You Should Never Use Probiotics or Fermented Foods If......

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In today's video I discuss when you should never use fermented foods or probiotics.

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I cured 20 year staph battle with eating large amount of sour kraut every day


Well, actually, first of all, this is not the truth for everybody: there are people all over the world healing from every ailment (especially gut issues) thanks also to fermented foods. Furthermore, the key here is to understand wich fermented foods are good for your particular situation and, then, slowly introduce them, test how you feel and build it up to a good amount...
This can dramatically help to fight the infections that are causing our immune system to flare... sorry for unperfect english, but I' m from Italy, hope it' s clear, anyway.


I'm of Afrikan descent and have started using milk kefir and feel awesome although I could sense some changes in my bodily functions, nothing serious at all though. My son, who is also of Afrikan descent is severely autistic and epileptic as well as chronic gastrointestinal and autoimmune system issues all relative to his health; he is also born with Down syndrome. I have paid zillion over the majority of his almost 21 years and as said recently started making milk kefir and OMG! The differences it has made to his system has been most immediate. I am grateful for the information, but each to his own and I think any suggestion about how to approach changing dietary issues should be slow and steady progress. For example 4 weeks into using home made milk kefir, my son went from one teaspoon 3 times a day and 4 weeks later we're about to add an extra teaspoon to the mix. I truly can't believe how great this is going! As for me I went straight in at half a glass twice a day for 2 days to a full glass twice a day and breaking my fast with it around midday. Go well and peace to you all🥰


I’m Japanese. Must eat fermented foods.
American foods killing me.
Do u drink, use and eat Wine, vinegar & chocolate r fermented foods....


What about the research that shows that fermented foods and probiotics actually CURE sibo better than antibiotics?


ACV helped me. I dont mix it in water and drink, that makes my gut worsen. I have chronic gerd, gastritis.  I mix the ACV with my food ( just a little) everytime i eat, works for me. No more indigestion, bloating, gassy, hurting tummy. But one thing that really helped me was COLLAGEN it really helps my gut health and my anxiety. I take collagen powder ( i just dissolve it in half glass of water on an empty stomach), and i have collagen injections every week ( just for 3 months) and of course dont forget the bone broth ( homemade, not from the groceries). Hope this helps.


Yep. But the reason we have gut and immune issues is because we have bad gut flora....


I hate when people give negative opinions with no answers.


And yet another video only talking about possible problems and not about possible solutions. Seriously, at this rate I'm gonna stop listening to anyone and just eat whatever I want :-/


My experience with fermented foods and probiotics has been mostly good - my digestion is better than it ever has been, but i do think I may have overdone it with my homebrewed kombucha experiments... I may have been drinking too much and felt a little weird for a bit.


Thanks. I can't afford the stool sample test, and the fermentation is free, so what I will do is ease into fermentation, using one vegetable at a time, gradually adding another, then another, as the months go by.


Real quote from a keto dieter I heard, “I think my gut is really healing well! I haven’t used the bathroom in a week! It’s awesome” 😬😬No joke😂 great vid man. 👍🏼


Definitely disagree with this video. One of the reasons why is because before going all in with probiotics, you need to fast. Go without eating allow your body to naturally balance the bacteria naturally and slowly eat small amounts as you break the fast. Every single vegetable police fast he noticed no digestion problems of course because he stop eating and thus the body start to correct the bacteria balance. Some people need to stop eating and fast ok.


A wonderful piece of advice to anyone who wants to hear it: listen to videos like this in 1.5 or 2x speed. I can understand all the info just the same and it relieves me of the pain of sitting through a long video where I have no idea where the useful info will be.


The problem is when your stomach is not acid enough and the bacteria gets stuck in the small intestine instead of travelling to the large intestine, youll feel like hell, drink apple cider vinegar and eat more potassium and Salt to fix your gut.


You need to site more evidence to make your point. You say the scientific literature...well, what scientific literature? What studies? You didn't mention one.


Is there scientific data about use of probiotics and auto immune flare-ups? It sounds reasonable but i would be interested in scientific data about it


Dr Dreger never said go load up on tons of fermented foods. He says eat pre-biotics (fiber). Increase the diversity of fresh, whole plant foods. He has always been a bigger promoter of fresh over fermented or probiotics. Don't play on ignorance.


Fermented food is consume since ancient time when people’s lifespan is longer.


