader, speaker, educator, and advocate in the field of Functional Medicine. He’s the founder and director of The UltraWellness Center, is the Head of Strategy and Innovation of the Cleveland Clinic Center for Functional Medicine, AND is the Board President for Clinical Affairs for The Institute for Functional Medicine.

Somehow, in the midst of all this, he’s a twelve-time New York Times bestselling author. He’s also a regular medical contributor on several television shows and networks, including CBS This Morning, the Today Show, Good Morning America, The View, The Dr. Oz Show, and CNN.

And, as if all that weren’t enough, Dr. Mark Hyman hosts the leading health podcast The Doctor’s Farmacy. On his podcast, he shares a wealth of information about how our food choices are affecting our health and what we can do about it.

Needless to say, he’s an expert. Dr. Hyman is one of my favorite people to learn from about health because he is so honest about what’s going on. He’s really got humanity’s best interest at heart.

And he’s coming out with a new book (which we discuss in our interview)! After listening to this episode, Grab a copy of The Pegan Diet: 21 Practical Principles for Reclaiming Your Health in a Nutritionally Confusing World.

But for now, join me on Episode 1,075 to learn about how food can heal or harm our bodies, how we can live longer, and how we can improve mental health with Dr. Mark Hyman!
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My mom always said anything WHITE (bleached) is no good. The greener the vegetables, the better. My mom rarely ate meat, except for occasionally meatballs (she was Italian). I never saw my mom ever eat a piece of steak. Sweet potatoes, never WHITE.. She believed in vitamins. Lots of vitamin supplements- Waaay before there was any health food or vitamin stores existed! It was Brown rice, pasta, lots of salads. She drank only black coffee, not even sweetener. She didn't need to exercise. She mowed the lawn, weeded grass, cut down and trimmed trees, cleaned out gutters, she was literally Non -stop. She started all of this, because she was diagnosed with "Mediterranean Anemia" AKA Thalassemia. They originally thought she had Leukemia. That's how low her hemoglobin and hematocrit, etc were. They refused her B12 injections, and just told her to just eat liver, which she hated. She decided to STUDY even how vitamins were MANUFACTURED. This was in 1960 -( NO Google etc.) She was furious that MDs had no answers for her., so it was up to her. As kids, we thought she was crazy. Well she lived to 103. Still ambulatory, super strong. Walked with a cane, if necessary, never took prescriptions . She Exercised for balancing and strength only. She complained her whole life, how doctors were started going as "specialists." Her famous line was, " One day soon, there's going to be a right ear doctor and a left ear doctor. " Lol. She was truly waaaay ahead of her time. I really miss her. Love you mom 💕💕 you were always right! ❤


My Grandmother lived to 96 yrs old. She was one of 11 siblings, 9 of the 11 lived longer than 92 with the longest sibling making it to 101. One of things my grandmother and great grandmother stressed was pay attention to how you feel after you ate something, even if it tastes really good, if it makes you feel bad, takes away your energy, gives you a head ache don't eat it, , and focus your attention to the foods you ate right before you felt at your best., And on top of that my grandfather worked at C&H Sugar on the Island of Oahu Hawaii, he worked in the department that was responsible for the bleaching of the sugar to make it white, every time the subject of sugar came up he lectured us on how toxic the bleaching chemicals were and we were not allowed sugar


"...Food is medicine, and quality matters." Amen!


It is said that the Native Americans only killed what was needed AND gave THANKS for the SACRIFICE of that being for their nourishment. Total respect for life & land.


I don't know who was the first to inform me about the whole carbs insulin resistance thing but it has been two years now and at 69 I feel and look as good as this guy...
Two years ago I believed the end was near. Arthritis had me crippled for a week... I had a belly but not really fat otherwise.... Also suffering from asthma and chronic sinus infection.... I stopped all the bread and pancakes cookies cakes and beer... Skipped breakfast.. Within six months I felt alive again... Now planning a trip to Europe with my niece... Thanx you guys


I love that Lewis gives his guest the whole room to talk without interruption.


What a lovely person. I never tire of listening to Dr Hyman's intelligence and honesty. And love his lack of BS.


I teared a little listening this because I am an advocate for health and good eating since I was a child... and hurts me when I see friends and family members that I truly love going to the road of self destruction with the way they eat and they choose not to change -
Love this video ♥️


I have always loved Dr.Hyman’s straight-forward approach. Your food must fit you. “The smartest doctor in the room is your own body.” Great advice!


1. A healthy diet that works for you
2. Functional social network
3. Sense of purpose
4. Activity/excercise
=Possibility of long life


how I wish everyone was required to listen to this just once!


My neighbor used to raise horses. He told me he never gave his horses corn because it would make them unmanagable. Horse sense!!


My grandmother lived to be 102 years old. She had no health issues. Took only vitamins. She said to grow and eat your own food: veggie garden, nut trees and free range chicken.


Mark Hyman has given me back the will to live, I’ve been ill for 17 years and want to come over to his clinic as soon as we are safe to travel... So thankful 🙏🏽


2 things I’ve learned since going keto about 7 months ago or so. 1. As he’s said many times in this interview- food is medicine. 2. Good health = happiness & wealth.


8:50 Things to eliminate:
1. High fructose corn syrup.
2. Trans/Hydrogenated Fats.
3. Additives you can't pronounce.


I learned all of this when I was 17 and had a baby. After my daughter was born, I ate plant-based for three months. That changed my life. You are what you eat. Truly.


*Every family has a person who breaks the chain of poverty. I hope you will be that person!*


There is also the depression that comes from being fat and in pain.
It took till the age 67 to get completely unbearable... Asthma, Arthritis, sinus problems, fatigue.... I could see I had a belly... Got away from carbs... Lost 9 kilos and I feel like I have a new extension on life. It took only about six months


" Mark the perfect man and behold the upright, for the end of that man is peace." Psalm 37 37
